Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

333 Chapter 1 Connected in context

333 Chapter 1 Connected in context ([-])
"who are you?"

The elegant man looked at Shaoyin calmly, as if he was used to such things a long time ago, so he didn't panic at all.

"I'm just a passerby, you don't need to know who I am."

Shaoyin said neither humble nor overbearing, she just wanted to take a shortcut and never expected to encounter such an assassination.This middle-aged man has an extraordinary bearing, and he should be a high-status figure.


The guard on the side shouted angrily, this guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, does he know who she is talking to!


The refined man laughed loudly when he heard the words, the laughter was full of boldness and righteousness, and there was no displeasure.

"What an interesting little girl, you are the first person to talk to me like that."

"If you don't even have a normal speaking person around you, it's too sad to live."

Shaoyin's faint voice came down clearly, which changed the faces of all the guards.

Just when they thought their master would fly into a rage, a scene that surprised them reappeared.

"Yeah! Finally someone understands the sadness of an old man like me!"

The elegant man laughed at himself and said that he was surrounded by people who dare not tell the truth, so he lived a very sad life.

"If nothing happens, then I'm leaving."

Shaoyin glanced at him, not interested in such a passer-by who met by chance.

"let her go."

The refined man said softly, with a tone of majesty that cannot be rejected.

"Maybe she is an assassin!"

A guard boldly said, she was here just now, the suspicion is the biggest.

"She's not an assassin."

The elegant man's voice was very sure, making Shao Yingao take a look.

His eyes fell on Shaoyin's hand, which was wearing a blue tiger eye stone bracelet, which was Mengtan's favorite thing.Now that it appears in the hands of this little girl, maybe this little girl is still the boy's sweetheart.

Hearing what he said, the guards naturally didn't dare to stop Shaoyin and could only let her pass.

After Shaoyin left, the guard continued to ask: "Your Majesty, do you want to check her identity?"

"No, she doesn't look like a bad person."

The refined man spoke with a smile in his eyes.This little girl made him feel very kind, and made him like it for no reason.

He didn't know that it was his own daughter. Even if it was the first time they met, blood was thicker than water, and the affection between them would never stop.

"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with the Empress Dowager."

A servant hurried over and reported nervously.

Hearing that something happened to the Queen Mother, Emperor Xiwu rushed over immediately.

At this moment, Shaoyin didn't realize that that person was Emperor Xiwu, because he really didn't look like an emperor, but more like a scholar.

After walking for a while, Shaoyin returned to Chang'en Palace. Before entering the palace, she saw Mo Zihuang holding a lantern in his hand, standing in the night wind, waiting for her return.

"Welcome home."

The icy voice has a hot temperature like a volcano.

In an instant, a warm feeling flooded her heart. Even though such a man is extremely domineering, he will not restrict her freedom, allowing her to do whatever she wants without asking why.

He is obviously a man of steel, but he is delicate and considerate.

She ran towards him quickly, with a bright smile on her face that couldn't be restrained.

"I am back."

Shaoyin came to Mo Zihuang's side and immediately took out the Hanyu Linglong ball.The three tears inside were like crystal clear amber, refracting the bright light and blurring the eyes.

When Mo Zihuang saw the third tear, his heart skipped a beat, he didn't say anything, but hugged her tightly into his arms.

He didn't know how much she had silently paid for him, she never asked for anything in return, such a silly love made him want to cry.

He is really satisfied to have her in this life.

Even if it's just such a quiet hug, the picture is so beautiful.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

Shaoyin leaned against his chest, feeling the ordinary and pure happiness at this moment, with a faint smile on her jade face.This is a very special feeling, not only feeling sorry for him, but also feeling the happiness of being held in the hands of others, very contradictory, yet so natural.

"It didn't take long. I just came out and you came back."

Mo Zihuang's magnetic voice fell slowly.

When Shaoyin heard what he said, he naturally knew that he was lying. The corners of his clothes were soaked by the night mist, so he must have been waiting here for a long time.But he didn't tell the truth, and she pretended not to find out.

"It's cold outside, go in! Tell me about the third tear!"

Mo Zihuang stretched out his hand to wrap her little hand, warming her hand with his own temperature.


Shaoyin nodded, and walked into Chang'en Palace together with him.

While walking, she talked about what happened to her today, without mentioning Xiao Liu's condition, but only told him that the owner of the third tear was Jun Fusha, and that it was a tear of joy.

Tears of longing, tears of anger, and tears of joy were gathered in Hanyu Linglong Ball.

Shaoyin seemed to understand what the seven tears were!
When the two of them had dinner and were about to rest, they saw Mufu standing at the door in a hurry.

"Yin'er, come out."

Seeing Mufu's expression, Shaoyin knew that something must have happened, so she greeted Mo Zihuang and walked outside the door.

"What happened, mother?"

"Something happened!"

Mu Fu's face was extremely solemn, and there was a hint of anger.

"I heard that a woman appeared in the Queen Mother's palace tonight, claiming to be the true blood of the royal family, Princess Chaoyin who lives among the people."

"Do you know where she came from?"

When Shaoyin heard Mufu's words, her originally calm Yurong showed a hint of doubt.

She didn't want to be a princess at all, she just wanted to find out who was behind the scenes, so as to clarify the mystery of her life experience for Ah Jiu.However, if someone wants to take away everything that belongs to Ah Jiu and pretend to be Ah Jiu, she will not agree.

"I don't know. I heard that when the empress dowager was out of the palace to pray for blessings, she happened to meet her in the temple."

Mufu told Shaoyin the gossip she had inquired about. She had stayed in the palace for a long time before, so she naturally had her own way to inquire about the news.

She has always known Shaoyin's true identity, and she has suffered so much, even as a mother, she can't bear it.She hoped that Shaoyin could get back everything that belonged to her. Seeing the other princesses and princes in fine clothes, she felt that this child was too unfortunate.

(End of this chapter)

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