Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 274 Promise Whiteheads

Chapter 274 Promise Whiteheads (1)
The person who originally wanted to speak was shocked by her and dared not speak.

Seeing her domineering kick and hearing her words, Mo Zihuang was moved.

"Help me—"

Du Shao fell into the frozen lake and shouted loudly. The guards of the fireworks and mortal world came after hearing the sound.Hearing that someone was causing trouble, Feng Xize, the person in charge of Firework Mortal World, also rushed over.

Others have already started to save Du Shao, but falling into the frozen lake in the freezing weather, even if he is rescued in time, it will be enough for him.

"Mr. Ze, you're here! There are people who openly cause trouble in the world of fireworks, such people can't be allowed in!"

When Qu Hefeng saw Feng Xize, he immediately showed excitement, and said softly, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"Someone dares to cause trouble in my lord's territory!"

Feng Xize's face revealed a look of fury, and it seemed that flames were burning all over his body.

"Tell me, where is the troublemaker?"

His domineering leak-testing voice made Qu Hefeng feel refreshed immediately, as if his grievances were finally decided by someone.

Qu Hefeng quickly pointed to Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang who were standing aside, and his extremely firm voice fell down with certainty.

"It's this little shrew and old rascal! He also insulted my family Qingyu!"

She wiped away her tears, saw Du Shao was rescued, stood aside trembling, and cursed an idiot in her heart.

Look at these useless men, they are usually flattering and flattering, and they want to kiss Fangze.All of them are useless at critical times.In the end, he couldn't even handle a little shrew, but was too scared to move!It's really maddening!
"It's simply unreasonable! To actually dare to bully Qu Damei, it's really outrageous—refer—"

Feng Xize's words came to an abrupt end when he saw the extremely calm and graceful Shaoyin in the chaos.

"My family knows that Mr. Ze is the most righteous!"

Qu Hefeng said with a shy face, and said it delicately, almost directly sticking to Feng Xize.

Feng Xize looked at Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang with a dry smile, wishing he could slap Qu Hefeng to death, almost humiliating him in front of his master.

"Come here, throw out all these troublemakers."

With a wave of his hand, a large group of heavily armored guards surrounded him.

"Mr. Ze! You arrested the wrong person! The slave family is the victim!"

When Qu Hefeng saw Feng Xize pointing at him, his face turned pale with fright, and he said in a panic.

"It's you who caught it!"

Seeing Shaoyin's half-smile look, Feng Xize didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately asked these people to be kicked out, and they were not allowed to step into the world of fireworks again.

"This is our mistress! Fireworks is hers, if you don't lose it, who else will you lose?"

What he said made all the sons and brothers who wanted to resist in the end want to cry without tears.

How did they know that this seemingly young girl would be the master behind the fireworks.If they had known this earlier, how could they have offended this great god for a prostitute!

"Go away!"

Seeing that they looked like mourning concubines, Feng Xize directly kicked them.

Qu Hefeng's complexion can no longer be described as ugly, his originally pale face has now become like a zombie.

"Master, mistress, why don't you notify me when you come here, so that I can pick you up."

Feng Xize said, fortunately the two of them didn't have an accident, otherwise those guys would not have been kicked out so easily.

"We're just here to see if everything is ready for tomorrow's auction?"

Shaoyin didn't mention the previous incident, but was interrupted by Qu Hefeng, and her great interest was gone.

It's just that she felt as if she had seen Qu Hefeng somewhere, and there was a special fragrance on her body, which made her feel very familiar.Moreover, she can be sure that even if they met before, it would definitely not be a pleasant experience, so she is not polite to Qu Hefeng at all today.

"Everything is ready, and I have reserved a private room for you, will you come over tomorrow?"

Seeing them coming in person, Feng Xize knew that they must have something to do, otherwise, with his temper, he wouldn't have come to Fireworks Mortal World.

"Well, Ayin and I will come over tomorrow, you can arrange it so that those messy people don't disturb us."

Mo Zihuang nodded, with a slight chill in his icy voice.

"Father, don't worry."

Feng Xize showed his signature smile, sent the two of them off in person, and arranged a carriage for them to return home from another direction.

Seeing Feng Xize sending them out in person, everyone in Yanhuo Mortal World was very curious about the identities of these two people, guessing that they must be some great figures.

"What is the origin of those two?"

"Master Ze actually sent them out! It's so rare!"

"Mr. Ze is the overlord of business, those two must have a lot of background!"

"It's not unusual for a lot of big figures to come to God City recently!"

"That's right!"

Qu Hefeng stood at the door of Nongqing Pavilion, looking at the direction of Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang with hatred, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just getting brighter, and the water mist shrouded the lake, creating an understated picture of flowing clouds.The plum blossom trees spreading along the lake are gorgeous and colorful, and the refreshing and distant fragrance wafts out, making people intoxicated by smelling it.

White plums are as elegant and clean as clouds in the sky, red plums are as bright as flames spewing fire, green plums are as clear as emeralds, and pink plums are as clear as morning glow...

Thousands of trees, tall and strong, bloom in the coldest winter, without losing their strength, proud of the frost and reflecting the snow.

Pots of daffodils are placed on the white stone bridge flying over the lake, embellishing a beautiful landscape.

Gorgeous carriages were parked not far away, and there was a lot of people and traffic.

One by one, the VIPs held invitation letters and entered the world of fireworks in an orderly manner. Although there were a large number of people, they did not cause any confusion.

Many high-ranking officials, dignitaries and famous families, who are rarely seen on weekdays, gathered together at this moment.There are also many merchants from other places who came here specially for the auction conference.

Fireworks Mortal World will hold a large-scale auction every once in a while, and many people come here specially for this.

What attracts the most attention is not these dignitaries, but the rare hermit clan.Many ancient families that have been passed down for thousands of years are very low-key on weekdays and rarely appear in the world.Those small families in the capital of God are simply incomparable with these super aristocratic families.

Many people think that if they can get acquainted with one or two members of the hidden clan, their worth will be different immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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