Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 384 Crystal Palace

Chapter 384 Crystal Palace (1)
On the calm and wide surface of the lake, there are green lotus leaves that are as round as a cattail fan.Tian Tian's lotus leaves spread endlessly, layer upon layer, densely packed, reflecting half of the lake water in green and half in dark blue.

"What guess? Tell me?"

Shaoyin sat beside her, the two of them were swept up by a strange wind, and then fell into a coma.When he woke up again, he appeared in this place.

There are conch and coral houses decorated with pearl oysters. Looking around, you can see various scenes with strong ocean atmosphere.

The two of them tried to leave, but found a transparent wall around them, imprisoning them here.

"It is impossible to have such a place in the mortal world. It is likely to be the city of offering water to the gods in the heavenly world."

Ziqianmo once read the classics about the gods and the heavens, and I remember that there is a description in it: In the realm of phantom, there is a wonderful scene where two cities stand side by side, and above the sky is a mirage city. The dragon shoots into the sky.Countless particles of sand and gravel condensed with golden light floated in the air, forming a city in the shape of a high tower in the sky.Located below the city is a vast expanse of glazed sea, reflecting the mirage city floating above, which is extremely beautiful.Flowers and greenery, silver bridges painted in the sky, colored glazes are very different, the floating light is like a dream, whirling silently and enchantingly.In the sea city, there is a sea area where the sky never sets, and there are magical sea monsters living there.People can live in Haicheng and breathe freely.

"You will be brought here this time. It should be because of my burden. I will find a way to send you out of here."

When she thought of the "Chronicle of Heaven and Earth" on her body and her own life experience, she guessed why they were brought to this place.

If it is what she thinks, then Shaoyin can only be said to have suffered an innocent disaster.

"Since we came together, we left together. Although I don't know the reason, I know it's not your fault."

Shaoyin held Ziqianmo's hand, with a gentle and quiet smile on his face.

"Can you tell me the ins and outs of what happened?"

She heard Zi Qianmo's words, she should know something special.

"Well, it's a long story, it's about my life experience..."

Ziqianmo did not hide Shaoyin, now that they are in the same boat, if they want to get out of trouble, they must work together.

Shaoyin listened quietly to Ziqianmo's narration, as if she had found someone to confide in, her words revealed her admiration for Lan Mengke, which Shaoyin caught.

She understood why Zi Qianmo quarreled with Lan Mengke, because she cared too much, so she couldn't control her emotions at all.

She also knew about the magical book "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth". If it really recorded tens of thousands of years of history of rise and fall, it could break the future and even change the future.It makes perfect sense that something like this would arouse the covetousness of the super family.She couldn't be more clear about the reason why Huai Bi is the crime.

"Can you understand the content of "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth"?"

Shaoyin asked curiously, wondering if her past and future could be seen there?

"I can't read it, but I feel that the scrolls in this world have something to do with me."

Ziqianmo expressed her feelings. She read "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth" and couldn't understand what was written in it, but she didn't damage her spirit because of reading this book.

Unlike Lan Mengke, every time I watch it, I feel depressed and even vomit blood.

Thinking of that man, her eyes dimmed, and a painful feeling rose in her heart.

There is a kind of love that is so far away that it makes people despair.It was doomed to failure from the very beginning, but who can stop the heart throbbing for love?
She ignores the eyes of the world and just wants to love what she loves.However, the other party's heart is like ice, how will she melt it?
"Can I take a look?"

Shaoyin was really curious. After saying this sentence, she felt that it was inappropriate and showed an embarrassed look.

"It's fine if it's inconvenient."

She added, for fear that Zi Qianmo would be in trouble.After all, "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth" is a very precious divine book, and most people would not show it.

"No inconvenience, I have always trusted you!"

Ziqianmo smiled slightly, and the purple dzi bead bracelet on his wrist flashed, and "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth" appeared in front of Shaoyin.

The purple dzi bead bracelet on her wrist is actually a storage space, which no one can open except her.Those people must have failed to find this book, so they were put under house arrest.

"Thank you for your trust, I feel very honored."

After Shaoyin took over "The Chronicles of Heaven and Earth", she carefully studied this divine book, and lightly touched the cover of the thin pages with her fingertips.The strange and complicated words are full of beauty in her eyes.

Her jade finger slid across the words lightly, and each character shone with an inconspicuous soft light, but it was difficult to find it under the moonlight of the sky and the sea.

She was just about to open it to have a look, but was stopped by Zi Qianmo.

"Don't open it, or you'll hurt yourself."

Ziqianmo shook her head, afraid that she would be hurt by this book just like Lan Mengke.

"Well, I'll give it back to you!"

Shao Yin returned "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth" to Zi Qianmo, without coveting it in his heart, but just felt that there should be some shocking secret hidden in this book.

"If the person who brought us here is for this book, then this book is the key to our survival. Once this book falls into their hands, we lose the meaning of staying."

She opened her mouth and analyzed that their current situation is very dangerous.If the other party obtains such a heaven-defying fetish as "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth", he will definitely not leave his mouth alive, so as not to leak the secret.

"Now that we are trapped in this place, we must find a way to leave, otherwise we can only sit and wait."

In Ziqianmo's wise eyes, there was a bright light.If she was not smart enough, she would not be able to become the prime minister of the Tian Yao Dynasty and hold great power.

"Since the other party wants something from me, then we will use it as the biggest bargaining chip to find a breakthrough."

"I have a way, you can listen to see if it works?"

Shaoyin approached Ziqianmo and whispered her plan in her ear.

"You can give it a try."

After hearing her plan, Zi Qianmo thought about it carefully and felt that it was highly feasible.

"In order to ensure that the plan is foolproof, I think we should make two-handed preparations. The chips can be handed over when necessary, but it doesn't have to be true."

She took out a scroll that was exactly the same as "The Chronicle of Heaven and Earth" and put it in Shaoyin's hand.This is the imitation she prepared. When she knew the value of the book, she prepared the imitation and could use it when needed.

(End of this chapter)

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