Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 221: Swallowing mountains and rivers with anger

Chapter 221: Swallowing mountains and rivers with anger (1)
Shaoyin couldn't see clearly what was in the darkness, and could barely see the surrounding environment with the light of Cang Huayunlei on the Mozihuang Sword.

The two of them landed on the solid ground, instead of the wine pool that Shaoyin saw at the beginning, it was a flat stone ground.The pattern of scorpion is vaguely visible on the tidy stone floor, and Shaoyin can't help but think of the Scorpio token that she accidentally obtained in the palace that day, and the Scorpio tattoo on the body of her killer.

All of these seem to be closely related. Is this place their secret base?


Mo Zihuang took out the torch and lit the candle oil next to it.


The next moment, the flames ignited along the candle oil rushed from the ground to the sky, and lit up circles around the bottom, forming a huge fire dragon.

Shaoyin was also taken aback when she saw the whole bottom light up instantly.

When the whole fire was lit up, she could see the place clearly.This is the bottom of the tiankeng, empty, without any things.It's just that she can feel something looking at her, which makes her shudder.

"There seems to be no exit here!"

Mo Zihuang took a look here, it seemed to be a closed place, and no one had been here for a long, long time.

Shaoyin didn't believe that there was no exit here, so she walked towards the stone wall beside her.These stone walls are all red, so red that it seems to be dripping blood, which made her inexplicably startled.

"This wall looks weird! There seems to be something wrong!"

She carefully stared at this huge stone wall with the help of the bright light, and always felt that something was wrong.The map inside the Phoenix Golden Hairpin appeared in her mind. This huge wall of hundreds of feet did not exist in the map originally. Could it be that it was built later?

She moved a little closer, and also picked up a fire folder in her hand, wanting to take a closer look.


Huoyue Ferret suddenly let out a sharp cry, and its little claws grabbed Shaoyin's clothes tightly, as if to pull her back.

Before Shaoyin understood what was wrong with it, he saw small black dots suddenly appear on the red stone wall.It was a pair of small eyes, reflecting her face.

There was a sudden chill on the back of her head, and her delicate body was suddenly embraced by a pair of powerful arms, and she retreated sharply.


With the power of the calcium carbide fire, the originally huge wall of hundreds of feet turned into dust and fell down.

It turned out that the huge wall was actually composed of countless finger-sized blood-colored scorpions. Once someone lit the dragon-shaped flame, these blood-colored scorpions would be alarmed.

"Scorpios are afraid of fire, let's go to the candlelight."

Shaoyin's complexion turned slightly pale, seeing the bloody scorpions all over the ground, his scalp felt numb.

"The ground here is made of red phosphorus, and it's about to burn. We have to break through."

Mo Zihuang saw that the ground beyond the place covered by the bloody scorpion had already started to ignite flames, and now they could only rush over.


He embraced Shaoyinquan in his arms, and flew towards the group of bloody scorpions piled up into a hill.

A huge bloody scorpion shook off the little scorpion on its body, climbed down from the top, and quickly crawled towards them.This blood-colored scorpion should be the king of these scorpions. I don't know how many years it has existed underground, and it is probably about to become a spirit.

Ordinary scorpios are afraid of this ordinary flame, but this huge scorpion king is not afraid, his cold eyes are full of cruel bloodthirsty.


A gust of wind blows towards his face, and Mo Zihuang dodges with Shaoyin in his arms.It's just that this underground area is full of scorpions, so they have no place to stay.If it was him alone, he could easily escape, but he took her with her who didn't know martial arts, and her movements were not so flexible.

Shaoyin raised her eyes to look at his face, even at such a critical moment of life and death, he had no intention of leaving her behind.There was determination in those deep eyes, no matter what, he would take her out safely.

"Swipe brush-"

A large number of bloody scorpions rushed from the front like a tide, as if to drown them.The huge Scorpion King opened its huge mouth, and rushed down from behind aggressively.

The poisonous smoke produced by the burning red phosphorus in the surrounding area has filled the air, and they are almost in a desperate situation at this moment, with no way out.

At that moment, Shaoyin looked at Mo Zihuang's resolute and ruthless handsome face, felt his arms tightly wrapping around her, and a misty look filled her eyes.

If they can escape this time, she will not go back and stay for him.

Such a man who sacrificed his life for her, if she had to exchange the whole world, she would be willing.Staying is equivalent to giving up the modern world, but she has no regrets.

"Zihuang, do you think we will die here?"

She asked faintly, her soft voice fell into his ears.

"No! Because I'm here! Nothing can hurt you!"

Mo Zihuang's eyes shone brightly, burning her soul.He cleared his throat domineeringly, revealing an indomitable masculinity.

The next second, she saw the cinnabar-like red pearl on the center of his brow, which sparked a dazzling light.A huge pressure instantly filled the whole world.

Shaoyin didn't know what happened, she just remembered that a brilliant golden color floated in front of her eyes, like a rising sun, it bloomed ten thousand zhang rosy clouds, illuminating the whole underground extremely brightly.

The aura exuded from Mo Zihuang's body at this moment is enough to engulf mountains and rivers and shake Xiaohan!
The flame pattern embroidered on the black satin seemed to come alive, making the surrounding air boil.


After a loud noise, all the scorpions turned into dust and spread on the ground.Even the huge Scorpio King was instantly killed without any suspense!

He is like a god, full of powerful and earth-shattering power.


Holding Shaoyin in his arms, Mo Zihuang flew forward, and the heat wave came from behind, and the red phosphorus in the ground was completely burned.He knew that she must go in when she came here, so he didn't back down at this time, but advanced and retreated together with her.

The flaming lotus beads between his eyebrows were still emitting a scalding temperature, but he didn't notice it at all, and led her closer to the wall that was originally blocked by the bloody scorpion.It was only then that they noticed that there was a mural painted on this stone wall. On the huge mural that was hundreds of feet high, there was a familiar figure of Mo Zihuang.

A peerless woman with a lazy posture, dancing the phoenix dance for nine days, with long silver-purple hair cascading down.She was wearing a light lotus-colored dress with flowing clouds and thousands of waters, and a cluster of white pear flowers was embroidered on the neckline, singing the fragrance and drunken moon.The hem of the wide water skirt is inlaid with elegant Xiang patterns, creating an elegant and refined taste.Elegant and elegant, like Fang Lanzhi, like tea before the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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