Chapter 326
"Who are you? What are you responsible for—"

Bei Gongguan said with a sneer, before he finished speaking, he saw Meng Tan's gloomy black face, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"It turns out that Young Master Tan is here! I'm sorry to welcome you!"

"I've seen Tan Shao!"

"Young master Tan still looks the same!"

"Tan Shao and Luo Shao really have a deep brotherhood, and they never forget to come and visit in their busy schedule."


Seeing Mengtan, the scene was like a pot exploded, and it suddenly became lively.

Meng Tan is Meng Junlin's adoptive son, Meng Junlin is a well-known senior in the ancient clan world, who can not be in awe.In addition, Mengtan is very competitive, the young is better than the blue, and he is a rare figure among the younger generation in the ancient clan world.

When Luo Kui saw that Shaoyin was actually invited by Mengtan himself, Luo Kui couldn't hold back, but he couldn't pull himself together to apologize, so he could only stand aside in a muffled voice.

"Since he is the doctor Tan Shao hired, he must have some merits, so I asked this little girl to take care of her."

Luo Lao said it himself, with a very sincere attitude.

"Since the little friend said that Mr. Luo's condition is not serious, Pindao would like to hear what this little friend has a good remedy for!"

Daoist Zhongtian's tone was somewhat aimed at Shaoyin, and he was very annoyed at Shaoyin's appearance.He felt that his authority had been challenged, and he secretly hated Shaoyin in his heart.

"Yeah! I want to show off at a young age, and I think it's embarrassing in the end."

Bei Gongguan and Daoist Zhongtian share the same hatred, and Daoist Zhongtian was invited by him, so her questioning Daoist Zhongtian is tantamount to questioning him.

"You don't have to be nervous, girl. There are so many highly skilled doctors who haven't been able to explain why. It doesn't matter if the girl is not sure."

Zhang Yinling's soft voice fell firmly, making all the doctors present feel ashamed, but they couldn't refute it.After all, they were really helpless, and Zhang Yinling didn't mean to slander them, but just gave Shaoyin a step down.

When Shaoyin heard that she was able to speak for a stranger like herself in such a situation, she knew that she was a very kind-hearted girl.

She nodded towards Zhang Yinling, but her eyes were full of soothing and confident charm, which made Zhang Yinling's tense nerves relax a bit.

Can't say any reason, Zhang Yinling just thinks that this young girl might really have a way!

Thinking of this, her gloomy eyes lit up a little.

"It's hard to say what a cure is, only one thing is enough."

Shao Yin looked towards Luo Lao, her faint voice was exceptionally clear.

"What? As long as it can cure our Xiaochun, even if it is a star in the sky, I will find a way to get it."

The words that Mr. Luo blurted out made the other members of the Luo family look weird again. They felt jealous and hated Luo Fuchun for being loved by Mr. Luo.

"Just snow water is enough!"

Shaoyin said calmly, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"What? Are you kidding? Snow water can cure diseases?"

Luo Kui thought she could say something high, but it turned out to be such an absurd thing, which made her worry for nothing.

"It's ridiculous!"

Taoist Zhongtian immediately spoke sarcastically, and immediately denied Shaoyin's words.

Seeing Mengtan's face, the others didn't say anything, they just expressed disapproval of Shaoyin's statement.

Zhang Yinling's eyes darkened again when she heard her words.

Luo Fuchun was shivering all over at this moment, it was so cold that there was no temperature at all, how could he use snow water to cure it?
Jun Fusha also opened her mouth, surprised by the healing things Shaoyin proposed.

Mengtan's face remained the same, Shaoyin's medical skills were superb, different from ordinary doctors, since she said so, there must be her intentions.

"I don't know how the little girl will use snow water to treat Xiaochun's illness?"

Mr. Luo is a knowledgeable person who has experienced many ups and downs and is much calmer than others.He is old now, but he is still young.

He didn't immediately deny Shaoyin's words, but asked about the details, which showed that it was not accidental that he became the head of the Luo family.

"Take it internally, bathe it externally, and it will be effective immediately."

Shaoyin said calmly, her voice was neither humble nor overbearing, it was extraordinarily calm.He stared straight at Luo Lao without a trace of dodge.


Luo Lao also had some scruples in his heart, after all, in this winter, if he was not careful, Luo Fuchun's condition might become more serious.

"You are simply a quack doctor. Young Master Luo is obviously suffering from the cold, how can he use snow water to treat him?"

"If you don't know how to treat a disease, don't talk nonsense, and worry about killing people."

"She is disregarding human life!"


The doctors present couldn't help attacking Shaoyin at this moment.

Shaoyin just stood there calmly, not in the mood to confront the Confucians, just like a peaceful lake with no waves.

She is just a doctor who will inevitably be criticized by others. She doesn't care what others say about her, as long as she is herself, that's enough.There are so many mouths in the world, she can neither control nor need to control what others say, let the facts speak for themselves.

Mengtan saw those doctors who couldn't think of a cure, but at the moment they attacked Shaoyin who proposed a solution, and anger appeared on his face, which might explode at any time.

Luo Kui and Bei Gongguan looked at Shaoyin gloatingly, if they knew she was a quack doctor, they should have invited her to treat Luo Fuchun.Because they have already denied Shaoyin before, now they want to add fuel to the flames, but there is nothing they can do.

Seeing Shaoyin's steady posture, Luo Lao had other thoughts in his mind.If she was really talking nonsense, she might have already run away by now.She can still be so calm, which shows that she is really capable.

But, can this snow water really cure Luo Fuchun's strange disease?
While he was still hesitating, Luo Fuchun beside him suddenly twitched and fell to the ground.


Seeing Luo Fuchun fell to the ground, Zhang Yinling was so frightened that her face paled and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Doctors, come and save my husband!"

She pleaded hastily, her face full of panic.

"Isn't this going to work?"

Luo Kui looked at Luo Fuchun lying silently on the ground in surprise, unable to conceal the joy in his heart.If Luo Fuchun was eliminated, her status in the Luo family would be the highest.

In the ancient clan world, martial arts are the most respected, without Luo Fuchun as a roadblock, there is hope for her to inherit the position of Patriarch.


When Luo Lao heard Luo Kui's words, he snorted angrily, and was very dissatisfied with Luo Kui.

"Come and see!"

He saw Luo Fu's spring spirit was like a silk thread, and his old face was extremely pale under worry.He did not lose the calmness of the overlord, and immediately asked these doctors to come forward.

(End of this chapter)

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