Chapter 164 Marriage (1)

Zhong Lin was really happy, and holding Zhong Quan's hand, he asked excitedly, "Is this the famous Baohe Church in Nanyang Town?"

Zhong Quan nodded, as long as Xiao Lin is happy.It's really Baohetang. Baohetang is different from Wangji restaurant. There are several towns nearby, but there is no branch of Baohetang, and among so many towns, Baohetang has the best reputation and reputation. , if he can study in Baohetang, he will be able to learn a lot of useful things.

Seeing his younger brother's happy appearance, Zhong Quan was also very happy. Baohetang, a time-honored drug store, was the only one he had seen in the capital, and it was also owned by one of the aristocratic families, the Ling family. The Ling family was a family of medicine for generations. But unlike Wang's restaurant, the Ling's pharmacy is not everywhere.

The Ling family only had one or only one shop in a particularly prosperous city. What Zhong Quan didn't expect was that there was also a Baohetang here. It was not surprising to find out that the mountains and forests here were rich in medicinal materials.

It would be great if Xiao Lin could learn medicine in Baohetang. Maybe he could open a medicine shop by himself after learning it well!In this way, Xiaolin's future life is guaranteed, and he doesn't have to worry about it.

Xiao Lin was 12 years old a few years ago, and in another four or five years, he will reach the age of marriage. In four or five years, he will definitely stay in the village, there will be no changes, and he will be able to rely on him.

Well, maybe he can marry Xiao Lin, maybe he can see his little nephew!When Xiao Lin gets married, if he has something, Xiao Lin himself will grow up by then.But no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, maybe his worries are superfluous.

Thinking of this, Zhong Quan didn't worry so much anymore.

The two brothers of the Zhong family rushed back to Qiaocun on the same day, and although Mingyu was not bid farewell, she knew what the two brothers were capable of, so she was not too worried. Besides, she knew that the two brothers were not villagers near Nanyang Town, so she had to go back every day. At home, it's not strange not to go up the mountain today, so naturally I don't worry even more.

Now Mingyu is worrying!
What do you want to ask?
It is exactly what Xu has been talking about.

On this day, Mingyu just found a green grass in the distance, cut it home, chopped it up and fed it to the fish, and then was dragged by Shi Shi to the Shijia, thinking that there was something urgent, but unexpectedly, there was something wrong with her. .

Aunt Xu kept saying that she would introduce someone to her, but she really fell in love with a boy without going through many investigations. When she found out more specifics, she asked her to come over to discuss.Of course, Mingyu, who was dragged home by Shishi at this time, didn't know why Mrs. Xu wanted her.

"Mingyu is here, come and sit down."

Seeing Mingyu coming, Mrs. Xu stretched out her hand and pulled Mingyu to the living room, let Mingyu sit on the side, didn't say anything, but looked Mingyu up and down carefully, and then seemed more and more satisfied. nodded.

That look made Mingyu look straight, why did he have the feeling of looking at the pork and seeing where it would be more suitable for him to cut, Mingyu hurriedly winked at Shi Shi, is your mother going to make a fuss like that?It makes people flustered.

Shi Shi shook her head, she didn't know, her mother asked her to call Mingyu as soon as she got home, she was also very curious.

Seeing that Shi Shi didn't know, Mingyu turned her eyes for help to Grandma Wang, who was there with an old god. Since Grandma Wang moved to the Shijia Wanshi Sunzu, she has become an old lady, smiling all day long.Seeing Mingyu's eyes begging for help, Grandma Wang just smiled and said nothing.

Well, Mingyu had no choice but to look at Aunt Xu again with anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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