Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 215: Qun Lan and Nine Flowers

Chapter 215 Qunlan Jiuhua (1)
After thinking about it, she finally realized now that the person she was most worried about was actually him!
The man who reached out without hesitation when she needed her.

That Mo Zihuang who has been entangled with her in all kinds of ways.

While countless thoughts were running through her mind, the pack of wolves approached with a strong smell of blood after eating the horse meat.

Shaoyin stretched out his hand to hold a branch, and added firewood calmly, while the silver-faced man beside him saw so much green light, his eyes showed a look of excitement.

"The stars are beautiful!"

It's just that the excitement in his eyes immediately disappeared into nothingness after the firelight reflected those ferocious faces.The tall body quickly hid behind Shaoyin, trembling with fright.


Seeing his 180-degree turn around, Shaoyin couldn't help shrugging her shoulders speechlessly.

Her frail figure appeared even more slender under the firelight.But in the face of these ferocious wolves, she is still extremely calm, and her calm posture makes people feel particularly safe.

"Please protect!"

The silver-masked man felt very safe, hiding behind Shaoyin, and said weakly.

"Little Mengmeng, please protect me!"

Shaoyin was already starved to death seeing these vicious wolves, and the small fire in front of her could not stop these wolves at all.She stretched out her jade hand and poked Xiao Mengmeng, the fire moon ferret who was sleeping soundly in her arms.


A crisp cry made those wolves with fangs glowing with cold light suddenly stop their progress, and looked at them in surprise.


As Xiao Mengmeng, the fire moon ferret, emerged from Shaoyin's arms, her snow-white head appeared, and her big round eyes were full of charming splendor.With a fluffy head and fluffy soft fur, Shaoyin couldn't put it down.It usually only likes to eat all kinds of rare medicinal materials, it grows very fast, and now it has grown a lot.


The moment the wolves came up, they let out a cry of terror, and the wolves fell into fear all of a sudden.


Xiaomengmeng, the Fire Moon Ferret, screamed crisply, jumped out of Shaoyin's arms, and waved her cute little paws.The pink and tender foot pads are like beautiful peach petals.

The wolves backed away in horror, sensing the danger of the little thing, they all dared not approach it.

"Xiao Mengmeng, don't kill me, we still need a few sled pullers."

Seeing Xiaomengmeng's claws showing a cold light like blades, Shaoyin hurriedly reminded her.

The horse was eaten, they should pay her for the mount!

Xiao Mengmeng nodded, expressing that she understood what the master meant, and immediately started flirting with these wolves.

Seeing an extremely cute little mink, waving its cute paws and commanding the pack of wolves, this picture looks particularly interesting.

After resting in place overnight, Shaoyin got up early in the morning to prepare for the sled.Whenever there was heavy work to be done, this silver-masked man would start to do it neatly.He couldn't remember everything about the past, but he didn't forget the martial arts on his body. Perhaps those moves had long been an instinct.

He started to split big trees and made a simple sled according to Shaoyin's instructions.

Because he forgot his own name, Shaoyin named him Zitan after the color and texture of his clothes.

She didn't tell him her real name, but changed her name to Yun Shao.

She didn't know why when she named it, she suddenly thought of the cloud word that Shao Le often called Mo Zihuang. Maybe she chose this name just to express the unknown feelings in her heart.

When the sleigh was done, she set out again.

A large pack of wolves, pulling a sled, galloped quickly across the endless white snow field. The golden sunlight shone on the sled, as if coated with a layer of divine light, making people think that they saw a fairy car in the clouds in the sky.

A snow-white mink was lying on the back of the leader of the wolves, directing the wolves to move forward.

Although the wolves are unwilling to be driven by humans, the Huoyue ferret is the emperor beast among the spirit beasts, and the ranks of all beasts are distinct, and the high-ranking beasts have absolute authority over the low-ranking beasts.

Shaoyin didn't find anyone to ask for directions, but these wolves who had wandered in the Emerald Prairie for many years knew the map very well and led them all the way to the west.However, the only fly in the ointment is that Shaoyin doesn't know why this clingy guy is still around!

During the wind and snow along the way, trees gradually appeared around the emerald prairie.Led by the wolves, Shaoyin soon arrived at the destination of her trip, the Jiuhua Mountains.

The rolling mountains and ravines look magnificent.

Once she reached the edge of this primeval jungle, she set the wolves free.Wolves are wild animals, not everyone can control them.They sent her to the Jiuhua Mountains, which was also a complete success.

When we came to the edge of Mount Jiuhua, it was already dusk.The whole fiery red sky, accompanied by the mountains dyed by layers of forests, is full of magnificent feeling.

In the middle of the untouched virgin jungle, there is a thick fog all year round, which will never disperse.That area is the fairyland ghost land that everyone dreads.It looks like a fairy cloud, but you can't get out for a lifetime when you go in, so it is called the ghost land of fairyland.

Shaoyin stepped on the thick ground and smelled the grass blades in the air.Looking at this huge mountain forest, she felt as if she had returned to the past.

That day, she also stood at the foot of Mount Jiuhua like this, full of firm belief in her heart, she believed that she would be able to find the missing parents.Even now, she never gave up hope.If a person has no hope, then only despair is left in life.

"Zi Tan, the road ahead is dangerous, you should stay!"

Shaoyin turned his head and glanced at Zi Tan beside him, a beautiful Epiphyllum bloomed on his mask, its beauty was eternal and immortal.

"Shao'er, don't leave me behind!"

Zi Tan's dewy eyes were full of pity.The setting sun that covered the trees sifted down from the leaf tips, turning into circles of light on his body.Long sea blue hair fluttered in layers of waves in the wind.

He is obviously a handsome man, but he depends on her like a child, and he doesn't want to leave for a moment.

"Zi Tan, be good."

Shaoyin has already gotten a good grasp of this guy's temperament, and she will definitely follow him when he sees him like this.

"Don't! Don't! Shao'er, don't leave me!"

Zitan shook his head, determined to follow her.

"Life and death are up to fate, wealth is up to heaven. If you must follow, I can't protect you, everything depends on you."

Shaoyin glanced at him indifferently, and walked into the primeval forest by herself.She didn't go deep into Jiuhua Mountain immediately, but sprinkled some medicinal powder on her body, and also sprinkled medicinal powder on Zi Tan's body at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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