Chapter 344
Because of the appearance of Dongfang Yunlou, the two discussed with Mufu and decided to leave the palace tonight.Mo Zihuang is going to get tears, while Shaoyin is going to visit the cold palace.

Only Kapok knows the real situation back then, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied.

When the sky was smudged into a piece of black satin by traces of ink, scattered stars dotted the sky, making the chilling dark night a little warmer.

"There is a secret passage in the waiting snow palace that leads directly to all the palaces in the entire imperial palace. As long as we leave the waiting snow palace, we will not attract attention."

Mufu said in a low voice, the guards outside Chang'en Palace are now heavily guarded, if they go out from here, it will be difficult for them to move an inch.

"Where is the secret path?"

When Mo Zihuang heard Mufu's words, he became more and more curious about Mufu's identity.The secret escape route in the palace has always been known only to the core figures.Except for the emperor and empress, ordinary court ladies definitely don't know.Mufu is obviously just an aunt in Shaofu, so how could she know the secrets of Yunmeng Palace?

"Just behind the map of mountains and rivers hanging in the study."

Mufu didn't hide anything and told the location.

"Okay, let's go and see!"

After Mo Zihuang ordered no one to come in, the group flew out of the window and climbed over the wall directly to Daixue Palace.

Waiting for Xuegong to be extremely quiet at this moment, there is no guard, and there are no maids, only the fragrance of flowers is full of flowers, which is very fresh.

I heard that Meng Junlin didn't like plum blossoms at first, and his place of residence was full of pines and cypresses. However, because his beloved woman loved plum blossoms the most, he planted a large area of ​​rare plum blossoms.I hope that one day, she will be able to live and admire the plum blossoms.

Unfortunately, his wish has never been fulfilled, that person has never set foot in Mu Xue City.

Because he did one wrong thing when he was young, he wanted to occupy that woman, but in the end he got nothing.

The layout in the Snow Palace was very elegant, but after walking a few steps, everyone dared not move forward rashly.

"There is a plum blossom formation here!"

Shaoyin saw that Meilin in front of him looked ordinary, but in fact he was full of mystery.If he didn't go to the right place, he might be trapped in Merlin.

"Although there are no guards in Waiting Snow Palace, there are endless formations, so we must be more careful."

Mufu knew the danger of waiting for Xuegong, but she didn't understand such a mysterious thing as formation, so she could only remind her.

"It's okay, it's just a small formation."

Mo Zihuang waved his hand, walked into the plum grove first, and asked Shaoyin to follow him closely.

Mu Fu was handed over to several hidden guards for protection, after all, she was the weakest of them all.

"Seven steps to the left, five steps forward, three steps to the right, and one step back."

Mo Zihuang said in a low voice, and led everyone through the plum blossom forest.

Meng Junlin taught their brothers a lot of skills when they were young, and Xiao Jiumo Hanyuan was the most powerful in understanding formations.

Thinking of Xiao Jiu, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and thinking of Xiao Jiu's similar cold winter, he completely left him.Even after so many years, every time he thinks about it, he still can't help but feel sad and blame himself.

Why didn't he rescue Xiao Jiu?

He clearly promised his parents that he would protect his younger siblings.

However, he didn't do it!

His expression was full of sadness, as if he was caught in some past events.

"Purple Emperor, what's wrong with you?"

Shaoyin sensed something was wrong with him, tugged at the hem of his clothes, and asked softly.

"It's okay, let's move on."

Mo Zihuang was very familiar with these formations, and Meng Junlin had taught him them before.A group of people soon came to Meng Junlin's study room, which was decorated in a particularly grand manner, with various ancient books placed on the bookshelves, exuding a vicissitudes of life.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge map of mountains and rivers hanging on the wall of the study room, which actually depicts several young men and a peerless woman.Several people stood side by side on the top of the high mountain, watching the rising sun, the radiant glow covered the sky and the earth.

Even if you are not in it, you can still feel the vast domineering air coming out of the painting.

They could only see the backs of these people, but they all had a feeling of deja vu.

"I seem to have seen these people before!"

Shaoyin said in surprise, looking at this scroll, it has been some years, it should have been drawn many years ago.

"That one is the butterfly queen!"

Mufu opened her mouth to explain her confusion, and the people in the painting were Feng Meixue, Mo Yanhua, Meng Junlin, Hua Lengzui and Nalan Fengyin.

"Let's go quickly. If someone finds out that the prince is missing, I'm afraid we will startle the snake."

She carefully turned the candlestick on the side, and the entire wall moved.Uncovering a corner of the scroll covering the wall, they saw a huge secret passage in front of them.


A gust of wind blows over from the secret passage, proving that it is connected to the outside world.

"Let's split up! Jiu Ying and you guys carefully escort A Yin out of the palace."

Mo Zihuang gave a warning, and moved quickly into the darkness according to the route Mufu pointed out.

"See you soon."

Shaoyin was a little worried about Mo Zihuang's body, so she could only silently pray for his safety.

"We're leaving too."

The mufu closed the entrance door, lit a fire pocket, and led the way.

She had walked through this secret passage before, when she escaped from the palace with the baby Princess Chaoyin, she took this secret passage.It's just that the secret passage leads from the queen's palace to the outside of the palace, and it also connects with this place.

The countless secret passages underground are like spider webs, which make people confused and lead to various palaces.

She once memorized the map of the secret underground passage in her heart, so she can still remember the way now.

The underground secret passage was very quiet, only their footsteps could be heard.

Jiuying and the others looked around vigilantly, guarding against any possible accidents.


Mufu saw a mark and made a silent movement.

"Go up!"

Shaoyin said in a low voice, Jiuying took the lead and went to explore the way.

Nine Shadows flew out of a dry well, pushed aside the dense yellow weeds, and saw that the place was deserted and looked gloomy, and shivered for a while.

"No one, princess come up!"

Seeing that there was no danger, he asked Shaoyin and Mufu to climb up along the rope in the well.

Shaoyin climbed out of the dry well, and saw a black shadow flying over the tree beside her. Huanyue and Peixin immediately drew out their swords and protected them both in the middle.

Xiao Luo is protecting the rear and avoiding cold arrows from the rear.

A large group of crows flapped their wings and flew in the sky, feeling the murderous aura on them and dared not approach them.

(End of this chapter)

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