Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 226: Hetu Luoshu

Chapter 226: Hetu Luoshu (4)

Mo Zihuang's sad and handsome face seemed to appear in the mirror, and her melancholy and desperate eyes seemed to pierce her soul.

"I'm sorry Zihuang! I'm sorry! I didn't do what I promised you—"

She was facing the mirror, her eyes were filled with mist, her shoulders were trembling, and she was crying silently.She looked up her head, watching the world blurred in her eyes, she never let the tears fall, she stubbornly let the tears evaporate in her eye sockets.She can't be weak, she has to be strong, it's no use crying!

"Purple Emperor, wait for me!"

Her hand touched the mirror, as if she was talking to Mo Zihuang.

She changed into a white chiffon dress, and the delicate lace borders bloomed like snow lotus flowers.The jade arm is tied with chiffon cloud sleeves, revealing a small half of the arm, which looks elegant and elegant.She put on her shoes, carried a bag, took the car keys, and walked outside.

When Mr. Shao came over, he found that her room was empty.

Shaoyin walked into the huge garage, opened the door of the red sports car, sat in the car, and started the car with swift movements.Step on the accelerator, and drive the dazzling sports car to gallop out.

The Shao family occupies a large area, with a large stretch of villas, which looks extremely spectacular.Large gardens surround both sides of the clean and wide road, and the oncoming warm wind is full of floral fragrance.

Seeing the eldest lady going out, the special guards immediately opened the heavily guarded gate, and Qiqi saluted her.

These special guards are special veterans who have retired from the Xuanyuan League, and they are also Zeng Shaoyin's subordinates. Seeing that she is now safe and sound, everyone's faces also showed joy.

"Bon voyage, miss!"

Shaoyin nodded towards them, stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car rushed out.Although she has not driven for some days, she has not forgotten the feeling of the car and is very skilled in driving.

After bypassing a large lake, she saw the Archaeological Research Institute by the lake.This research institute was opened by her parents. They were full of interest in ancient exotic cultures and spent their whole lives researching the secrets covered by time.They have always believed that in this world, there is another overhead world that has not been discovered.

"Research forbidden area, please show your identity badge."

When the guard saw the flaming sports car galloping towards him, he immediately stopped Shaoyin.

"Idiot! Look at the license plate, but it's a special license plate for the Shao family. This sports car is for the young lady. Hurry up and let it go!"

Another guard saw Shaoyin and recognized her identity.

"Ah! Miss, I'm sorry, I'm new here, I haven't seen you before!"

The young guard had just been assigned, so he hadn't seen Shao Yin before, and his cheeks were a little flushed when he saw that the eldest lady was so beautiful.

"It's okay, I will work hard for you to protect the safety of the institute in the future."

Shaoyin didn't blame him, but drove straight into the research institute, and stopped the car when he reached the gate.

"Missy has such a good temper!"

The young guard was flattered to see that she didn't scold her, and her attitude was so gentle.He has long heard that the eldest lady is the granddaughter of the old leader. He originally thought that the eldest lady of this super family would be very arrogant and spoiled, but now it seems that she is very approachable.

"Of course! Our eldest lady is very kind, and her self-cultivation is not comparable to those from small families. She never loses her temper and is very easy to get along with."

Another old guard said full of praise, although the Shao family is a super family, both the old leader and the master and wife are very good and well-bred.

"Simply a goddess!"

The young guard sighed with emotion, and watched Shaoyin disappear with reluctance.

"A goddess is not suitable for you, a dick. The suitors of our young lady can line up at the gate of the city."

The old guard reached out and patted his head, and said angrily.

"Is there no hope at all?"

The young guard still wanted to struggle to see if he had a chance, so he was beaten to death by the old guard's words.

"I heard that the Ziwei wise man admires the young lady very much, do you think you can compare with the Ziwei wise man?"

"I am completely shattered! The ideal of meat, the life of cabbage."

The young guards have long heard the name of Ziwei Zhizhi, as long as they are in the Xuanyuan League, who doesn't know Ziwei Zhizhi?Since the fall of a generation of female emperors, Ziwei Zhizhe can now be said to be No. 1 of the most powerful young generation in the Xuanyuan League.

I heard that the crape myrtle wise man looks like a tree facing the wind, and his temperament is more noble than that of the snowy willow. He is the prince charming of all women.In addition, Ziwei is rich, handsome and wise, and now he is a single nobleman. A woman who wants to marry him is enough to go around the city.

While the two were discussing, Shaoyin had already walked into the research institute.The architectural style of this research institute is very special, full of antiques, making her feel like she is in ancient times.The architectural style here was designed by Shaoyin's father and mother based on an ancient mural.

It was also the appearance of that mural that made them believe that there was another unknown history, which was covered up by the wind and sand of time.

There are not many people in the research institute, this is the place where Shaoyin's parents study things alone on weekdays, and few people disturb them.Surveillance and sirens all the way, she walked through the corridor and walked into her parents' study room.

The two of them were studying an ancient wine bottle with excited expressions on their faces.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!"

Shaoyin stood at the door, and the crisp voice made the middle-aged men and women who were intoxicated with research quickly raise their heads and look over.

She wasn't talking about waking up, but coming back, but they were too happy to see their daughter to notice this detail.


"My baby girl! You finally woke up, I was so worried!"

The beautiful woman, with tears in her eyes, immediately put down her work and ran over when her daughter woke up.

"Xin'er, you are pregnant, don't run so fast!"

Shaoyin's father, Shao Dongli, saw his wife's agitation, and quickly chased after her, fearing that she would fall.

They can be regarded as old-fashioned children now, no matter they are men or women, they are their treasures.

"Aren't I so happy to see us wake up?"

Shaoyin's mother, Guo Yunxin, said with a gentle smile, slowing down her pace and worrying that she might accidentally hurt the unborn baby.

"Mom is pregnant!"

Shaoyin heard their conversation, and did not expect such a surprise to be brought to her as soon as she woke up.

"Yinyin, you will soon have a younger brother or younger sister!"

Guo Yunxin said with a smile, her face was full of the radiance of a loving mother.

(End of this chapter)

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