Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 330 The dragon gave birth to nine sons

Chapter 330 The Dragon Born Nine Sons (1)
Her faint voice fell slowly, making Jun Fusha's mood fluctuate.

"It's been five days."

Jun Fusha thought for a while, and then answered.She didn't say anything, Shaoyin discovered Mo Xingxi's problem, it seems that she is really capable.

"What special thing happened five days ago?"

Shaoyin was sitting opposite Mo Xingxi. He saw her appear and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak.He could only wink at her, looking rather funny.

But at the moment, none of the two people in the room could laugh.

"Five days ago? Nothing special!"

Jun Fusha shook her head, she really couldn't think of anything special.

"Think about it again! Is there anything happy about it?"

Shaoyin has already preliminarily judged Xiao Liumo Xingci's illness, but only by finding out the exact cause can he prescribe the right medicine.

"There are no happy things! There are bad things!"

After being reminded by Shaoyin, Jun Fusha immediately complained.

"This guy is so unmannered. You don't even know how bad he is. I found the Qianjun Love Lock, but he snatched it away first. I'm so pissed off!"

She scolded Mo Xingxi angrily, this guy has collected so many treasures, but she didn't steal any of them.Thinking of this, she became very angry.

Her reputation as a stealthy thief has been ruined by this brat.

"I heard that Xiao Liu likes baby very much!"

Shaoyin remembered that Mo Zihuang had said this, that Mo Xingci loved treasures like his life, and the happiest thing was to find the treasure.

"It's not just liking, it's just crazy."

Jun Fusha muttered, her tone full of sourness.In her opinion, he treated those babies much better than her.

"It seems that the problem is with that treasure."

Shaoyin has already determined that the cause of Mo Xingxiu is the treasure he got that day.

"What's wrong with the baby?"

Jun Fusha froze for a moment, could it be that someone tampered with the Qianjun Love Lock?

its not right!The Thousand Knot Lock was found from the ruins of the Peach Blossom Forest, how could someone tamper with it?
"It's not about baby."

Shaoyin's unfathomable words made Jun Fusha completely lost her way.

"Then what's wrong with him? Why is he giggling all the time?"

Jun Fusha asked directly, otherwise Shaoyin would be confused.

"The reason is very simple, and I have already said it. Xi is extremely sad, he is so happy, so he can't help but laugh."

Shaoyin explained why Mo Xingxi had been smiling since she entered the room.


When Jun Fusha heard Shaoyin's words, her shoulders trembled, she couldn't help but patted the table and laughed.This is an ultimate oolong. She thought he had some serious illness, but she didn't expect it to be like this!

"Hahaha! I laughed so hard, he deserves it!"

She laughed so much that tears came out, and the crystal clear teardrops miraculously did not fall to the ground, but flew towards Shaoyin's direction.


Shaoyin hastily took out the Hanyu Linglong Ball from her sleeve, and the originally quiet Linglong Ball was emitting a golden light at this moment.

Jun Fusha's tears, like fish swimming into the water, merged into the cold jade exquisite ball.

"What kind of baby is this? Why did my tears run in?"

Seeing this scene, Jun Fusha stopped laughing and said in surprise.

"This is a thing that collects tears. It has great uses, so don't think about it."

Shaoyin was very surprised to collect this tear, she didn't realize that Jun Fusha was also one of the seven predestined people.Before, because she was standing with Mengtan, the cold jade exquisite ball was shining, but she didn't care.

But I didn't expect to get the third tear by unintentionally inserting a willow into the shade.

"Sister-in-law's stuff, I don't have the nerve to make up my mind. Now that I know the disease of this brat, how can I cure it? It's not a problem to let him smoke like this all the time!"

Jun Fusha asked, she was also very concerned about Mo Xingxi, but she didn't realize it.

"The solution is simple."

Shaoyin was in a good mood at the moment, with only three tears left, which made her a lot less stressed.Now there is only less than half a year left, she must hurry up.The owners of the other three tears, two of which she has already identified.

One is the mysterious man in red, and the other is Prince Mengtan, and she doesn't know the last one.

"What can be done?"

Jun Fusha came closer and asked.

"Come over here."

Shaoyin beckoned and told her the treatment method in her ear.

"Is that okay?"

After listening to Shaoyin's words, Jun Fusha blinked her big eyes, full of surprise.

"You'll know when you try it."

Shaoyin smiled lightly, and Jun Fusha thought it would be okay to try anyway, and it would allow her to avenge her, so why not do it!


Jun Fusha laughed mischievously, rubbed her little hands, and walked towards Mo Xingxiu.

Mo Xingxiu stared at Jun Fusha, seeing her smile so lewdly, he felt a chill rising from behind, and had a very ominous premonition in his heart.He tried his best to wink at Shaoyin, but it was a pity that Shaoyin stood outside the door looking at the scenery and didn't pay attention to him.

"Little Xingxing! You also have this moment!"

Jun Fusha stretched out her hand and patted Mo Xingxi's shoulder, and unconsciously took out the exquisite Qianjun Love Lock from his arms, showing a triumphant smile.

"I accept this baby!"

She purposely dangled her spoils in front of Mo Xingxiu, then triumphantly locked Qianjieqing away.

"give me back!"

When Mo Xingxiu saw his treasure being snatched away, he subconsciously yelled, and rushed towards Jun Fusha.

"That's mine! If you want to go back, there is no door!"

Jun Fusha firmly grasped the skirt of her clothes, and specially placed the things in the most close-fitting place.

"If you have one, reach out and get it!"

She said to Mo Xingxi provocatively, even he doesn't have the guts!

"You—you're nasty!"

Mo Xing blushed in anger, it was impossible for him as a big man to do such a thing.

"How? Is this how you treat your savior?"

Jun Fusha had a sweet smile on her face, she stole Mo Xingxi's treasure for the first time, and he still couldn't get angry, it was so cool.

"I'm alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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