Chapter 301
"The God of Flowers is invulnerable to fire and water, so there is no need to avoid it!"

Shaoyin stood among the crowd and spoke very firmly.

"Yeah yeah!"

Everyone also said very firmly that they are full of confidence in the God of Flowers.

When Qu Hefeng saw the fireball, his face turned green.She's not an idiot, she won't run away even after such a big fireball falls!

She immediately ran to the side, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"Cut! Liar!"

Shaoyin said disdainfully, encouraging the remaining believers not to believe in her anymore.

Sure enough, when someone saw Qu Hefeng running away, he was immediately extremely disappointed, and immediately smashed the bowl of divine water.

It turned out that the Flower God they believed in was nothing but fiction!

"Liar, pay back the money!"

Shaoyin changed positions again, and said angrily.

"Yes! Pay back the money!"

The excited crowd rushed towards the Marriage Temple and snatched the box for raising incense money.

"How could it be like this?"

Qu Hefeng opened his mouth, he didn't understand why such a good scene would turn into such a situation?
Seeing the crowd rushing over to settle accounts with her, she hurriedly ran away and told her subordinates to retreat from the secret passage.

Originally, Shaoyin wanted to wait for Mo Zihuang to come to join him, but suddenly found that the cold jade ball at his waist was shining with snow-white light.

She hurriedly held the cold jade exquisite ball and searched around. As she approached the Marriage Temple, the cold jade exquisite ball became brighter and brighter.She quietly entered the Marriage Temple, and saw a large group of green leaf guards carrying away the unconscious woman who drank the flower god's sacrificial water.

The cold jade exquisite ball is shining brightly, which means that the destined person is here.

The opponent had a large number of people, and there were several masters to help out, so Shaoyin couldn't make a move.She didn't have time to wait for Mo Zihuang to come, so she asked Xiao Yulong to deliver the message, and she took Xiao Mengmeng and followed them secretly.

These people walked into the statue behind the Marriage Temple. It turned out that the inside of the huge statue was the entrance to the secret path.

Seeing that they had already entered the secret passage, Shao Yin also followed.

The secret passage was very damp and there was no torch, so she walked forward with the light of the cold jade exquisite ball.

I don't know where this road leads to, it is probably their lair.

She held the silver needle for self-defense tightly in her hand, ready to strike at any time.The dark corridor gave people a kind of unknown fear.

After turning a corner, she found that those people had disappeared!

"There must be a mechanism here!"

Shaoyin saw that the cold jade exquisite ball in her hand was still glowing, which meant that the other party was not very far away from her, so she immediately started groping.

Suddenly, she felt a dangerous aura coming, Xiao Mengmeng reacted quickly and flew over immediately.



A poisonous snake as small as a finger fell to the ground.

Shaoyin picked up the cold jade exquisite ball in her hand, and saw small poisonous snakes hanging all over the wall. If she didn't observe carefully, she might die in the mouth of the snake.

Xiao Mengmeng jumped on her shoulder as if asking for credit, making her dumbfounded.

Seeing that there was no one else here, she lit the torch.

The totems of scorpions are engraved on the surrounding walls, which are the mysterious scorpion totems she has seen many times.

She found a Scorpio Token, which she got from the palace a long time ago, and it might be Li Fei Ye Lishui's.

She found a small groove in the center of the totem, and tried to push the token in.She turned the token around and heard a "click".

A circular hole appeared at the foot, but it was filled with water.

Shaoyin thought that Mo Zihuang would chase after him in a while, so instead of taking off the token, he made a mark and stepped into the water.

Originally, she thought it would be bone-chilling ice water, but she didn't expect it to be warm hot water.

She suddenly understood why those peach blossoms bloom in this season, it must be the reason for this underground hot river.

She dived into the water holding her breath, and after a certain depth, she saw shiny shells appearing at the bottom of the water.These shells seem to be street lights, guiding people forward.

There are transparent flowers floating in the water, with a faint light, illuminating the underwater path.

The road wasn't too long, but after a few breaths, she emerged from the bottom of the water along the underwater steps.

There is still a long corridor next, and I don't know which direction it leads to.Numerous corridors are intricate, like a huge spider web shrouded.

Even if someone finds this place, they will probably be trapped to death in this huge maze.

Holding the cold jade exquisite ball in her hand, she judged the direction by the dimness and brightness of the light.Soon, she determined the direction and did not forget to make a mark.

She followed this group of people from a distance along the way, and saw that the walls of the corridor were all painted with scorpion totems.

With the lights appearing in the corridor and people patrolling from time to time, she knew that she was close to her destination.

Carefully avoiding the patrolling guards, she found that the further she walked, the more people patrolling.If this continues, she will be discovered sooner or later.

"Tap Tap!"

Another group of patrolling guards came over, Shaoyin stood at a corner, and when she saw the last patrolling guard passing by, she flew over with a silver needle, and dragged him over when he fell down.

The rest of the patrol did not notice that one person was missing!

Shaoyin directly took off the guard's armor, put on the helmet and armor, kicked the guard to a small corner, and waited for the next guard to arrive.

"Tap Tap!"

Sure enough, within a short time, another patrol arrived.

Shaoyin calculated their pace, and followed the last person very sensitively, and the other person obviously didn't feel that there was an extra person.

This is an important forbidden area, so there is a sentry at five steps, and a guard at ten steps. Even the patrolling guards are wearing invulnerable armor.

Not everyone has Shaoyin's precise silver needle technique, who can skillfully pierce the acupuncture points with a small silver needle.

Shaoyin walked through the forbidden area with the patrol guards, and the map of this place appeared in her mind. She quietly joined different patrol guards, and then left quietly, approaching the very center of the palace without anyone noticing.

She hid in a corner again, took out the cold jade exquisite ball that she had hidden, and saw that the cold jade exquisite ball was glowing with a snow-white halo, and for some reason, it had an ice-silver luster again.

Could it be that the light color of the Hanyu Linglong ball is different with time?
"It doesn't matter so much, let's find that person first!"

(End of this chapter)

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