Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

240 Chapter 2 Lost Return to Dream

240 Chapter 2 Lost Return to Dream ([-])
Dancing flower curtain by the weak water
Raise your hands and pluck the plain strings, drunk pillow among floating clouds
Fairy trail cloud walk song string
Galaxies cross each other
Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water, silent rivers and mountains stretch as picturesque
A Stream of Wind and Moon Crossing the Fleeting Years
Two hearts are boundless
Sanshengjian keeps thinking about it
The four seas can't be boiled, and the love is sweet
Colorful Huashao Yan

Six Paths of Reincarnation Drunk Questions about Love
The moving singing made Shaoyin open his mouth slightly, and his eyes, which were as bright as black crystals, showed a look of amazement.His singing, like a ball of flame, broke into her ears, rushed into the depths of her soul, ignited her whole body, and shocked her.

This was the first time she heard him sing, every word was full of deep affection.Thousands of deep feelings, put into strings and songs.

All Mo Zihuang's thoughts and concerns were poured out at this moment, making Shaoyin's heart tremble.

The music is born from the heart, and the sound moves with the heart.

Shaoyin stroked the strings, her red lips parted lightly, and the continuous singing fell sadly.

Seven Emotions Gu Yunlei Jian
Eight Desolation Clouds Floating in the Sky
Mount Jiuhua Tiangong smoke
Ten directions pour wine and invite you to linger

A hundred years has passed and the streamer falls to the fingertips

Peerless in the world, a flash in the pan

The top of the world
Hetu Luoshu transfer to the world

ignite the flames and extinguish the smoke
King's Landing, Keeping the Beauty

Nine Xiaohuan wears the first line of marriage

The Shadow Falling into the Moon Heart Turning into a Cocoon
In this life, the city is drunk and the dream is falling

The voiceless sound echoed over the lakeside hut, and those around who heard the fairy song at night closed their eyes and listened.

Listening to her song, Mo Zihuang's bright eyes flickered on his handsome face.He plucked the strings and wrote the final tune together with her.

Shaoyin and him are in love with each other, they don't need to speak, they understand each other's heart.

At this moment, they felt that each other's hearts were very close, and there seemed to be no hindrance.The sound of the piano seems to have penetrated time, and the two hearts are tightly attached to each other.

A song drunk allure, a dream drunk millennium.

The sun rises and the moon sets, the clouds roll and the clouds relax. She has met thousands of people in the boundless time.It's just that he is the only confidant who can compose piano music with her.

Meeting him was a marriage calamity that she could not overcome in her life. Lost in time and space, she returned slowly following the flowers of time, like a mirage.

Looking at him, feeling him, listening to him, at this moment, she felt that her life was truly complete, and so did he!
That night, he was reviewing the memorial on the desk while she sat aside and studied ink. Occasionally, when he was in doubt, a few words from her lightly enlightened him, and his thoughts suddenly became clear.

I don't know when the night passed, and when Shaoyin opened her eyes, she was already on the bed.He stood up and looked around, but Mo Zihuang was nowhere to be seen.

She put on her coat, opened the closed window, and saw that the sun had cleared outside, the wind was warm and the sky was clear, which made people feel better.

"Miss! Miss! You finally woke up!"

Xiliang heard the commotion in the room, and walked in with a water basin.

"Liangliang, what's wrong?"

Shaoyin cleaned up, seeing Xiliang's anxious appearance, her faint voice fell softly.

"Miss, you change your clothes first, and you will know when you go out and have a look."

There was a bit of excitement in Xiliang's eyes, and he said crisply.

"It seems to be a happy event."

Shaoyin smiled slightly, walked behind the screen and changed into a long blue dress, a cloak with blue snow patterns, and let her long hair loose.Stretching out his hand to embrace Huoyue Ferret in his arms, he walked out of the bedroom and walked up to the long pavilion facing the water.

The next moment, the overwhelming red color at the sight broke into her eyes happily.

"what are these?"

Shaoyin saw that the snow had been swept aside on the long road, and there was a row of big red boxes, with gold patterns inlaid on the edges of the boxes, which looked resplendent.There are bright red flower knots on the boxes, all of which are full of joy.

"Miss, this is a betrothal gift from the prince!"

Xiliang smiled happily. Seeing so many dowries, she knew that the prince must attach great importance to the young lady.The song of nature last night made her mesmerized by listening to it. Thinking that the couple was about to get married, she felt sincerely happy for them.

"Housekeeper Feng was busy delivering the betrothal gift early in the morning. There are only a part of it here. There are too many things. Many of them are placed at the door, and the long street is crowded!"

Shaoyin heard her words and looked at the row of magnificent big boxes, her cheeks flushed slightly.

When she walked to the gate of the Imperial Doctor's Mansion, she saw countless onlookers, all of whom looked enviously at the betrothal gift that was placed on the long street like a dragon and reached the Imperial Doctor's Mansion.

A hundred miles of red, thousands of miles of splendor.

A round of rising sun hangs high in the sky, like a golden carriage, parked in the sky.The white snow reflects the dazzling light of the sun, and the eye-catching red dragon is the most shocking scenery in this winter.

The common people who heard the news were all amazed when they saw the grand occasion of the appointment.

"Old man, I have lived most of my life, and this is the first time I have seen such a spectacular dowry."

"Wu Zunwang is so domineering!"

"If I can become Princess Wu Zun, that would be great!"

"Yes! It's so enviable!"

"When I grow up, I also want to marry King Wu Zun."

"Your Majesty the Doctor is so happy to be treated so favorably by the Prince!"



No matter men, women, young or old, they all started talking about it.

"Hmph, who knows if those are empty boxes!"

Ye Qinghe, who came after hearing the news, poked her head out of the sedan chair and said jealously.

"That bitch, she also deserves a valuable dowry?"

She frantically pulled the handkerchief in her hand, staring at those gaudy red boxes with red eyes, and the glittering gold inlays blinded her eyes.

"Miss, don't be angry, I think that box is full of worthless things. When our eldest miss marries into Prince Wu Zun's mansion in the future, it will be a beautiful place."

Shao Man followed outside the sedan chair with a humble face, and said in a low voice.She was dressed in the clothes of a servant, making her look extremely downcast.

After she was given to those cronies by Ye Liwan, she managed to find an opportunity to escape back, begging Ye Liwan to keep her.It's just that Ye Liwan is now grounded by Marquis Dingnan, so she can only beg Ye Qingyu to take her in.

Ye Qingyu lacked a maid by her side, so she was left by her side to serve her.

"That's right! With Miss Ben's beauty, as long as she enters the palace, let's see where that bitch can stay!"

Ye Qingju fantasized in her heart, but she still hadn't given up her coveting of King Wu Zun.

(End of this chapter)

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