It's hard to be a peasant girl who time-travels

Chapter 192 The Matchmaker Zhang Fu

Chapter 192 The Matchmaker’s Reply (1)
Except for those epics that said they would definitely be beaten, Xu was told everything the other epics knew. After hearing this, Xu really had a better impression of Zhong Quan and decided to wait. If it is good after seeing the person, then make an appointment for this marriage.

Mrs. Xu already knew from her own daughter that Mingyu had a good impression of Zhong Quan. The most important thing was that Mingyu made it clear that everything was decided by Mrs. Xu and Grandma Wang, although Mrs. Xu had to care about the former one. But the latter one made Mrs. Xu smile.

No one wants to do bad things with good intentions, and even less like to put in all their effort to do good things, only to end up being blamed. Mingyu's trust wins Xu's heart. At least she feels that Mingyu is not a white-eyed wolf and knows how to be grateful. For their kindness to intervene, there is no resentment, this is the most important thing.

Seeing that Xu's complexion improved, Shi Shi hurriedly asked: "Mother, when will you go to see the eldest brother of the Zhong family?"

"What are you anxious about, kid? This matter can be settled so easily. Mother will naturally discuss it with your grandma. You said that the two brothers of the Zhong family are both in Nanyang Town? After discussing with your grandma, I will go to protect you." He Tang went to find the younger brother of the Zhong family."

It might snow soon, and it will be the Chinese New Year in a short time. This is really interesting, and this matter can't be too late. After a year, the girl's family will be one year old again. The Zhang family was delayed. Even if the man did not dislike Mingyu's age, others would always make irresponsible remarks. It would be best if the marriage could be settled this year, and it would be done in the spring of next year, so they could rest assured.

And this matter, I have to go to ask Mingyu what she means. If she is not her own mother, it will not be good if she cares about this matter too much. There is always a heart that can't be finished.

Mrs. Xu couldn't help thinking of those gossip women in the village who were nagging, saying that she was nosy and not her own daughter, so they just tried to get a cheap girl for nothing.Hmph, don't you just think that she accepted so many gifts from Mingyu, not to mention that she was purely kind, even if she did accept them, why would they have such a sour face?

If they have the ability, they will also meddle in their own business and go to Zhang Luo to see if Mingyu will be filial.Thinking about it, Mrs. Xu laughed again, thinking of the game that the Zhong family boys filially respected from time to time in her daughter's epic, and Mingyu's filial piety every three days. All comfortable.

After all, she has a conscience, Xu sighed.

Over there, after Qi Matchmaker left Hetang Village, she went directly to the house Zhong Quan bought in Nanyang Town. Looking at the simple but grand courtyard, Qi Matchmaker thought to herself: No wonder it’s so generous. Look at this big yard, it’s not worth a hundred taels of money. I'm afraid I can't get the silver.It is said that the yard next door was also bought by this kid. I really don't understand how such a rich kid could fall in love with such a little lady.

In the eyes of Matchmaker Qi, Mingyu is really not worthy of Zhong Quan, not only because of her too old age, but also because Mingyu is alone, although she has parents and brothers, but she is not around, it sounds like something is wrong Outside, to put it bluntly, Mingyu was abandoned.There is no natal family, not to mention that Yu lives in such a dilapidated and remote house, and you can tell that life is not good at a glance. I really don't know what the Zhong family boy likes in the other party. Is it possible that it looks good? Temperament?

But what is temperament, can you eat, drink and live?Matchmaker Qi shook her head and followed Zhong Quan into the living room. She still had a happy smile on her face. This is the quality of a matchmaker. No matter what she thinks in her heart or how she feels, she always smiles when she sees people, and even more so when she sees her employer. .

(End of this chapter)

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