Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 266: Clues Emerge

Chapter 266: Clues Emerge (1)
"What are you doing? I want to see the prince!"

Ye Qinghe shouted loudly, pulling her voice.

"If you want to see the prince, you should dream for a hundred days! Look at your ugly appearance, can you compare with our princess? Who has time to talk to you?"

Grabbing Ye Qingyu's guard, he said disdainfully.

"You can't treat me like this. My grandfather is Dingnanhou, and I am your future princess. Let me down quickly..."

Ye Qingyu watched in horror as they directly tied her up, and screamed in fright.

"Gag this guy's mouth, it's too noisy!"

Feng Xize frowned, feeling annoyed when he heard Ye Qingyu's howl.He was already suffocated after not catching anyone alive all night, and now he exploded at one o'clock.

"My lord, we didn't bring any cloth!"

The burly man said with some embarrassment, he couldn't bear to hear Ye Qingqu's croaking noise.

"Don't you have socks? Take them off quickly!"

Feng Xize said viciously, Ye Qinghe's face turned pale with fright, and she wanted to ask Shaoman for help, but she had already disappeared.

"I haven't washed these socks for months!"

The burly man said with a smile, he quickly took off his stinky socks and blocked Ye Qinghe's mouth, the world was finally quiet.

Seeing that something was wrong, Shaoman turned around and ran into the alley, hearing the sound of horseshoes.Just when she wanted to get out of the way, she saw that the steed was the dark horse that had offended her, that is, the Moyan that Shaoyin was riding that day.

She immediately got into her heart, picked up a stick from the ground, and wanted to hit the god horse, Mo Yan, in order to avenge her being trampled on that day.

"Bastard, let me find you! I can't take care of that cheap hoof, can't I take care of you, an animal?"

A sinister smile appeared on her face, she planned to see Mo Yan's horse hoof interrupted, and see how Shaoyin would ride this horse in the future.

In her mind, she had already imagined that the horse was Shaoyin, so she was afraid, and she rushed over with the wooden stick in her hand.

However, Shenju Moyan didn't dodge when she saw her rushing over, but kicked her deftly, causing her to fall to the ground.Then he stepped on her leisurely back and forth several times before leaving reluctantly.

If it hadn't been important, it would have to step on it a few more times.

"Tap Tap!"

The crisp sound of horseshoes resounded on the long street, and the dark horse figure passed by like a cloud.

The sky was clear and the sun was rising.

Gold covered the high walls of the nine-fold palace gate, making the entire palace look more grand and magnificent. The vermilion palace walls seemed to be dyed with fresh blood, and they were shockingly red.

Shaoyin jumped off the horse neatly, and saw a cloud of ink floating towards her, and saw the ink smoke stop in front of her.

Seeing Moyan appear, Chi Ying couldn't help but look over, flicked her fluffy ponytail, and snorted as a greeting to it.

"Ink smoke!"

Shaoyin hadn't seen Moyan for a long time, and when he saw it come back, his jade face also showed joy.

"Tap Tap!"

Mo Yan walked briskly and came to Shao Yin, and kissed her outstretched hand affectionately.

"Why don't you see your master?"

She touched Mo Yan's head, her tone full of gentleness.

Mo Yan turned around, revealing a blue-colored bundle behind her back, and motioned for Shaoyin to take it off.

"What is this guy Yuanqing doing so mysteriously?"

Mo Zihuang stepped forward and took off the burden.

"Open it and see!"

Shaoyin was also very curious about what was in the package.

Mo Zihuang opened the green cloth, and saw that there was a scroll inside. When he opened the long scroll, four elegant characters were revealed on the rice paper.

"Long happiness without worry."

The signature of Yueshang Yuanqing was also printed on the corner of the long scroll, the characters were elegant and elegant just like the name.

"Yuan Qing has a heart."

Shaoyin put away this pair of calligraphy scrolls, and she felt a warmth in her heart for this blessing sent from all the way.Although she and Yueshang Yuanqing had a very bad acquaintance, he was a very worthwhile friend.The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, just like she and him.

"That cheapskate, this time he was generous. I asked him to send a letter before, but he refused to give it. Go back and thank your master for us."

Mo Zihuang was in a good mood when he received such a gift. Yueshang Yuanqing is a master of calligraphy and painting, and Mr. Yu is most famous for his calligraphy, which is worth thousands of gold, but it is a treasure that money can't buy.

After Mo Yan handed the things into their hands, he raised his hooves and galloped away.

"Let's go, let's enter the palace."

The two did not go in on horseback, but walked all the way.

"See Your Majesty!"

"See Princess!"

The guard guarding the palace gate, seeing the two of them coming, quickly saluted respectfully.

Mo Zihuang took Shaoyin's hand and walked into the palace gate without anyone stopping or investigating, and let everyone know that the princess is deeply loved by the prince.

The two of them walked through the imperial garden, where the flowers and trees were verdant, and they had not been weakened by the winter.

There were not many palace people here, and when the two of them were about to reach the Emperor Phoenix Palace, they heard a beautiful song like a yellow warbler floating over from the distant white plum forest.

"It's a beautiful singing voice, mellow and melodious, like Xia He Yulu."

Shaoyin couldn't help but stop when she heard the melodious singing voice.

Mo Zihuang was not interested in the singing, and had no intention of going to have a look.

At this moment, Aunt Tang Zuo Zuo saw the figures of the two of them, so she stepped forward quickly and saluted them gracefully.

"My lord, my concubine, the Empress Dowager is right in front of the white plum grove, talking with the empress."

"Then let's go!"

Shaoyin just wanted to meet the singer, her faint voice fell slowly.


Mo Zihuang cleared his throat coldly, and went with her.

Tang Zuo Zuo walked behind them, looking at Shao Yin's figure, he really didn't expect that the little Xiu Nu who was almost tortured by Concubine Li that day is now the honorable Concubine Wu Zun Wang Zheng and a first-rank imperial doctor at the same time!
In just a few short months, she has risen to such a high level, which is really surprising.

"Auntie! Last time you said you would bring me the fine wine from Jingxuelou, Tangtang waited until the flowers all withered, but I didn't see you! Auntie is lying!"

The one who spoke was a young woman who looked similar to Shaoyin, dressed in colorful clothes, extremely gorgeous.

"Tangtang, Jingxuelou's auction will start tomorrow, so there's no use in rushing!"

Empress Tang Qiqi said helplessly, seeing Tang Tangtang's stubborn appearance, there was nothing she could do about it.

"I don't care. My aunt said she would buy it for me. I'll go to the auction tomorrow in person. I must take the wine home with me."

(End of this chapter)

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