Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 319 Rectification of name and identity

Chapter 319 Rectification of name and identity (1)
A cold voice, with a strong chill, drifted into Qu Hefeng's ears.

The next moment, her eyes went black, and she could no longer see the scene in front of her.

She thought she had directed a good show, but in the end she was a child's play in the eyes of others.

Knowing that the crisis in Wuqu City has been lifted, some people are happy while others are worried.

Qu Hefeng and those who intended to cause trouble were caught and interrogated by the elite Yunshang arranged by Mo Zihuang in advance.Among those caught, the highest rank was Qu Hefeng, who was in the position of hall master, but unfortunately she kept her mouth tight and did not confess the identity of the person behind the scenes.

Although the real identity of the mastermind behind the scenes was not found out, Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang still knew a lot of inside information.

Ziqianmo had secretly gone to other cities to preside over the overall situation, while Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang followed the original plan and headed towards Mu Xuecheng, the imperial capital of the Yunmeng Dynasty.

The rest of the journey was quite smooth, and there were no more troubles.

Passing through one city after another, there are special officials escorting them.Through the vast forest separated by Yunmeng and Tianyao, the road is unimpeded.

Time is like gravel that cannot be grasped, passing by the fingertips without a trace.

Shaoyin rested on the couch in the car, her hair cascading down her shoulders like a waterfall.The car drove very steadily, and she didn't feel too much bumps.

Vaguely, she heard the noise in her ears getting louder, and she slowly opened her eyes.He stretched out his hand to uncover the corner of Shaman driving, and saw the officials and team that Yunmeng Dynasty came to welcome.

The white Twilight Snow City stands at the end of sight.From a distance, it looks like a city piled up with white snow, giving people an extremely spectacular feeling.This is Mu Xuecheng, the imperial capital of the Yunmeng Dynasty. The magnificent city looks like a white dragon lying on the top of a mountain, overlooking the common people.

"See King Wu Zun! See Princess Wu Zun!"

When a fat official saw King Wu Zun's car coming, he immediately saluted respectfully.

The greeting team behind him also quickly saluted them.

The Yunmeng Dynasty and the Tianyao Dynasty are on good terms now, and the two sides communicate with each other for mutual benefit.The two countries have very close diplomatic relations, so there is a scene where King Wu Zun visits Mu Xuecheng in person.

"King Wu Zun and the concubine are running around all the way. The empress has already arranged a resting palace for the two, and please move them to the palace."

The reception officials welcomed them to the imperial palace in Mu Xuecheng. If they were other envoys, they must not be eligible to stay in the palace for a short time.But King Wu Zun's status is so honorable, so naturally he should be received with the highest standard.

"Lead the way!"

Mo Zihuang's cold voice came from the car.

The reception officials immediately led the way in trepidation, and the common people looked at the team curiously along the way.Compared to the others, this team is extraordinarily spectacular.

Shaoyin watched the palace getting closer and closer to her, but felt strangely peaceful in her heart.

This is where Ah Jiu was born!

The others were all arranged in the palace outside the palace, Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang only brought mufus into the palace, and Hailian parted ways with them when they arrived in Muxue City.

Mufu stood beside Shaoyin, trembling a little.Thinking of that dark and cold snowy night, she fled the palace with the newly born Princess Chaoyin in her arms.She thought that it was impossible for her to come back in her life, but she did not expect to come here again.

"I'm back! Yunmeng!"

When she was nervous and afraid, Shaoyin held her hand and nodded to her, gradually calming down her heart.

The imperial palace of the Yunmeng Dynasty was covered with heavy snow at this time, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness.

When Shao Yin and Emperor Mo Zi entered the palace, there were cars waiting for a long time.

"My servant, Mu Jin, is the aunt in charge of the palace. If Prince Wu Zun and Princess Wu Zun need anything, just ask this servant."

Aunt Mujin saluted gracefully and let the two of them sit in the shuttle bus.

In the palace, apart from the Empress and His Majesty, only princes and princesses are eligible to ride in a car. King Wu Zun can enjoy such treatment in Yunmeng Palace, which shows that his status is detached.

Emperor Xiwu of the Yunmeng Dynasty once personally promised that Yunmeng and Tianyao would be friends for generations.King Wu Zun of the Tianyao Dynasty was the unfeuded king of the Yunmeng Dynasty.This is what he promised in order to thank Feng Meixue for her kindness back then. He also built a Chang'en Palace in the palace, as the place where the imperial envoys of the Tianyao Dynasty lived.

"I'm going to trouble Aunt Mujin to lead the way!"

Shaoyin nodded, and got into the resplendent car.

"This is the duty of a servant, the princess has broken the servant."

Aunt Mujin said in fear, and immediately led the way.

Mufu followed Shaoyin, and Shaoyin had already disguised herself for her, so she walked here aboveboard, and no one could recognize her.

Shaoyin wore a thin snow-white veil so that no one would recognize her resemblance to Queen Kapok.

After all, they are mother and daughter, and they always look alike.


The wheels rolled over the white snow, making a rhythmic sound.

"Mujin is the Fengyi female official next to Queen Kapok."

Mufu whispered to Shaoyin that she blocked a fatal blow for Mu Mian before, and when she was injured and recuperating, it was Mu Jin who followed Mu Mian.

Queen Kapok is very suspicious and only uses trustworthy people.Mu Jin is also a girl from Kapok Village, and she has always followed Kapok Queen's side and won her trust.

"Well, I know, I will deal with it carefully."

Shaoyin knows that she has stepped into the den of a dragon and a tiger, so she must be careful in everything.She came here to find out the mystery of her life experience. What was the origin of the people who chased and killed them?Why hunt them down?

Who is being aggressive now?Have been hiding in the dark and refused to give up?
The source of everything lies in the Yunmeng Dynasty. If she doesn't come here in person, she may never understand it for the rest of her life.

No one can hurt the people around her in vain, but can live a peaceful and carefree life.

Everyone has a bottom line, and her bottom line is relatively low, but it doesn't mean she doesn't have untouchable back scales.She is more patient than ordinary people and knows how to seize the opportunity. When the enemy is strong and we are weak, impulsiveness is equivalent to the stupid behavior of sending death.

Halfway through the drive, Shaoyin saw another gorgeous golden car driving from the opposite direction.The palace servants followed like clouds to the left and right, and the scene was extraordinarily grand.

"Who is this?"

Sitting in the car was a girl dressed in silk palace attire, younger than Shao Yin, but not much different.She wore jewelry on her head, which looked quite luxurious.

"Meet Your Highness the Princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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