Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 218 Finding Him in Dreams

Chapter 218 Finding Him in Dreams (1)
"Purple Emperor! Look at the top of the mountain!"

A look of astonishment welled up in Shaoyin's agile eyes, and she stretched out her hand to pull Mo Zihuang's sleeve.

Emperor Mo Zi looked up at the towering Jiuhua Mountain, as if Hua Xu had dreamed that he saw a fairyland-like palace scattered on the sea of ​​fog.

When Shaoyin saw the magnificent palace on the cliff, he recalled in his mind the ancient ruins he saw in Mount Jiuhua, and those ruins seemed to have returned to their original appearance in an instant.

“This place is so familiar!”

She murmured in a low voice, she felt familiar with this place not only because she had been here, but also for an important reason.

She thought about it repeatedly, but couldn't remember why she felt this place was so familiar, as if she knew the topographical structure of this place completely!
A spiritual ray passed through her mind, as if shocked by the earth.

The map depicted on the treasure map hidden in the golden hairpin of the phoenix completely matches Mount Jiuhua.In other words, the location of the hidden treasure is within Jiuhua Mountain!
"My God! Where the hell have I come?"

Thinking of the treasures recorded in the Phoenix Golden Hairpin, it can be said that the treasures in it can be said to be incomparably rich, and it is also the treasure that the rebels who hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity rely on.Now in front of her eyes, the most important thing is that she still holds the key to this huge treasure house, the Phoenix Golden Hairpin.

"This is definitely a masterpiece of heaven. Who would have guessed that there are such a vast and magnificent palace group hidden in Jiuhua Mountain! I don't know who built it, it must have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources."

Countless thoughts flashed through Mo Zihuang's deep eyes, who built such a palace in Jiuhua Mountain, and what did the builder want to plot?
After seeing this dreamlike palace complex, apart from being shocked, he was more worried.He was completely ignorant of the mysteries in Mount Jiuhua. How many secrets does this Mount Jiuhua, which is almost isolated from the world, hold?
He felt that there seemed to be an earth-shattering conspiracy brewing in Jiuhua Mountain.

"Shh, there are people up there! Let's hide quickly, don't startle the snake."

Shaoyin rested her index finger on her lips, caught a glimpse of the patrol team watching from a distance, and quickly pulled Mo Zihuang to hide in the tall grass.What is the background of the people here, they still don't know anything.But she already had some guesses, but she didn't confirm it, so she didn't speak out.

"I'm going to go in and see what's going on."

Mo Zihuang didn't want to alarm these people, and it would not be so easy to sneak in.There is no need to complicate things that can be simplified.

"I'll go in with you."

Shaoyin nodded, the answer she was looking for was within this mountainside, and she had to go in.

When she approached the main peak of Mount Jiuhua, she felt that she was getting closer to the truth.The thing that kept calling her seemed to be within reach.

"Proceed with caution."

Mo Zihuang cleared his throat coldly, and gave a gentle exhortation.With a wide palm, holding her catkin, she approached the heavily guarded palaces.

Here, there is a whistle at nine steps, and a guard at ten steps, and guards with blades in their hands are always guarding the way up.

"Let's go here."

Shaoyin didn't go in from the front, but led Mo Zihuang towards the halfway up the mountain.At the beginning, she found the entrance to the mountainside at that place, and she doesn't know if it is still there.

"Ayin, you've been here!"

When Mo Zihuang saw that she was familiar with the road, his tone was already determined.It's just that he doesn't know why Ah Jiu, who has always lived in seclusion and never left Shao Mansion, has gone to Jiuhua Mountain, a fairyland and ghost land thousands of miles away!

Is she really that timid and cowardly Ah Jiu?Why is she full of secrets?
"I said I came here in a dream! Do you believe it?"

Shaoyin turned her head and said with deep meaning.She feels that she is in a dream now. Zhuang Zhou dreams of a butterfly. She doesn't know if she dreams of becoming a butterfly, or Die'er dreams of becoming a human. What is reality and what is a dream?She really can't tell the difference!

Perhaps, all of this is just a dream of being drunk for thousands of years. When he wakes up, everything will turn into nothingness.

"I believe it! Ayin, I saw you in a dream, do you believe it? I saw you in a dream very early on."

Mo Zihuang's lips moved, and his voice fell slowly.

That peach blossom rain, that dream, how many people's hearts have been tied?
"In a dream!"

Hearing this, Shaoyin met his eyes, as if she wanted to look into his dream, and there was a rippling in her moist eyes.It seems that there is a colorful peach blossom rain in front of my eyes, and the petals fall red, like red clouds and gauze, misty and blurred.

"I searched for him thousands of times in my dream! Could the person in my dream be him?"

There were layers of waves in her heart, and the blurred figure in her dream seemed to overlap with the person in front of her.

"I think you'll think it's impossible, but it's true."

Seeing Shaoyin's expression, Mo Zihuang thought that she didn't believe what he said, so he didn't ask other questions, but followed her to continue walking.He believes that everything will have a result in the end, as long as he walks along the way, he will get the answer.

Shaoyin remained silent, and stretched out her hand to brush away the snow-stained grass leaves. The untrimmed grass had already grown half a person's height.Shutting through the grass, she struggled to identify the road.

Mo Zihuang has always been by her side, and if he encounters a sharp blade of grass, he will definitely reach out to push the obstacle away for her, so as not to hurt the catkin.

"Be careful with your feet!"

Mo Zihuang caught a glimpse of a moss-like poisonous insect on the ground, and quickly grabbed her hand to stop her from falling.

I don't know how many dangers are hidden in this ancient jungle. Many things they have never seen or heard may appear here.

"It's okay, these blue bone insects can't hurt me, but you should pay more attention. These blue bone insects eat bones for a living, if they drill into the bone marrow, it will be a big trouble."

Shaoyin is very familiar with these poisonous insects, walking in this poisonous forest, she is like walking in a garden.

"I'll pay more attention."

Hearing her speak in such detail, Mo Zihuang naturally knew that she knew a lot, and was more familiar with the horror of Mount Jiuhua than he was.

Even though he knew that she had many unknown abilities, enough to deal with these dangers, he still couldn't help but want to protect her.Perhaps, this has long been a habit of his.

He wanted to see how she jumped over the dense blue bone worms and stood aside, staring at her beautiful figure with deep eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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