Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

249 Chapter 1 The Ups and Downs of You

249 Chapter 1 The Ups and Downs of You ([-])
Seeing that Shaoyin didn't speak, there was a trace of tears in Baishitong's eyes.

"who are you?"

When Brother Baozi saw Shaoyin, he knew that she was not from here, but someone who was on the road, how could she have such a beautiful and refined temperament.She should be a person in a high position, with a natural nobility on her body.

"You are a man!"

Shaoyin walked in front of him, stretched out her slender hand suddenly, and struck Brother Baozi's arm.At an extremely fast speed, he kicked his injured foot.

Everyone only heard three consecutive "clicks, clicks", and then Brother Leopard found that his excruciating limbs could move again.

"You—how did you do it?"

Brother Leopard moved his hands and feet, and found that he could move again, as if he wasn't the one who was beaten so hard that he couldn't walk last second.

If everyone didn't know Brother Leopard's personality too well, they would really think he was acting and cheating.

"Hands up."

Shaoyin clapped her hands, and everyone admired her calm demeanor.

"so amazing!"

Everyone gasped, seeing her neat way of setting bones, and that chic leg, blinded everyone's eyes in a second.

"It's the first time in my leopard's life that I have served a woman!"

Brother Leopard, a tough guy with a strong voice, lifted everyone's spirits.

"From now on, Leopard's life will be yours! Do as you please!"

He arched his hands and said seriously.

For those who practice martial arts, their hands and feet are their lives. If they can't use their hands and feet, then their abilities will be useless.Originally, he thought that he would be a cripple for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect to be cured in a few strokes.He is a person who must repay his kindness, and he has already made this decision in his heart.

"With Brother Leopard joining, it can be said that it is even more powerful!"

Seeing Brother Leopard voluntarily offering his allegiance to the young lady, Knowles said immediately.

"Everyone has joined our Drunken Immortal Palace, and we will be brothers in the future. Now that the sister is in trouble, we will go and rescue her, and we must not let the beast succeed."

Shaoyin waved her hand, her crisp voice made everyone's eyes wet and their hearts filled with blood.The long-lost youthful passion has returned to him.

"Brothers, listen to my arrangement, tonight's action can only be successful."

She glanced at the sky and it was already dark. Their first operation in Drunken Immortal Palace took place in the dark night.

Everyone surrounded her, and she stood in the center, like a general on the battlefield, which made everyone feel the high-spirited arrogance.

After hearing her strategy, everyone nodded repeatedly.

"Sometimes things can be solved without brute force. When we face adversity, we need a clear head, and impulsiveness can't solve the problem."

Shaoyin said slowly, looking at these young people who still have passion, a faint smile appeared on her face.

The potential of these people is very great, it seems that she has to formulate some plans and practice them well.

Seeing the smile in her eyes, everyone felt chills, as if they had fallen into a wolf's den.

However, now that they have all joined, it is not easy to leave.

"Why do I feel that when Miss laughs, it's a little scary!"

"It seems that when she talked about how to deal with Wang Xiaosan just now, she also smiled brightly."

"I still like Miss's expressionless face, she feels more secure!"

"I feel the same way!"


Everyone said in whispers, unknowingly, their hearts were full of awe towards Shaoyin.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, it is the dark night and the high wind.

The night wind is lightly engulfing the chill of ice and snow, like a bare hand stroking a string, gently brushing against a cluster of red plums beside the eaves of the dark color, shaking off a few pieces of white snow, and making a soft sound of falling snow.

An orange gauze lantern swayed at the end of the corridor.

In the mansion of Wang Xiaosan, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, in a remote firewood room, a candle was lit, illuminating the beautiful face of the young girl who was tied to the woodpile by five flowers.

"Xiao Xia, you are so beautiful! It makes me envious!"

Fat headed and big-eared Wang Xiaosan, with a shy belly, approached the girl who looked extremely weak with a lewd smile.

"Bastard! Don't touch me!"

The young girl stared at Wang Xiaosan angrily, with a strong anger on her face.She struggled desperately, with a look of determination in her eyes.

Even if they all died together today, she would not let this beast touch her!
"Hmph! Slut, I don't know good from bad! It seems that I won't teach you a lesson. Look, you don't know how powerful I am!"

Hearing that she was being scolded, Wang Xiaosan roared angrily, reaching out to hit the bound young girl.

At this moment, the door of the woodshed suddenly collapsed.


While the dust was flying, Wang Xiaosan saw that the door of the woodshed had been broken into pieces.

"Come on! There are assassins!"

After the smoke and dust cleared, Wang Xiaosan looked at a group of punks with brooms in their hands and stood aggressively at the door in horror.

"It's you dead cat again, haven't you been beaten enough before?"

Seeing that the leader was Brother Leopard, Wang Xiaosan recalled the previous incident and said arrogantly.

"Wang Xiaosan! You beat our brother, and you are still so arrogant now. You are really a pig with a pig's head. From head to toe, you are a big fat pig!"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Beston's face, seeing that Wang Xiaosan didn't know his current situation, he waved his hand and gave an order.

"Brothers, copy guys! Beat this bastard who is not as good as a beast into a pig-headed three!"


"Come on!"

Everyone smiled brightly, holding brooms and sticks in their hands, and some even held iron spatulas. Anyway, they brought all the weapons they could get.

"You can't beat the court officials!"

Wang Xiaosan yelled, seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he hurriedly ran away.

"Come on! Help!"

He yelled, but no one came to rescue him, and his legs were a little weak from fright.He glanced at the girl who was tied up on the ground, and wanted to repeat the old trick and take her as a hostage.

Just when he wanted to get closer, he saw that at some point, a person had already stood beside the girl and untied her from the rope.

"Swallow flies, well done!"

Beston saw a thin and small man who sneaked into the woodshed from the other side without anyone noticing and rescued the hostage.

This seemingly ordinary man is the Snitch Swallow Fly, who has a masterful lightness skill of flying over eaves and walls.

(End of this chapter)

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