Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 317 I'll be upright

Chapter 317 I'll be upright (1)
She didn't ask Mo Zihuang to stand outside, it was very cold and windy, he had been busy all night without rest, and he didn't come back until now, she was worried and distressed.

"Lian'er, ask someone to bring you hot water."

She gave an order, and walked into the room with Mo Zihuang, and brought over the stewed chicken soup.

The chicken soup has been simmering for a long time, and the chicken has been stewed. Some medicinal materials were added to it and it is very tasty now.

"Don't be in a hurry, see what I brought back!"

Mo Zihuang took out a orchid seed as if by magic, and looked at Shaoyin with shining eyes as if asking for credit.

"Lan Xiangzi! You found it!"

When Shaoyin saw this orchid seed, his face showed surprise.

With this orchid seed, it proves that this plant exists in this world.

"I'm going out in person, how can there be things I can't handle?"

Mo Zihuang said quite proudly, seeing Shaoyin's happy appearance, he felt that the fatigue of the journey had disappeared.

"You! You are not humble at all!"

Shaoyin took Lan Xiangzi and said with a funny face.

"Is there? I feel that I am already very humble!"

Mo Zihuang said solemnly, the two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

When two people who love each other are together, even if they are talking about boring topics and doing boring things, they will not feel bored with each other.Even the most mundane things can appear very vivid.

Mo Zihuang told Shaoyin about the Luoxian Pavilion and the mysterious girl in white. All of this was like a dream, which made people feel unreal.

But the Lan Xiangzi in her hand verified the authenticity of what Mo Zihuang said.

"The girl in white you mentioned reminds me of someone."

Shao Yin said thoughtfully, his eyes full of nostalgia.


Mo Zihuang asked, looking at Shaoyin's expression, he seemed to be a very important person.

"A person I'll never see again."

Shaoyin's voice was filled with a touch of sadness, and her mind recalled her childhood.Sister Xian and Brother Yue, both of them were children brought back by their grandfather, they were so lonely and arrogant, as if the whole world was cut off from them.

When Mo Zihuang mentioned the girl in white at Luoxiange, she remembered the first time she saw Sister Xian.Sister Xian is the heir cultivated by her grandfather, many people don't know her life experience, even Shaoyin has never heard a word from her sister.My sister is always so quiet, and she is studying endless things seriously every day.

She is the only partner of Sister Xian. She has been in poor health since she was a child. She rarely sees Sister Xian, but every time she is with Sister Xian, she feels very happy.Sister Xian would tell her many unheard things and teach her various knowledge in person.

They are not related by blood, but Sister Xian is her favorite sister.

Thinking that she would never see her dearest sister again, she felt a little sad in her eyes.

"Don't think about unhappy things, you haven't told me, you found Lan Xiangzi, what reward do you want to give me!"

Mo Zihuang felt that she was a little sad, so he changed the subject.

"What reward do you want?"

Shaoyin blinked her bright eyes and looked at him curiously.

"My request is not high, how about a full house of children and grandchildren?"

Mo Zihuang said seriously, there was no indecent expression on his face, but what he said immediately made Shaoyin blush with embarrassment.


Shaoyin said angrily, seeing that Hailian had already had the hot water brought over, she stopped laughing with Mo Zihuang.

Mo Zihuang ate something, padded his stomach, and then pushed the others away, and walked into the bathtub filled with hot water to take a bath.

There is no hot spring pool here, and he didn't care too much about it.

He took off his robe, revealing his smooth skin, lying in the hot water, his whole body relaxed.

At this time, a pair of soft little hands gently covered his shoulders and began to massage him.

He turned his head and saw Shaoyin standing behind him, without saying a word, closing his eyes and enjoying such sweet happiness.

He didn't dare to think about anything, and silently recited the mantra of pure heart.

This is the best reward after his hard work!
Mo Zihuang and Shaoyin appeared in their real identities, Feng Xize was completely liberated.He immediately went to find Hua Mianyou, but in his opinion, his road to chasing his wife is really long!
Even if that misunderstanding is resolved, the outcome of the two of them is still hard to say.

That day, Shaoyin asked Hailian to try the effect, and the result was as she expected, it really had a miraculous effect.

She secretly found a few crazy women and let them drink Lanxiangzi. There was no adverse reaction, and the good news is that they all improved significantly.Seeing this situation, everyone was quite excited.

On the same day, the team that secretly set out to collect orchid seeds set off. Zi Qianmo saw that the condition of those people had really been significantly controlled, so he immediately reported the situation to Queen Die.

Queen Die quickly sent her a reply, asking her to secretly collect Lan Xiangzi.Pearls from all over the world were also secretly mobilized.

But within two or three days, the crazy people in the City Lord's Mansion have gradually recovered.

With the secret efforts of many forces, the madness that might have caused chaos was silently eliminated.

The city lord, Feng Feixu, did not expect that Shaoyin had cured those mad women when the negative news was secretly spread outside.

Because King Wu Zun personally ordered, the entire city lord's mansion was extremely guarded, and the previous city lord guards were also ordered not to approach, which made people feel more problematic.

"Will the Emperor Doctor be able to cure our child?"

"There has been no news for several days, which is really worrying!"

"I heard that there is no way for the Emperor Doctor to cure him. He just wants to delay the time."

The panic among the people, coupled with the instigation of people with serious intentions, became restless again.

At this time, news spread that King Wu Zun and his concubine were leaving Wuqu City.The man behind the scenes, who had been suppressed for a long time, became excited again, thinking that this was an excellent opportunity.

In order to verify the authenticity of the rumors, people quickly gathered outside the City Lord's Mansion.

From a distance, you can see King Wu Zun's guards, their silver armors are as bright as the nebula in the sky.The serious faces were full of caution.

They are patrolling around with tiger eyes, as if they are ready to fight at any time.

These guards are all elite soldiers under King Wu Zun's command, and they have a killing spirit, which is not comparable to that of ordinary guards.

(End of this chapter)

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