Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 262 The Twisted Wedding

Chapter 262 The Twisted Wedding (2)
"I don't know who the mother-in-law is?"

Shaoyin didn't get angry when she heard that her grandfather was called an old fox.Her grandfather's nickname is Old Fox, and everyone who knows her grandfather calls him that.It seems that her mother-in-law also dealt with her grandfather.

"Do you know who won the reincarnation butterfly pupil in the old fox's hand?"

Feng Meixue made a fool of herself, looking at Shaoyin with gentle eyes.Hearing her call her mother-in-law, her face was full of joy.She has been the daughter-in-law of the Mo family since she put on the ancestral ring of the Mo family's daughter-in-law.

She had been waiting for this title for a long time, and when she finally heard it, she was naturally happy in her heart.The mood that had been gloomy due to Mo Zihuang's coma also became somewhat clearer.

"I heard from grandpa that she was won by the number one queen of the underworld, the famous god of gambling! Could it be the mother-in-law?"

Shaoyin stared at Feng Meixue dumbfounded, she knew everything about the God of Gamblers like thunder.Unexpectedly, they can meet here now. Fate is really a magical thing, which makes the two strangers have an unexpected intersection.

"That's all in the past."

Feng Meixue's answer was equivalent to acquiescing to her words.

"It's great to meet you here!"

She was extremely excited, holding her hand, unable to express the feeling in her heart in words.

"Yeah, it's great to meet you!"

Shaoyin also nodded and said with emotion.

The two looked at each other and smiled, across time and space, the two modern souls who got together, warmed each other at this moment, and became friends who have forgotten the years.

"What are you talking about?"

Mo Yanhua walked in with a teacup in his hand, seeing the harmonious atmosphere between the two of them, he couldn't help asking.

"This is our secret, I won't tell you."

Feng Meixue said mysteriously, stood up, and took the teacup from Mo Yanhua's hand.

The fragrance of Tianchi's emerald greens diffused in the air, making Shaoyin feel refreshed.

"This is a delicious medicinal material!"

Shaoyin immediately judged that this was the medicine used to treat Mo Zihuang, presumably with this medicine, his condition would improve.But treating the symptoms is not the root cause, she still needs to figure out a way to cure his strange disease as soon as possible.

She has studied medicine for ten years and has saved countless people. If she can't even save her lover, then what's the use of her medical skills?
Seeing that Feng Meixue was going to feed Mo Zihuang a drink, Shaoyin hurriedly stopped her.

"Medicine is a good medicine, but the best way is not to take it internally, mother-in-law, let me do it."

"Yin'er is a doctor, we will listen to her."

After seeing Shaoyin's medical skills, Mo Yanhua's tone was full of trust.

"The emperor gave it to you."

Feng Meixue handed the teacup to Shaoyin, with a bit of anticipation in her eyes.

Shaoyin took the teacup, walked to Mo Zihuang's side, and slapped the teacup with his palm, letting the fragrance of the tea float to his nostrils, but did not let him drink the cup of tea.

It wasn't until the tea was cool enough that the Tianchi Hancui in the cup had completely melted into the water, that she dipped the silver needle in the tea, and then began to apply the needle.

After she pulled out the silver needle, Mo Zihuang, who was in critical condition, woke up leisurely.

"A Yin!"

As soon as Mo Zihuang woke up, he saw Shaoyin, and his handsome face revealed a look of surprise.While in a coma, he was still worried about Shaoyin's safety, and he was relieved to see her standing in front of him in good order.

Seeing a little scratch on her hand, he quickly sat up, found a medicine bottle, and carefully applied the ointment on her hand.

"This kid, you only have eyes for your wife? Father and mother are two big living people standing in front of you, and you don't react at all."

Mo Yanhua said angrily and amusedly, not really blaming him.

"Father! Mother! Why are you here?"

Mo Zihuang hadn't recalled what happened, if Mo Yanhua hadn't made a sound, he really wouldn't have noticed them.

"Fortunately, your father, I didn't expect you brats to take care of themselves!"

Mo Yanhua looked at Mo Zihuang dumbfounded, and he was very happy to see them so affectionate.

The two of them don't ask for anything else, they just hope that the children will be well and find a good partner, then they will feel at ease.

"How is big brother?"

"Uncle! What's the matter?"

"Big brother!"

"Little Emperor!"


An anxious voice came from outside, Mo Zihuang's brothers and sisters all poured into the Jade Emperor Pavilion.They didn't take the Ice Feather Crane, and they were delayed for some time when they came over. When they came in a hurry, they saw that Mo Zihuang had already woken up.

Countless voices of inquiries were intertwined, making Mo Zihuang frown, but his heart was full of warmth.

"Auntie! Auntie! Are you injured?"

Sheng Yifan's long skirt fluttered and ran to Shaoyin's side, asking worriedly in a childish voice.

"Fanfan, don't worry, I'm fine!"

Shaoyin reached out and touched Sheng Yifan's little head, seeing her innocent and lovely appearance, her heart softened.

She looked around for a week, and everyone's eyes were full of concern and worry, which made her feel the care of her family.

"Since it's all right, then the wedding of the eldest aunt and the eldest uncle will continue! Fanfan is waiting for the wedding candy!"

Sheng Yifan pulled Shaoyin by the corner of his clothes, blinked his big eyes, and his soft voice was very attractive.

"That's right! Good things don't last long, we can look forward to my sister-in-law entering the door of Mo's house!"

Old Simo Guixu was dressed in military uniform, and the armor hadn't been replaced yet. When he heard that his sister-in-law had been found, he rushed over in a hurry.

"Our sister-in-law is definitely fine, but I don't know if Little Huanghuang is okay!"

Xiao Qi Mo Yunluan stuck out his tongue at Mo Zihuang, and said provocatively.

Hearing this, Mo Zihuang glared at Mo Yunluan, supported the cold jade bed with both hands, and stood up.He stretched out his hand, held Shaoyin's hand, and walked outside.

Today is the wedding day of the two of them, and nothing can stop it.

Seeing Mo Zihuang's actions, everyone knew that he meant to continue the wedding, so they walked out surrounded by the couple.

"Master, His Majesty Fengdi and Empress Empress have also arrived and are already waiting in the lobby."

When Lan Qinyan saw them coming out, she stepped forward and said.

"Let's go."

Mo Zihuang nodded, it was strange that the two of them didn't come to see such a big commotion.Now the empress is pregnant, and she came to the mansion in person for their wedding, which shows how high the status of King Wu Zun is.

Because King Wu Zun got married, all government affairs were returned to Emperor Feng, and he only had time to come out when he was busy.

(End of this chapter)

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