Chapter 367 Honored (7)
The two people around her didn't know where they were being sent, so she could only rely on herself.She looked around and saw a huge stone wall in front of her, with long chapters engraved on it.

"In the past, the Yellow Emperor was born as a god, weak and able to speak, young and sloppy, long and sensitive, mature and ascended to the sky..."

She looked at the stone wall for a while, and she saw that this was the opening chapter of "Huangdi Neijing", which is not only a Taoist classic, but also a classic of ancient medicine.She has been familiar with this work for a long time, so she can see the source of this chapter at a glance.

However, the chapters on the stone wall began to become chaotic at the end.

She saw that the stone wall should be the key to entering it, so she tentatively touched the writing on the stone wall.She discovered that the stones engraved with writing could move, and she began to arrange the words into the correct numbers.

When the complete chapter surfaced on the stone wall, the stone wall suddenly cracked, revealing a passage.

Shaoyin walked into it and walked up the winding stairs.Not long after, she reached the second floor of the medicine tower.

Everyone outside saw the light on the second floor of the medicine tower, and they all looked over curiously.

"Someone reached the second floor so quickly! It's amazing!"

"No one has ever been able to reach the second floor of the medicine tower in such a short period of time before. I don't know who is so powerful."

"Maybe someone can really break the record this time!"

Seeing this scene, Elder Yaota also opened his mouth in surprise.The three of them didn't have time to make a cup of tea when they entered, and someone went up to the second floor!

When Shao Yin came to the second floor, he found that there was also a stone wall here, and there was still a medical classic on it.She is proficient in various medical books, and the test that is extremely difficult for ordinary people is very simple for her.

Soon, she passed the test of the second floor, and continued to solve the problems of each floor along the way, walking towards the top.

The elders of the medicine tower outside stared wide-eyed, watching the medicine tower light up layer by layer, completely speechless.

"that's unbelievable!"

Someone sighed with emotion, expressing everyone's aspirations.

"Look, that person is about to pass the last level!"

Shaoyin didn't know that her actions at the moment had attracted all the attention.Even some elders who usually don't care about world affairs were alarmed and gathered under the medicine tower.

The medicine tower has not been so lively for many years!

The sunset in the sky has already set, and the brightest thing in Tianxia City is the translucent medicine tower, which looks like a huge lantern, which is particularly eye-catching.

"It seems that the medicine tower has a successor!"

An old woman said with a smile, she recalled that only when the God of Medicine Ruan Aocang broke into the pagoda, such a strange scene appeared.

"I have seen the palace master!"

The elders were alarmed when they saw the master of Ziying Hall, and quickly saluted.

The master of Ziying Hall just nodded, his eyes fell on the medicine tower, his face was kind and kind.

At the same time, Shaoyin stood in front of the stone wall on the ninth floor. This time, what was displayed in front of her was a complete chapter, which she had never seen before.

"If you want to pass through this door, you need to learn how to use the God-Mending Needle to break through the barrier."

After Shaoyin read the words on the stone wall, his heart sank.

According to the description above, Tianbu Shenzhen is a very powerful medical skill.At the same time, the founder who created this technique, in order to change the status quo that doctors are vulnerable groups, specially perfected the skill of mending the sky, so that this needle can not only save lives, but also kill invisible.Cultivated to the extreme, can also break through the void.

But there is a prerequisite for learning this technique, that is, you have never practiced any exercises.Otherwise, it will conflict with this technique and cannot be practiced.

Although Shaoyin has learned some light skills of escaping, but fortunately it is not an inner skill, so she fully meets the requirements.

She began to read the following chapters quietly, her whole body and mind immersed in it.As she continued to silently recite the mental method of mending the sky, the ninth floor suddenly became turbulent.The essence of heaven and earth elixir accumulated for countless years was fully integrated into her body, but she didn't feel it.

She originally had a very high level of comprehension, and her understanding of medicine was very deep.Gather the power gushing out of the body on the silver needle, and gallop towards the stone wall.


A delicate silver needle has produced earth-shattering effects.The entire stone wall shattered and opened a door.

"After waiting for so many years, I finally found someone."

Behind the gate, stood a meaningful and detached figure.

"What's your name?"

Ruan Aocang, the god of medicine, asked, with a hint of joy and relief in his voice.

"My name is Shaoyin."

Shaoyin looked at this person's back, and felt that he was like a cloud of illusory mist, extraordinarily mysterious.

"From this moment on, Shaoyin is the new owner of the medicine tower."

Ruan Aocang, God of Medicine, picked up a small exquisite pagoda and handed it to Shaoyin.

"I'm not here to be the tower master, I want to ask Lord Medicine God to save people."

Shaoyin looked at the exquisite little pagoda in her hand, holding this pagoda, she could clearly feel all the conditions inside the pagoda.

"Please help me?"

The God of Medicine, Ruan Ao Cang, laughed loudly, his voice was like a breeze blowing through a pine forest, very far away.

"Your current medical skills are no longer inferior to mine."

He turned his head to look at Shao Yin, waved his hand and opened a door, and his figure disappeared into the moonlight.

A round of moon hangs above the night sky, accompanied by stars, full of dreamy feeling.

"Hey, why did you run away?"

When Shao Yin saw Ruan Ao Cang's disappearing figure, he felt out of breath.

Thinking of what the God of Medicine said, she remembered the Heaven-replenishing Needle she had learned. It was said in records that this needle could bring the dead back to life, but she didn't know if it was true.

Now there is no other way, only to fight once.

"The most important thing is to think about how to get out now."

She looked around, but couldn't see the exit, and couldn't help feeling anxious.The way she came from was no longer visible, and she couldn't turn back.

Just when she was burning with anxiety, the small tower in her hand emitted a ray of light, and a door of light appeared in front of her.There is a path of light under the feet, leading directly to the ground.

Although she was a little apprehensive, she did not hesitate and walked on the light path.

When the elders of the Yao Pagoda saw her coming down from the Linglong White Pagoda, like a fairy descending from the earth, they all shouted loudly.

"See Tower Master!"

Hearing the shouts of the crowd, Shaoyin could only smile helplessly.She didn't want to be a tower master at all, she just wanted to save Mo Zihuang.Now the God of Medicine has run away and left the medicine tower to her!

(End of this chapter)

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