Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 360 The Greatness of the World

Chapter 360 The Greatness of the World
Her life was saved by Nalan Fengyin, if it wasn't for him back then, she would not be able to stand here now.

"I don't care about you anymore. I still have things to do. Since I have sent you to Tianxia City, I will leave."

With deep melancholy in her eyes, Shao Le turned around and walked outside, going against the bustling crowd.

The more lively the crowd was, the more lonely his heart was.

"Le'er! Don't go! Hey——"

Shangguan Nianxi watched Shao Le take advantage of her fascination to go away, and couldn't help sighing.

She wanted to hold him back and tell him not to do stupid things, but he was so determined.

When a child grows up, he can't help his mother, let alone his apprentice?

Seeing Shao Le's figure disappear out of sight, she only hoped that this poor child could have a happy ending.Don't be like her, always alone.

"The subject of the first test is to identify herbs!"

As soon as Nalan Fengyin's words fell, someone immediately placed various herbs on a long table, and a kind of medicine was planted in each jade pot, which looked very spectacular.

"Within a stick of incense, more than half of the people who write the name of the medicine correctly can pass the first level."

Each participant has a pen and paper in his hand, and a number plate is hung outside all the jade basins, and the name of the herb on each number plate needs to be clearly marked.

Because of the large number of people, they are not allowed to come forward to see it. We can only judge the name of the herb by looking at it from a distance based on everyone's ability.

The first level is a pure knockout. For those who have never collected herbs by themselves, this level is really too difficult.

If it was the medicinal materials in the pharmacy, they still knew what it was, but these unpicked medicinal materials were really too difficult to identify.

Shaoyin and Mo Lingxuan took a look at these herbs, and started to write together.

Anyone who found someone trying to peep and cheat was crushed out by the people from the medicine tower.

The square was extremely quiet, and both the onlookers and the participants were extremely serious.

Some people scratched their heads, thinking hard.Some people focus their eyes and write quickly.Some people have sad faces and look lonely.All kinds of beings emerge here.

The fragrance burned for half a column, and someone had already shaken the copper bell placed in front of him. The bell was engraved with cherry blossom patterns and plated with a thin layer of gold, which looked simple and gorgeous.

Hearing that someone had already rang the bell and handed in the answer sheet, the others became more and more nervous.

Someone accidentally dropped the pen on the ground and hurriedly picked it up.

"Who is that? The answer sheet is handed in so soon!"

Someone in the crowd asked suspiciously, with a puzzled look on his face.

"This is the famous Mr. Yu! You don't even know him, it's because you are ignorant!"

"He is Mr. Yu! He really lives up to his reputation, he is extraordinary handsome!"

"I didn't expect Mr. Yu to be proficient in medicine."


Everyone discussed in low voices, seeing that elegant and elegant figure, it was a bit like a holy doctor.

"Why is Yuanqing here?"

Shaoyin glanced at the person with the first film, but unexpectedly it was Yueshang Yuanqing!

Yueshang Yuanqing also saw Shaoyin, and grinned at him like a shining star.

If he hadn't considered that the medicine spirit event was being held at this moment, he would have gone over to say hello to Shaoyin.

"Jingle Bell!"

"Look! Someone else is ringing the bell, and this time it's a young lady!"

There was another exclamation, and everyone followed the prestige, and saw a woman in a blue skirt. She had a slender figure, and one couldn't help but want to protect her.

"Ms. Lan's family actually came to participate in the medicine fair!"

It was Zi Qianmo who spoke. She knew Lan Qinyan. Although she was not familiar with her, she had met Lan Qinyan a few times.

"I heard that the Lan family is a family of medicine, so it's reasonable for Miss Lan to come to the medicine fair."

Shangguan Wei said slowly, a pair of spiritual pupils full of wisdom and light, exuding agility.

"Although the Lan family is a family of medicine, I heard that Miss Lan doesn't like studying medicine."

Ziqianmo shook her head, and heard that Lan Qinyan liked literature, and was immersed in books all day long, not interested in medical skills.

She was right in guessing that Lan Qinyan came here because she knew that Yueshang Yuanqing would come.After searching for a long time, she finally got the news of Yueshang Yuanqing, so she naturally wanted to grasp it.

"Huh? Shaoyin is here too!"

Ziqianmo turned his eyes and landed on Shaoyin, and was even more surprised to see her here.

Because she remembered that Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang had gone to Yunmeng as envoys, and as for what happened to Yunmeng, she was outside, so she didn't hear about it.

Seeing Shaoyin, her eyes softened a little, and a faint warmth appeared on her face.

Shangguan Wei also noticed Shao Yin, she was staying in an inconspicuous place, holding a pen in her hand, writing something.

As people handed in the answer sheets one after another, Shaoyin also rang the bell, and someone came over to collect the answer sheets and stamped the number plate in Shaoyin's hand.

Each number plate can be used as a seal, which is also very convenient.

After Mo Lingxuan finished writing the answer sheet, he also handed it in.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, and a group of elders from the medicine tower sat on the other side of the high platform, marking the answer sheets in person.

They are all familiar with these answers, and the review speed is very fast.

As soon as someone turned in the answer sheet, they had already started to review, and when the last person turned in the answer sheet, almost all of them were reviewed.

"Holy Doctor, please take a look!"

An old man with a kind face handed over the list of passed to Nalan Fengyin, the holy doctor of Xiaoyao, with a respectful attitude.


Nalan Fengyin took the list and looked at the results of everyone's correct answers to the questions. Seeing that some people answered all the questions correctly, he couldn't help but pay attention to the number 77.

This time, a few people answered most of the answers correctly, only one or two names of herbs were wrong.

But with one person who got all the answers right, those people didn't look good enough.

In order to ensure fairness, the examiner does not know the number of each participant, not even the elders of the medicine tower.It is the responsibility of different people to ensure fairness and justice.

"Okay, let's announce the list."

He nodded and asked the Elder Yaota to paste the list on the bulletin board.

"The old man announces the number of the finalists, No. 12, No. [-], NO.[-]..."

The first level is an elimination level, so it is not announced how many questions each person answered correctly, only a few elders know it well.

The person who heard that he had passed the test let out a long sigh of relief, with joy on his face.Those who didn't hear him left the scene helplessly with a look of frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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