Chapter 282
"Princess, is there anything you want to eat in particular tonight?"

Xiliang walked to Shaoyin's side, and combed a simple floating cloud bun for her, decorated with a fringed headdress and a few pearl flowers, which looked simple yet beautiful.

"Zihuang should not come back at night, the two of us will go out to eat."

Shaoyin looked at the deserted Jade Emperor Pavilion, it was strange to stay here by herself, so she might as well go out for a walk.

"Okay! Good! I heard that there is a marriage temple in the east of the city, which is very effective! There are many delicious stalls near the marriage temple, and it is extremely lively even at night."

Xiliang said vividly, dancing with hands and feet, revealing a full childishness.

"Could it be that we, Liangliang, have been moved by spring?"

Shaoyin smiled slightly, and when she saw that Xiliang wanted to go to the Marriage Temple, she made fun of it.

"No way! The princess is making fun of him!"

Xiliang's pretty face turned red, and she quickly shook her head and said.

"Then let's go now, or it will be dark."

Shaoyin looked at the red glow of the setting sun reflected in the sky, a large expanse of burning clouds emerged with various strange shapes, some looked like fish, some looked like horses, some looked like deer, and some looked like small flowers...

The two left the palace together, got into the carriage and set off towards the Marriage Temple in the east of the city.

When you arrive in front of the Marriage Temple, you can smell the fireworks in the air from a distance.

"Let's go down!"

After Shaoyin and Xiliang got off the carriage, they saw many faithful men and women gathered in front of the Marriage Temple.

Many vendors set up food stalls here, some selling roasted sweet potatoes, some selling sesame seed cakes, some selling meat buns, and all kinds of snacks.People from Tianyao Kyushu all gathered in the capital of God, bringing special food from all over the place, and filling the place with the atmosphere of each place.

"Selling candied haws!"

"The round and big candied haws—"

"Selling lanterns! Beautiful rabbit lanterns! Come and see, come and see!"


The hawkers shouted at the top of their voices, wanting to get some business for their small stalls and earn a little money to support their families.

Shaoyin and Xiliang walked on the street, feeling the bustling atmosphere of the city of gods, and their hearts were intoxicated by such a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.The common people don't have too many pursuits, they just hope to live a peaceful life and have a harmonious family.

It's just that today's peace, but I don't know how long it can last.

Beneath the peaceful surface is a turbulent undercurrent, full of crises and riddled with holes.

"This young lady has a dignified appearance, so she will definitely have good luck."

The old Taoist priest who set up a stall to untie the lottery said with a smile.

"Why don't you go ask for a marriage lottery and calculate the marriage between yourself and your sweetheart?"

"Miss, let's ask for a lottery too!"

After hearing what the old Taoist said, Xiliang was filled with curiosity, so he spoke crisply.

"If Liangliang is interested, go ask for a lottery, and we will meet up in the carriage later."

Shaoyin saw that she was like a bird released from the cage, extremely lively, with a faint smile on her face, and let her play by herself.

"Miss, be careful!"

Xiliang nodded, and trotted towards the Marriage Temple.

Shaoyin chose a relatively quiet food stall, and the words noodle paste were written on the wooden board above the stall.

"Boss, let me have a bowl of noodle paste and add a deep-fried dough stick."

She looked at the simple menu on the sign, and the pleasant voice fell slowly.

"Okay! Wait a moment, guest officer, it will be ready soon."

The stall was a young couple with a child in their arms.Every evening, after a busy day, they would come to the Marriage Temple to set up a food stall to earn some money to support their family.Because they usually come late, they can only find a relatively remote place, and the business is not as good as others.

Seeing a guest coming to the door, the young couple had a smile on their faces.

"Boss, a bowl of noodle paste."

A cold voice full of magnetism fell in Shaoyin's ear.

She turned her head and saw Prince Mengtan sitting on the table next to him with his entourage.

The stall is small with only two tables.

Mengtan is still wearing a silver mask today, but Shaoyin recognized him immediately.

His entourage, Situ, took out a clean cloth from his sleeve and spread it on the wooden chair.At the same time, he did not forget to spread a gorgeous tablecloth on the dilapidated table, and at the same time took out the silver chopsticks and silver bowls specially used by Prince Mengtan.

The corner of Shaoyin's mouth twitched slightly, obviously speechless towards these two people.

Seeing Situ's actions, the young couple at the food stall were a little nervous.They use thin noodles and sweet potato flour to make noodle paste, add seasonings and marinated egg greens, the aroma spreads out at once, making people look appetizing.

The place is so big, Mengtan also saw Shaoyin, but pretended not to know her.

"Situ, go buy a kite and bring it back to Ah Ci."

"Yes, son."

Situ put the things away and walked towards the Marriage Temple.

After Mengtan dismissed Situ, he looked at Shaoyin.The violet pupils, like charming gems, shone with bright halos, drawing the soul of a person into the depths of the pupils.

"What a coincidence."

"It's really a coincidence, you are not staying in Yunmeng, why do you hang around Tianyao all day?"

Shaoyin is full of hostility towards the Yunmeng Dynasty, and doesn't want to have too much interaction with Mengtan.She didn't notice that the exquisite cold jade ball hanging around her waist was already shining with light.

"I'd rather stay in Yunmeng quietly, but unfortunately I can't help myself."

Mengtan stared at Shaoyin with a look of helplessness in her eyes.Many times in life, you have to face a dilemma. It's not that you can do whatever you want, or you can live a good life just by thinking about it.

He didn't want to meet Shaoyin because he didn't want to kill her.

Even if she is the biggest obstacle for him to sit on the throne of God, at this moment, as long as he does it, he can get rid of his worries.But he couldn't do anything about it. The short memory he spent with her was the warmest picture when he dreamed back at midnight.

"A person lives forever, whether to live for others or for himself, it depends on your own heart."

Shaoyin glanced lightly with eyes as light as flowing clouds, and her faint voice fell calmly.

If the heart is firm, gold and stone can be broken.

Meng Tan was shocked when he heard the words, as if he had been enlightened, the fog in his heart suddenly became clear.A person's life is short. Instead of living for others, it is better to let go and fight for your own prosperity.

"Guest officer, your noodle is sticky."

The steaming noodle paste was brought to the table, Shaoyin held the chopsticks and picked up the steaming noodle.The thick aroma is tangy, and the noodle paste tastes very delicious, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

(End of this chapter)

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