Chapter 55
He knocked on the door of Shi Shi's aunt's house. Her aunt happened to be taking care of the children at home. After hearing about their intentions, Aunt Shi was very enthusiastic and wanted to take Dongfang Mingyu to the Zong family, the one who wanted to buy a house!

Epic's aunt's family name is Qiu, so Mingyu also called her Aunt Qiu.

After chatting at home for a while, Aunt Qiu took Mingyu to the Zong family, while Shi Shi and Wang Yong were left at her house to help take care of the little cousin. Walking around, I am worried that I will accidentally meet Luo Kangping, who is the fiancé that Shi Shi has not officially met!

"No, this is the Zong family. It's still early, and I don't know if anyone is at home!" Before talking to Mingyu, Aunt Qiu also knocked on the courtyard door of the Zong family.

Fortunately, because the field was not busy, someone from the Zong family was at home, and the head of the family, Uncle Zong, Grandma Wang, just came back from work after inquiring about the person who was going to buy a house in Heyetang Village.

Uncle Zong is a burly man, he looks a little serious. Hearing from Mingyu that it is Hetang Village, people who agreed to buy a house yesterday, Uncle Zong’s wife hurriedly invited them into the house, and the next thing is to talk about the house. .

There is nothing much to say about this, the most important thing is to talk about the price.

Uncle Zong bought this house mainly for the second son at the head of the family. They are facing a separation, and the second son's family wants to settle in Hetang Village, which is the second daughter-in-law's natal home, so that it is convenient to take care of the daughter-in-law's elderly parents. The daughter-in-law is an only child, and they also understand.But in this way, it is necessary to build a house there, and it will be much slower to buy a homestead. I just want to buy an existing house directly, which is not very expensive.

So after asking someone to inquire, Mingyu accidentally heard the news from Grandma Wang. It happened that she found out that the house where Mu Sang lived was actually hers, and she found the deed.It is impossible to get the house back, so I can only sell it. It is more in line with Mingyu's wish to sell some money to buy rice.

It didn't take long before the two parties finally reached an agreement, and it was also because both parties were in a hurry, and Mingyu was not a fussy one, that this matter was done so quickly.

Now that the two parties reached an agreement, Uncle Zong proposed to go to the town to settle the matter. The uncle was worried that Dongfang Mingyu would renege, and Dongfang Mingyu was also worried that the other party would renege. In short, both of them agreed and were happy.

"I'm going to let my son tidy up the house in a few days. You have to tidy up first when you go back." The uncle said to Dongfang Mingyu beside the yamen.He said this because he wanted to remind Dongfang Mingyu, so as not to waste his time.

"Of course, of course, Uncle, you can move in anytime, this deed is real, you can rest assured!" Dongfang Mingyu was so forthright when he handed over the money with one hand and the deed with the other!
The county government is also quick to do things, um, a handprint, a name change, nothing happened.

Mingyu held the ten taels of silver bill tightly in his hand, and sighed in his heart: Ah, don't panic if you have money in your hand!

Hey, thanks to Hetang Village's good location, close to the town, and a lot of sunny weather, this house can find a buyer and sell for a high price. If it were in Liuping Village, it might not be so easy to handle up.

Because she was worried that Mu Sang would know the news, Mingyu didn't want to procrastinate at all. Even if she could sell at a higher price in the future, it was not because she was afraid of Mu Sang, but because she was worried that the woman would cause some trouble. Time to deal with those gossips.

(End of this chapter)

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