Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 381 The Gods Go to Heaven

Chapter 381 The Gods Go to Heaven (2)
The maid who had been in the mansion for several years said suddenly, with a look of pity on her face.

"It's a pity that our concubine is so kind, but I have someone else in my heart."

"Hush! This should not be heard by others! I also heard that the prince will marry the princess because she is ranked ninth! Didn't the princess have a name called Ah Jiu before she came out of the cabinet?"

The maid muttered in a low voice, seeing that there was no one around, she began to gossip.

"Really? It would be great if my parents gave me such a good name!"

"Stop dreaming, and go to work!"

The two maidservants laughed and left, Shaoyin's figure standing in the morning wind looked extremely thin.

She turned her head and glanced in the direction of Yiyuan Tower, the most beautiful place in the palace should be Yiyuan Tower.If it is true what the maid said, the people who used to live in Yiyuan Tower must be as beautiful as flowers and jades!
"Your Majesty, Liangliang finally found you! Zi Yihou invites you to go there!"

Xiliang ran over panting, and when he found Shaoyin, he smiled.

"Take my medicine kit, we'll go there."

Shaoyin nodded, told Jiuying, and left Wuzun Palace with Xiliang.

When Mo Zihuang returned to the Yuhuang Pavilion, he saw that Shaoyin had already gone out.Knowing that she was invited by Zi Yihou, he was planning to go and have a look, when he received an urgent report from the cloud.

He opened the emergency report, and when he saw the content on it, his face became a little ugly.

"After your princess comes back, tell her that I'm out on business and I won't be back until a few days later."

"Don't worry, Lord."

Pei Xin responded, seeing that Mo Zihuang was in a hurry, she knew it must be a very urgent situation.

"Huanyue, do you know what happened?"

"How would I know about my father?"

Huanyue shrugged her shoulders, thinking about what the princess would say when she came back.

"Then we'll wait here for the princess to come back!"

Pei Xin said calmly, but she always had some bad premonitions in her heart.Looking up at the sky, Ruixia was as red as blood.

The car of Prince Wu Zun's mansion stopped outside Ziyihou's mansion, and Shaoyin and Xiliang walked into the mansion.

"Master Emperor Doctor, please come inside, our master has woken up, thank you so much!"

He learned from the butler that Lan Mengke had woken up, and this time he invited Shaoyin to come for a follow-up visit.

"Master Hou wanted to come to greet him in person, but he was just taking care of the master, and he couldn't leave him. Please don't be offended."

"It's okay, let's lead the way!"

Shaoyin didn't mind, and followed the housekeeper to Lan Mengke's bedroom.

It's just that before entering, I heard the sound of disputes erupting inside.

"Why can't I take care of you by your side? I don't want to be the prime minister anymore. There are so many great talents in the world, and it's not just me."

Ziqianmo uttered her long-suppressed voice, she wants to be the master of her own life.

"Mo'er, you can't be so willful!"

Lan Mengke heard her words and said in a distant tone.

"Am I headstrong? Is it wrong for me to want to be my true self?"

Seeing his indifferent appearance, Zi Qianmo was a little disheartened.

"If you insist on going your own way, then don't recognize me as a righteous father."

Lan Mengke frowned and said in a cold and heartless tone.

"I'm just a stranger to you. When did you care about my feelings? When did you ask me if I was happy?"

Zi Qianmo froze slightly, turned around and ran outside the house.

"My lord, go and persuade our Lord Hou!"

Seeing that Ziqianmo and Lan Mengke were arguing so fiercely, the butler asked Shaoyin to persuade him.

"it is good."

Shaoyin carried the medicine box on her back and asked Xiliang to wait here, and she caught up with Ziqianmo alone.

She saw Zi Qianmo standing alone by the lake, her eyes were rosy, as if she had cried.

She stepped forward and was about to explain a few words when she felt a few powerful auras appearing in the sky.

"The fluctuations in the scrolls of heaven and earth came from those two people! Our divine power has been suppressed in the mortal world, so let's do it without further ado!"

A voice spoke, and a halo shrouded Shaoyin and Ziqianmo.

The sky was raging with wind and thunder, and a huge vortex swept them both into it.

Butterfly Queen Feng Meixue opened her eyes, and looked towards the huge space crack in Zi Yihou's mansion, a dignified look appeared on her jade face.

"That's someone from the heavenly realm who forcibly broke through the space channel. Who did it?"

It must be an extremely huge force to be able to directly open the passage to the lower realm from the upper and lower realms of the gods.

At that moment, her figure flashed and rushed towards the place where the space vortex appeared.It's just that the other party's speed is very fast, and when she arrives, the sky has returned to its original state.

Xiliang waited in front of the house for a long time, but before Shaoyin and Ziqianmo came back, they heard the housekeeper hurried over.

"It's not good, both the Emperor Doctor and Lord Hou are missing! I heard that there was a strange wind in the mansion just now, and the two disappeared after that!"

"Ah! My mother is missing?"

When Xiliang heard the news, her face turned pale with fright.

"I've had everyone look everywhere and no one has seen them."

The housekeeper looked anxious, and hurried into the room to report to Lan Mengke.

When Lan Mengke heard that Ziqianmo was missing, there were obvious cracks in his originally indifferent expression.

"I have to inform the prince!"

Xiliang immediately ran back to Prince Wu Zun's mansion, and wanted someone to inform Mo Zihuang of the news.

Upon receiving the news from Xiliang, Huanyue and Peixin turned pale with shock, and immediately spread the urgent information.

In the depths of a wild mountain forest, towering ancient trees with emerald green feathers stretch into a vast green ocean.The canopy is covered with snow like white floating clouds, and the sun shines on it, reflecting the gorgeous sky light.

The two figures fled in the forest, startling the dormant beasts in the forest, and the whole primeval forest roared like tigers, full of danger.

"Little Xingxing, I really can't run anymore!"

Jun Fusha leaned against a big tree and said out of breath.She looked particularly embarrassed. The originally clean and beautiful dress had been torn by thorns and vines.With a disheveled appearance, she couldn't see her original beautiful face at all.

"Sasha, I'll carry you! It's not that easy for these despicable old guys to want our lives!"

Mo Xingxiu carried Jun Fusha on his back, and the two were chased and killed by the old immortals sent by the Gongsun family and other ancient clans. They were weak and had no choice but to escape all the way.

There were injuries on his body, but he still gritted his teeth and held back.

(End of this chapter)

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