Chapter 166
As soon as he left the Shijia, Mingyu turned his face away. Shi Shi next to him looked at Mingyu's face, smiled and joked: "Why, it's my mother's fault!"

Seeing the worry in Shi Shi's eyes, Mingyu waved his hand with anger on his face, "Go, what did you say? What I just said was the truth. Aunt Xu has been worrying about me, and I still complain. Who is this? Besides, Aunt Xu told me before, but I didn't expect Aunt Xu to move so fast, and she found a family, and I was a little at a loss."

"Oh, I thought you were still concerned about Zhang Da!" Si Shi nodded, "I didn't say it, you should have said it, so that I can share the burden for you. It's so hard for one person. "

"I don't want to get married so early, don't I?" This is a great truth. In the past, Ben San was not in a hurry to get married, but this one is still at the same age, and he was thrown out like a day lily.

Unexpectedly, what Mingyu was thinking was this, Shi Shi was terrified instantly, "Qinglian and I are already engaged, when do you want?"

Indeed, Mingyu is now in the countryside at this age, and is already of marriageable age. It is not an old girl's problem to procrastinate, but others will think you have some hidden disease.

Mingyu had no choice but to say, "It's just a little later!" Seeing Shi Shi's disapproving eyes, Mingyu also knew that this was a difference between the two worldviews, and she couldn't explain it or integrate it, so she said, "Isn't it that I'm not ready yet?" what?"

That's good, Shi Shi just rolled his eyes, "I don't want you to marry now, isn't it still seeing each other, at least it will be next year."

"Okay, I know you are all doing it for my own good, so let's not talk about it." If you continue talking, you may not be able to compete for one, two, three, "I have caught a lot of prawns online these days, and they are all pretty good. You Didn’t you mean you want to eat? Take some back, and send some to Qinglian by the way.”

That girl is going crazy with joy because she said kiss to her sweetheart now, and now she only thinks about making clothes for her future husband, so she probably doesn't care about the two of them.

"Yeah, really!"

As expected, Epic's attention was diverted. When it came to river prawns, I thought of the deep-fried river prawns that Mingyu made last time, as well as dry-fried small shrimps.

"Go, go to your house quickly, I want to pick the biggest one, don't be reluctant."

There is no one who is reluctant to part with the things picked up in vain in the river, of course they are bought with money, if Shi Shi likes them, she is not such a stingy person, Mingyu shakes her head helplessly at the gluttonous Shi Shi.

Not long passed, that is, on the third day, Mingyu was dragged by Mrs. Xu, took a bullock cart, and went to Qishan Town.

After finding a small stall in the town for lunch, Mrs. Xu took Mingyu to the destination.

The Zhao family's grocery store is easy to recognize, because it is on the side of the main street, Dama Road, so it is called Zhao's grocery store.

Because it is not a market, the grocery store is not very lively, there are only customers in twos and threes, Mrs. Xu took Mingyu directly into the store, looked at a guy sitting on the counter, and winked at Mingyu, indicating that that is The third son of the Zhao family, let Mingyu take a good look.

Of course, the two came in pretending to be guests, so they also pretended to look at the shelves and pick out the goods. Not to mention that there are quite a lot of goods in this small grocery store. The first flower, which was going to be bought back when Shi Shi and Qinglian got married, and some practical gadgets were also selected.

Of course, while choosing things, Mrs. Xu was also secretly observing the boy from the Zhao family who greeted the business. mean.

(End of this chapter)

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