Chapter 256
The faint scent of tea on his body was full of freshness, enveloping Shaoyin.

She closed her eyes and tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep.Tomorrow she was going to be his bride, and just thinking about it made her feel so overwhelmed that she couldn't sleep peacefully.The deep drowsiness disappeared, and the spirit was very excited.

"Ayin, why aren't you asleep?"

Seeing her tossing and turning on the bed, Mo Zihuang asked in a soft voice with a slight arc on the corners of her lips.

"It's all your fault. You came to disturb people's dreams in the middle of the night. Now I can't sleep. I will definitely look ugly tomorrow."

Shaoyin said angrily, the reflection of Mo Zihuang's handsome face in Qiushui's bright eyes made her even more confused.

"Okay! It's all my fault!"

Looking at her cute appearance, Mo Zihuang said dotingly.

"You must be responsible!"

When Shaoyin saw him say that, she felt sweet in her heart, but she didn't show it, but said it seriously.

"Miss, how can I be responsible?"

Mo Zihuang smiled slightly, a beautiful smile bloomed on his cold face, like an April day in the world, it was so beautiful that it took people's breath away.

"Let me think."

Shaoyin lay on the bed, looking at him smiling beside the bed, feeling extra at ease.

"Thought it! Sing me a lullaby! Sing until I fall asleep!"

She thought of Mo Zihuang's beautiful singing voice, her eyes lit up.Since the last time I heard him sing, I haven't heard it again. This is a great opportunity, I can't miss it.

"All right……"

Mo Zihuang seldom sang, but when he saw that she wanted to listen, he agreed.

In the silent cold night, the stove in the house exudes melting heat, the singing voice of Mozihuang Tianlai, singing the soft male voice of the song "Drunk Allure" softly, singing notes one by one, making people feel comfortable physically and mentally , completely relax.

Shaoyin's long eyelash feathers gradually drooped down, like a tired bird that was tired from flying, withdrew its wings and rested on a branch.

His singing voice was full of peaceful power, which calmed her nervous heart and fell into a sweet dream.

In the dream, she was his most beautiful bride, holding hands with him, and walked into the palace of marriage.

Someone once said that marriage is a magic mirror.However, if the two really love each other, they must look as warm and bright as before in the demon mirror.

The years are changing, but the heart remains the same.

Every relationship needs to be taken good care of, otherwise, even if there is no so-called demon mirror, it will become completely different.

That night, Shaoyin slept soundly, and when she woke up, the genius had just revealed a thin and bright corner.

Mo Zihuang has already left, I don't know when he left, Shaoyin only remembers the singing in her ears, it always echoes in her heart, it's soul-stirring, it's a thousand times, it doesn't stop for a long time.

She pushed open the window, and there were birds passing by outside the window, and the crisp birdsong seemed to be full of festive flavor.

Shaoyin sat in front of the pear-blossom table in the study, wrote a few words, put them in the kit, and asked Xiliang to send them to Jingxue Tower and hand them over to Nalan Shuanger.

Not long after Xiliang left, Shaoyin heard a knock on the door. After opening the door, she saw Xue Shao from Zhijin Building standing outside the door with a row of maids.

"Xue Shao was ordered by Miss to come and dress Miss Shao."

Xue Shao bowed to Shao Yin, with a decent smile on her face.

"Thank you everyone, come in!"

Shaoyin said softly, but her eyes were fixed on a woman who was following Xueshao, those eyebrows, that appearance, is it Mu Fu or someone else?

She told Mo Zihuang last night that Mufu was still alive, and asked him to arrange for Mufu to come over, but he actually arranged it early in the morning.Feeling his thoughtfulness and care, she was also very moved.

He is a man that people can rely on, he is indomitable, and he has a delicate mind.Even if you are not good at expressing your feelings, it can make people feel very sincere.

"Go and prepare hot water for Miss Shao to take a bath."

Xue Shao started ordering the maids in an orderly manner, and everyone got busy.

"You take Miss Shao back to the house to choose the wedding dress!"

She opened her mouth and said to Mufu, as if treating Mufu as an ordinary maid, so that she would not attract attention.


Mu Fu responded, resisting the excitement in her heart, and walked into her room under the leadership of Shao Yin.

A box of clothes was also brought in, Xue Shao stood outside, and no one came in to disturb them.


Shaoyin held Mufu's hand, seeing that she was radiant, looked very healthy, and exuded a peaceful aura, she was relieved.It seems that Mufu is doing well now, and she can judge a person's situation and physical condition by looking at his complexion.If you worry too much, your complexion will also deteriorate.

"My daughter is not filial, she can't serve you!"

"Yin'er! You have done too much for mother, don't say silly things, let mother see."

Mufu hadn't looked at Shaoyin so closely for a long time, and looked at her carefully, with a happy smile on her face.

"It's getting more and more juicy! You must be the most beautiful bride today!"

She pulled Shaoyin to the front of the big box and opened it.There are several fiery red wedding dresses inside, with pure colors and various styles, embroidered with various festive patterns.The mandarin ducks are splendid, the flowers are auspicious clouds, the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious, and many of them are made of extremely precious materials, which can be said to be priceless.

"Yin'er, come and pick one!"

Shaoyin took a look at these exquisite wedding dresses, and could tell that they were all wedding dresses from Zhijin Building, each one was like a work of art, so beautiful that no one could pick out any flaws.Whether it is workmanship, design or materials, all are the best.

However, she didn't choose any one, but stretched out her hand and looked towards Mufu.

"I don't even like these wedding dresses, let me take a look at the burden brought by my mother."

She noticed that Mufu was carrying a burden early in the morning, and she knew what it was after thinking about it.

"You ghost spirit!"

The mufu said, but her movements were not slow at all, she opened the bundle, and it was really a wedding dress inside.The material of the wedding dress is not the best, but it is also very good silk.Mufu took the money Shaoyin gave her to buy a piece of Liuguang brocade and a lot of silk thread, and embroidered a wedding dress for Shaoyin day and night.

The wedding gown she embroidered for Shaoyin before was no longer wearable, so she embroidered another wedding gown for her daughter herself.Every stitch and thread is filled with her blessings to her daughter.

"I want this one!"

Shaoyin pointed to the wedding dress that Mufu personally sewed for her, even though the materials it used were not the rarest, but that kind of heart was more important than Mount Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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