Chapter 370 Honored (10)
She sent a letter to summon Beston, and asked him to report on the current situation in the capital of God and the outside world.

"I know everything about the princess."

Knowing Shaoyin's identity now, Besitone has become more respectful towards her.It's just that when he saw her, there was still a look of surprise on his face that couldn't be concealed.

"Don't be polite, sit down."

Shaoyin pointed to the chair beside her, and her light voice fell.

"Why are you so surprised to see me?"

"The princess said she didn't know, and now the streets and alleys have already spread to the prince and you—"

Baishitong felt that some words were taboo, so he didn't continue. As smart as Shaoyin, he would naturally understand what he meant.

"You mean we won't come back?"

Shaoyin answered the words, her eyebrows furrowed involuntarily.

"Hmm! The rumors in the market are really unbelievable."

Seeing Shaoyin here well, Baishitong also let go of a big stone in his heart.

"It seems that someone is going to make a big move."

When Shaoyin learned that she had an accident with Mo Zihuang, the news had already spread.It must be that people are panicking now, and the undercurrent is raging.

"What instructions does the princess have?"

Baishitong asked, as long as the concubine and Wu Zunwang appear, the rumors will be self-defeating.

"You let the brothers..."

Shaoyin ordered in a low voice, Mo Zihuang can't preside over the overall situation now, she will guard the country he wants to protect for him.

"Well, everything went according to plan."

Baishitong wrote down Shaoyin's words, and secretly left Prince Wu Zun's mansion without being noticed.

After he left, Shaoyin ordered to block the news of her return, and entered the palace in a carriage.

As the night gradually darkened, a figure appeared in the imperial doctor's mansion, which had not been occupied for a long time, standing by the lake.The cold wind blew towards the face, blowing the man's lake-blue clothes.


Shao Le's eyes fell on the beautiful ice sculpture in the imperial doctor's mansion, and there was a look of pain in his eyes.

His heart had already been numb from the pain, no matter how painful it was, he couldn't feel it anymore.

He spread out his palm, and a black Bana flower was getting darker and darker in the palm, with clear lines and lifelike.

He clenched his fists, and his elegant face was filled with endless thoughts.

He stood by the lake all night, and the dew wet his clothes, but he didn't know it.It wasn't until the first ray of sunlight rose from the sky that he disappeared.

Zhan Luochu waited all night in Shao Mansion, and saw Shao Le come back at dawn, she walked forward anxiously.

"Brother Le, you are not in good health. It's cold outside. Come inside to warm up."

"Luochu, why are you here?"

When Shao Le saw Zhan Luochu, his face was somewhat surprised, and his eyes were always gentle and melancholy, which made people unable to help but indulge in it.

"Brother Le, I—I heard the old lady said that you are back, so—so I came to see you."

Zhan Luochu's eye sockets were a little rosy, and he hadn't seen him for a long time, and he seemed to be more haggard than before.

"Thank you for coming."

Shao Le said softly, but there was no warmth in her eyes.

"I brought your favorite snacks."

Zhan Luochu took out a basket of dim sum, and seeing that the dim sum was cold, she hurriedly picked up the kitchen and asked someone to heat it up.It's just that when she came back, Shao Le had disappeared, leaving her standing in the wind staring blankly.

The sunlight in the sky spread out, like countless transparent needles, weaving countless gorgeous colorful brocades on the sky.

Shaoyin lived in the bamboo garden behind the imperial garden, and smelled the aroma of food as soon as she got up.

She got up and went to the yard, and saw Feng Meixue showing a gentle smile towards her.

"Why doesn't Yinyin sleep a little longer? Come to my mother!"

Feng Meixue beckoned to Shaoyin and let her sit on the soft couch beside her.

"There are already some clues about those seven predestined people. I sent someone to check their birthday horoscopes and found one thing in common."

"What's so special about it?"

Shaoyin didn't expect her mother-in-law to be so powerful, and she already found out the information of those people in just one night.

"Well, they are all extreme spiritual bodies, and everyone is special."

Feng Meixue spoke, and introduced the people she found to Shaoyin.

Lan Qinyan is the daughter of the water spirit, she is naturally close to water, and can see things that ordinary people cannot see.Hua Mianyou is the daughter of the earth. She is close to nature by nature and can listen to the sound of the earth.Jun Fusha is the daughter of Jinling, she was born to like all kinds of treasures, and she is also very sensitive to treasures.

As for the others, they are also very special.Master Xuehou was extremely mysterious, Feng Meixue didn't even find out his details, but she heard that he could generate wind with his bare hands, so she judged him to be the Son of Wind.Meng Tan is the son of thunder, who can attract thunder from the sky, and Yue Nichen is the daughter of the fire spirit.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, the seven elements that make up the endless cycle of heaven and earth, are condensed on the body of a person who is unique in a million. If you gather seven tears of different ultimate attributes, you can make the tears bloom. In this way Come on, the Lai Epiphyllum contains the power of balance, which can restore the lost balance in Huang'er's body to the original point."

Feng Meixue said her thoughts, and after Shaoyin listened to it, she seemed to understand why only Lei Epiphyllum could save Mo Zihuang.

"So, the last person must have the ultimate wood spirit physique."

Shaoyin ruled out the few people who had already been found, and in the end there was only one Wood Spirit Tears that was not collected. I don't know if that person is a man or a woman?
"Hmm. I think it should be right."

Feng Meixue had already asked Mo Yanhua to go to the Xuanji Pavilion, and asked Xuan Tian to figure out who the person with the ultimate wood spirit physique was. As long as Mo Yanhua sent a message back, they could set out to find it.

"Don't worry about finding someone, just leave it to your mother. I won't let another son disappear."

Thinking of Xiao Jiu, Feng Meixue still couldn't stop feeling sad.It must be very pitiful for Xiao Jiu to be wandering outside alone.

She is a mother, but she can't help him with anything.I can only hope that he will have his own destiny and live a good life.Shaoyin didn't understand what she meant, but seeing her hurt, she didn't mention her question, so as not to make her open the scar again.

In a distant time and space, a place called the Lost Continent.The sky was covered with snow and ice, and it was extremely cold.

The wind blows over the bloody and enchanting Manjushahua, a sleeping beautiful man, lying on the ice with his eyes closed.His complexion was as crystal clear as jade, with an almost transparent morbid fairness.The sculpted face is extremely handsome.With a tall nose and sexy thin lips raised slightly, the whole person is full of gentleness.

A girl like a snow elf sat beside the man, tightly holding his cold hand.Under the girl's slender willow eyebrows are a pair of indifferent silver pupils, the depths of which are ruthless and icy, straight nose, red lips like crimson, the faint fragrance of gardenia exuding from her body, and a blood-red manjusha flower between her eyebrows Hua, let her cold temperament reveal a touch of coquettishness.

(End of this chapter)

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