Chapter 157 Meeting (1)
When Wang Chen returned to the restaurant and went upstairs to find Shang Hua's family, the two men in the room had already dealt with it, and the two men on the ground also woke up and hid in their rooms to take a shower.

Entering the room, Wang Chen's complexion was very bad. The smell in the air can enter the lungs with the breath without any deliberation. Wang Chen attacked them first.

The specific situation is unknown to the people who have been waiting to watch the play in the restaurant, but since that day, they have not seen the family in the restaurant or even in the town, and even when the town was full of rumors, they did not see it. See them appear.

Leaving aside the situation on the restaurant side, Mingyu on the other side put down the two cockroach brothers, thinking that it was a rare trip to the town, so he thought about walking around the town and going back, anyway, it was still too early to go to Papa Amao’s place .

So Mingyu thought he was extravagant and ate a bowl of beef noodles at the noodle shop, and went shopping happily.

In other words, although Hetang Town is very close to Nanyang Town, it only takes a few minutes to come here quickly, but because of the cash, I have never visited this ancient and simple town so much.

Don't panic if you have money in your hand, you don't have a lot of money in your pocket, at least there is a possibility to think about it, Mingyu's heart is a little bit ready to move.

When Mingyu was standing in front of a stall selling bead flowers, thinking about whether she should also take out the head flowers she had made during this period of time, she seemed to hear someone calling her name.

"Sister Mingyu, it's really you, are you here to go shopping?"

Mingyu looked back, and it turned out to be Xiawu Village. The man named Xiaotian last year had two people beside her, a strange and cold young man, who looked very young. I wonder if he was 20 years old. If he could In fact, Mingyu also wants to call him a boy, but Xiaotian is just a boy, and there is a boy who looks like sunshine.

"Xiaotian, it's you, why did you come to Nanyang Town?"

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, Mingyu abandoned the stall and didn't think about setting up the stall anymore. He walked one meter away from Xiaotian and glanced curiously at the man beside him. He had an expressionless face and was slightly indifferent. Knowing is a person who is not good at words, no, it's not that he is not good at words, but that he doesn't like to be more precise.

The temperament of the other party is unknown for the time being, but Mingyu likes that face, it is rare for someone who is pleasing to the eye, so Mingyu forgot the taboo and glanced a few more times, but fortunately the other party didn't care.

Noticing Mingyu's curiosity, Xiaotian introduced enthusiastically: "Sister Mingyu, these two are my cousin, cousin, this is Sister Mingyu, sister Mingyu came to the village to pick rapeseed, we helped busy."

The two brothers of the Zhong family already knew about Xiaotian's business in the village. Zhong Quan didn't think much about it, but Zhong Lin admired his little cousin's mind very much. A way to earn pocket money.

So impulsively, young Zhong Lin decided to stay at his uncle's house during the period of picking tea seeds. Not only is no one worried, maybe some people will die of joy because there are two less people who eat rice.

Mingyu smiled and nodded at the two of them friendly, and said in a distant and polite way: "Hi, I'm Mingyu."

Zhong Quan just took a look at Mingyu, nodded in a friendly manner, and then turned his head to look at the town without paying attention to Mingyu. It seemed that the glance was just a reminder from his cousin. I cared, but I also stopped thinking about making good friends with the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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