Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 294 The Water Fairy

Chapter 294 The Water Fairy (1)
"Miss, why can they find me no matter where I hide?"

Hai Lian said puzzled, those Green Leaf Guards were like a nightmare, entangled her tightly.

"The reason should be that on top of the so-called flower god offering water, you exude a very special smell."

Shaoyin said lightly, with a deep and dignified look on her face.

There must be a person with strong medical skills in this Spring Flower Palace to develop such a medicine.Let those who have drunk the flower god's sacrificial water become their believers and be under their control forever.

"What should I do?"

Hai Lian said anxiously, her eyes filled with helplessness.She looked at Shaoyin, as if looking at straws.

"Let me think."

Shaoyin said, for the fragrance of Hai Lian, it seems to be a very special kind of pollen, after being integrated into the body, the body will always exude a unique smell.

She didn't know what kind of fragrance it was, and only by knowing the raw materials of the divine water could she make the antidote.

"Nine Shadows, go look around and see if there is a round, pure white flower. If you see it, please pick it off and give it to me. Try to find the place where the moonlight is the most intense, maybe there will be."

"Yes, mistress."

Jiuying responded respectfully, and when they were outside, they always called her Mistress, so as not to reveal their identity.

"Little girl, you must not have eaten anything! Eat something!"

Mu Fu handed Hai Lian a bowl of hot noodles with a gentle look on her face.

"Thank you!"

Hai Lian reached out to take the noodles in Mu Fu's hand, and a string of crystal clear peach jade bracelets in her hand broke into Mu Fu's eyes, making her look slightly stiff.But after all, she is a person who has experienced great storms, and she quickly concealed her strangeness.

She tugged on La Shaoyin's sleeve, and took Shaoyin to a distance under the pretext of going to the convenience.

"Mom, what do you want to say alone?"

Shaoyin knew that Mufu must have something to say to her, so she came out specially.

"Yin'er, do you know the details of that girl?"

Mu Fu said with a solemn expression, obviously doubting Hai Lian's origin.She had seen that string of peach jade bracelets before, the color was crystal clear, like peach blossoms in spring and extremely beautiful, so it was called Peach Blossom Drunken Dreams.

The peach jade bracelet was Queen Kapok's favorite thing when she was young, and it was made by Mufu herself.It uses very precious silkworm silk, which lasts for a long time.

It is impossible for an ordinary girl to have such a rare bracelet on her body. She suspects that Hai Lian is the confidant of Queen Kapok.

"Helian was brought from the palace by me, and I don't know her origin very well."

Shaoyin shook her head when she heard that Mufu was suspicious.

"Although I don't know Hai Lian's background, I know she is a good girl."

She smiled slightly, and did not suspect that Helian had any bad motives for coming to her.It takes a long time to see people's hearts. If Hai Lian wants to hurt her, there are many opportunities.Hai Lian is responsible for cooking in the Imperial Doctor's Mansion, but she has always done her best.

"Maybe I was wrong! You should pay more attention to her in the future, don't take it lightly."

Mu Fu opened her mouth to warn, and decided to secretly observe Hai Lian's actions.

The drunk dream of peach blossoms was a dream of Queen Kapok when she was young, hoping to meet a good husband and have a beautiful relationship.It is also very similar to the kapok of the past, with a bit of a girlish feeling in the purity.

Today's kapok doesn't want this innocence anymore, so it is given to others.

"Well, I'll pay attention."

Shaoyin nodded. Although she didn't understand the reason, she believed that Mufu's words must have some basis.

"Mistress, this subordinate has found the flowers you mentioned."

Jiuying held a large bowl of snow-white flowers, and smiled under the moonlight.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Shaoyin took the snow-white bouquet, picked off the pure white petals with her slender hands, and untied the sachet tied around Hailian's waist.This kind of petal has a light fragrance, which washes away the fragrance of Hai Lian's body.

"Until we know what material the flower god's offering water is made of, we can only use this method first. This is a common wild flower on the emerald prairie. It has a faint fragrance and can cover up the fragrance on your body."

"Thank you ma'am!"

Hai Lian nodded and said gratefully.

Although it is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, it is enough.At least everyone can have a good night's sleep without being disturbed by the green leaf guards chasing up.

Hai Lian had secretly decided not to implicate the young lady and the others, and planned to leave quietly after recovering some physical strength.

"It's been a busy day today, let's go to bed early!"

Mo Zihuang's magnetic voice fell in Shaoyin's ears.

"Okay, then tonight my mother will sleep in a carriage with Hai Lian."

Shaoyin made arrangements, and everyone went to the carriage to rest.The four hidden guards took turns keeping vigil to ensure their safety.

Having seen how powerful Yinwei is, no one dares to approach them.

The old man of the Beigong family saw Peixin kill with an arrow, and seeing his sincere and fearful attitude towards Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang, he guessed that their identities were definitely not ordinary people.

"Old lady, it seems that the background of the other party is not simple, no wonder we have not found out their identities."

The old man Beigong said that checking their details on their territory would naturally lead to nothing.

He can be sure that these two people are absolutely influential figures in God.

Otherwise, how could there be such tolerance and ability?

Even after the Green Leaf Guardian became famous, they were all wiped out, which shows that their power is not weaker than that of Chunhua Palace.

"I don't care about their origins, the most important thing is to make me see right."

Grandma Beigong held Xiao Jingcheng in her arms and coaxed him to sleep.

"I hope you don't see too many people rightly, but the old man will give you a gift from King's Landing."

Mr. Beigong is still very fond of the Junlintianxia that was given away. It is not just an ordinary bracelet, but also hides a big secret.

It's just that he searched for many years, but he didn't find any secrets hidden in the world of King's Landing, so he gave up searching.

Presumably he is not the predestined person for this bracelet, that's why he can't figure it out all the time!

"Stop pretending to be poor, don't think I don't know how many treasures are hidden in your treasury! Besides, how many people are there for me to see right?"

Grandma Beigong said angrily, she lowered her voice for fear of disturbing Xiao Jingcheng who was about to fall asleep.

When old man Beigong heard this, he could only smile wryly.He can only be thankful, fortunately, there are not many people who can make this old lady fancy!
(End of this chapter)

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