Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 276 Promise Whiteheads

Chapter 276 Promise Whiteheads (3)
A head of beautiful long hair, braided into a lovely braid, decorated with a circle of beautiful snow-white pompoms.

"This time the auction will be hosted by Fanfan, please don't bully the children!"

Sheng Yifan blinked his big watery eyes, his crisp and tender voice, and his soft and waxy tune made people's hearts soften when they heard it.

The noisy auction house immediately fell silent.

Seeing such a child carved in pink and jade standing on the high platform, everyone was surprised.How could an ordinary child at his age have the courage to stand in front of tens of thousands of people.

"Fanfan is really amazing. He has such a demeanor at a young age, and he will definitely be even better when he grows up."

Shaoyin saw Sheng Yifan, who was like a porcelain doll, standing on the high platform and methodically took out the first auction item and explained it. It looked really cute.

"This little girl is not afraid of anything, such a small scene can't scare her."

Mo Zihuang looked at Sheng Yifan with gentle eyes, and although he said he was not worried, his eyes were still fixed on the high platform.If there is any accident, he can take action in time.

"Master, the eldest princess is here."

A servant's communication voice came from outside, and before Mo Zihuang could speak, Xiaoqi Mo Yunluan had already broken into the Accord with a smile.

Seeing the two people inside eating hot pot, her delicate little face collapsed all of a sudden.

Standing beside her, Sheng Ming knew what impure thoughts were in her heart after seeing her expression.

"It's so—so disappointing! How can you two do nothing? How can you be so pure? It doesn't make sense!"

Mo Yunluan's silver hair fluttered, and her peach-blossom dress fluttered lightly as she rushed over.The big golden eyes stared straight at Mo Zihuang and Shao Yin, as if trying to see them through a hole.

"Xiao Qi, are you disappointed?"

Mo Zihuang looked at Mo Yunluan's disappointed face with a funny face, and her cold voice made her wake up all of a sudden.

"Oh! I see! It must be Xiaohuanghuang, Xiaoyinyin, tell me quickly, is it like this?"

Mo Yunluan sat on the chair, took the bowls and chopsticks by himself, and began to eat the food in the pot.

Shaoyin smiled faintly when he heard the words, but instead of answering, looked at Mo Zihuang's black face.

Sheng Ming, who was as cold as ice, stood aside, and the corners of his mouth twitched visibly when he heard what his beloved wife said.It seemed that he had to prepare to rescue this little guy again.

"Master, the little one can't stop the eldest princess."

The guards outside the door hurried in to plead guilty. The eldest princess wants to come in. Who dares to stop her!
"Go down."

Mo Zihuang's cold voice revealed an irresistible majesty.


When the guard heard his words, he knew that he would not pursue the matter.

Even if it's Prince Wu Zun's mansion, Mo Yunluan can come and leave whenever she wants, how can anyone stop her?

Among the brothers and sisters, Mo Yunluan's strength is comparable to that of Mo Zihuang, and may even be higher.It's just that the two have never fought with all their strength, so I don't know which one is stronger.

But when it comes to playing rascals and hooligans, Xiao Qimo Yunluan is definitely the number one.

"Xiaoqi, you are too much in charge, if you want to control it, you can control your family's Sheng Ming, and don't control me."

Mo Zihuang glanced at Mo Yunluan lightly, and most people would be too frightened to move when they heard Bingling's ragged voice.

But Mo Yunluan has long been used to it, and he still eats without changing his expression, and at the same time invites Shengming to come and eat together.

"I'm too lazy to care about you brat! I just care about Xiaoyinyin's happy life!"

Mo Yunluan rolled his eyes at him, and said grandly.

"Don't worry about it."

Mo Zihuang said coldly, if this guy wasn't his sister, he would have slapped her directly against the wall.

Shaoyin heard that the two brothers and sisters were arguing, and it seemed that the relationship between the two of them was very good.Her eyes fell on several auction items in the auction house. This time the auction item was very special, it turned out to be a series of scrolls.

"The first auction item is a painting by Lan Mengke, the master of painting and calligraphy. However, the master said that his paintings are only reserved for those who are truly discerning, so this auction is not just a painting."

Sheng Yifan shook the bell in his hand, and a row of dignified maids opened four paintings, which were four themes of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"Among the four paintings of spring, summer, autumn and winter, only one is the authentic work of Lan Mengke, and the others are all fakes. This auction is not only a test of everyone's financial resources, but more importantly, their eyesight."

After listening to Sheng Yifan's explanation, the audience was in an uproar.

I didn't expect that Lan Mengke would pose such a problem for everyone this time. Wouldn't it be too bad luck if he bought a fake for a big price and went back?

Lan Mengke is one of the best calligraphy and painting masters on the mainland. His works are very few that have been circulated outside. The price of this painting is naturally very high.

His style of painting reveals a clear and sparse atmosphere, and these four paintings are all good.Spring peaches are enchanting, summer lotuses are clear, autumn chrysanthemums are shining, and winter plums are white and light.Each pair has the style of Lan Mengke, making it impossible to judge, which one is the real one?

"The reserve price for the auction is [-] purple stone coins, and each increase should not be lower than [-] purple stone coins. The auction starts now."

Sheng Yifan's crisp voice resounded childishly.Shui Lingling's eyes looked at the people below.It was the first time she hosted an auction, and she was also a little worried that she could not do well.But since she begged Uncle Ze to let her come up to play, she couldn't lose face to the Mo family.

There was silence in the audience, and everyone was looking at the picture scrolls with numbers [-], [-], [-], and [-], wanting to see which one was Lan Mengke's authentic painting.

"These four paintings are very beautiful. It can be said that they are fakes. I think it must be done by someone who knows Lan Mengke's painting style very well."

Shaoyin looked at those calligraphy and paintings, almost flawless.

"Ten thousand purple stone coins! I choose the fourth winter plum picture!"

Someone made a choice and began to participate in the bidding auction.

"Eleven thousand purple stone coins, I will choose the third picture of Qiuju."


Everyone's asking prices were very conservative. For these paintings, even Lan Mengke's collectors could not tell the authenticity from the fake ones.

The price is slowly rising, and more people can't sit still and bid one after another.

"One million, choose the first picture of spring peaches."

A gentle man's voice came from one of the Accords, and that voice silenced the audience for a moment.

"This voice sounds a bit like Brother Shao Le."

When Shaoyin heard this voice, she couldn't help but look at Yage who was opposite, but she couldn't see who the other person was through a layer of gauze curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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