Chapter 298
Don't shrink back when encountering danger, just to advance and retreat with the one you love.

So what if it's mean?So what if the more bullies the less?She doesn't care what others say, as long as she protects the most important person in her heart!Regardless of the means!
"But I always feel as if I know the man in red."

Shaoyin said lightly, although she didn't know who he was, she remembered the familiar feeling very clearly.

"I knew it must be you who caused the peach blossom debt!"

Mo Zihuang said sourly, the jar of vinegar was overturned in an instant.

He could clearly see the nervousness and concern on the face of the man in red when he knocked Qingwan away, and it was definitely not a fake.

He didn't believe that that man had nothing to do with Shaoyin, and it was impossible for a stranger to care so much about her.

It was his damn caring that made his heart sour.

"In the future, if you want to make hot and sour noodles, you won't have to worry about running out of vinegar! There are several big vinegar vats here!"

Seeing Mo Zihuang jealous, Shaoyin couldn't help but start teasing.

"Hmph! People have come to your door because of you, and you still smile so cutely!"

Mo Zihuang stretched out his hand and gently pinched her pink cheeks, his sour voice made Shaoyin think he was very cute.

"I really don't remember who he is, I just know him well. Maybe you have seen him before. Think about it carefully. Do you feel familiar?"

Shaoyin fed him a candied date to prevent him from dying of sourness.

Hearing the words, Mo Zihuang fell silent, recalling the appearance of the man in red in detail, he had absolutely no impression of that face that was so good that it drove women crazy.Even he could never forget this kind of monstrous face, it was even prettier than a woman's.

But after Shaoyin's reminder, he suppressed the jealousy and anger in his heart, and after he calmed down, he realized that the man in red was so familiar.

That temperament!That figure!That look!
He felt very familiar, but he couldn't connect this familiarity with the people around him.

There seemed to be no one around him who matched the strength of the man in red.

"It seems that I have seen him too, and he actually knows me."

Mo Zihuang said seriously, feeling that the man in red was deeply involved with both of them.

"Who is it?"

Both of them fell into this doubt, and the man in red didn't seem to be doing his best, and seemed to be hesitating.

They didn't think of who it was, but Shaoyin had a faint thought in his mind and guessed someone.But after flashing that thought, she denied it herself.On the one hand, she felt that it was impossible, and on the other hand, she herself did not want to believe it.

It was almost dawn, and the two just took a nap for a while.

In the carriage on the other side, Hailian saw that Mufu had fallen asleep, so she secretly left the carriage.

Mu Fu has been paying attention to Hai Lian, just dozing off.

She lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw Hai Lian sneaking towards the outside alone, as if she was planning to leave alone.

Mufu also guessed the reason why she wanted to leave, it must be because the fragrance on her body might attract the Green Leaf Guards, so she chose one to face the danger.

Seeing her walking a certain distance, Mufu determined her purpose, got out of the carriage quickly, and caught up with Hai Lian.

"Where are you going, a lonely woman?"

"I—I'm going home."

Hai Lian didn't expect to be discovered by Mu Fu, and said in a panic.

"If you leave now, you may be arrested again."

When Mufu saw her appearance, his heart softened.Yin'er is right, this girl is a kind and good girl.

"I can't drag Miss down, she has already saved me once."

Hai Lian's eyes turned red, and she said with a sob.

"If you want to leave, wait until the poison on your body is cured before leaving."

A light voice came down slowly.Shaoyin had already got up, and when she saw that Hailian was about to leave, she stepped forward.

"The flower god's offering water is a chronic poison. The fragrance on your body is poisonous. If you leave now, even if you don't get caught, you will still be poisoned. I don't know what the poison is. You will only know when you get the flower god to offer water."


Hearing Shaoyin's words, Hailian felt a burst of warmth in her heart, but she never thought that the young lady was still thinking about her situation.

"Do you suspect that I can't cure you?"

Seeing Hailian, Shaoyin was afraid of hurting them, so she didn't say harsh words, but spoke softly.

Hailian shook her head hastily, she trusted Shaoyin very much, that is, Princess Chaoyin of Yunmeng.She has already passed the news to Queen Kapok, saying that she has found Princess Chaoyin and asked Queen Kapok to send guards to protect the princess.But she didn't know why there was no reply, so she set off by herself, wanting to go back to Yunmeng to see what happened.

She is a weak woman who encountered danger on the road and her trip was delayed.

She didn't know that all the news she sent was intercepted, and even her being tricked into the Spring Flower Palace was done deliberately.The purpose is to keep her silent forever, and Empress Kapok will never know that Shaoyin is the Princess Chaoyin she is looking for.

"Since you believe in me, follow me."

Shaoyin said lightly, her eyes were somewhat soft.

"Thank you ma'am!"

Hai Lian was moved to tears when she heard her words.

"Lian'er, go prepare breakfast for you!"

She wiped away her tears and said with a smile.Knowing Shaoyin's preferences, she actively started to make breakfast with the ingredients they brought.

Seeing how diligent she was, Mufu also helped her.

After a few people had a delicious breakfast, they continued on their way.

The Beigong family also traveled with them, so the group was quite lively.

Little Jingcheng always likes to cling to Shaoyin, which makes Mo Zihuang feel jealous again.He stayed in the carriage to recuperate, watching Xiao Jingcheng crawling around inside, really wanted to throw him back to Beigong's carriage.

Since Shaoyin accompanied Xiao Jingcheng, the child who didn't like to laugh before became cheerful.The crisp and childish laughter echoed on the road.

The old man Beigong and the mother-in-law Beigong liked Shaoyin very much when they saw Xiaojingcheng, and the two of them also liked Shaoyin very much.After a few days of contact, they felt that Shaoyin was a very amiable girl, and they liked her very much.

In the blink of an eye, the group of them arrived at Wuqu City in Yunzhou on the Moon.

Yunzhou on the Moon is a unique land of geomantic omen. The magnificent Wuqu City is like a majestic lion, entrenched on this vast land.

To go to Ziwei Huangzhou, you must pass through Yueshangyunzhou. This is an important military defense line. Once it is breached, the enemy can drive straight in and wipe out the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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