Chapter 396
Leng Qinghuan took Shaoyin's hand, let her sit beside him, and said affectionately.

Shangguan Nianxi was also a little surprised to see Shaoyin and Mo Zihuang, and greeted them with a smile, and continued to wait for Feng Meixue to come back.

Not long after, Feng Meixue came holding the Xuanbing Jade Box, inside which were the petals of the Golden Flame Emperor Flower.She stepped forward and handed the Xuanbing Jade Box to Shangguan Nianxi.

"This flower is a rare treasure of the Leng family. You have to be careful to keep it away. If someone finds out, the journey will be uneven."

"Thanks for the reminder, I'll be careful."

Shangguan Nianxi thanked her and handed over the medical book to Feng Meixue in exchange.

"This medical book is written by the ghost doctor himself. Yin'er should study it carefully."

Feng Meixue is very optimistic about the medical skills of the ghost doctor. If Shaoyin can learn something from it, it can be said that she will benefit a lot.

"Well, I see."

Shaoyin took the medical book, nodded and replied.

"This blazing dragon and phoenix feather coat is woven from the wings of dragon and phoenix, the guardian beast of our Leng family. It is invulnerable to swords and guns, and it is invulnerable to all magic. It can protect the body and life."

Leng Qinghuan picked up a fiery red fairy dress with phoenix feathers from Feng Meixue's hand. The dragon scale pattern and phoenix pattern perfectly blended together, flawless.

"Ayin, thank you, grandma."

Emperor Mo Zi accepted the gift for Shaoyin, and with the protection of this flaming dragon and phoenix feather coat, Shaoyin would be much safer.

This feather coat is rare in the world, and it is the only one that can change with the owner's figure.

"Thank you grandma."

Looking at these kind faces, Shaoyin's eyes were filled with mist, thinking of his family members far away.She is very happy now and I hope they are doing well.

"Mother, about Zi Yihou, you should tell the emperor. It is said that Zi Yihou is missing, and there is a possibility that something unexpected has happened, and the prime minister will choose a suitable candidate."

When Mo Zihuang said to Feng Meixue, Shaoyin who was on the side was stunned.

It seems that Mo Zihuang is still very dark-hearted, and actually let Feng Meixue send such news back.In this way, we can try to see the importance of Ziqianmo in someone's heart. If it's just insignificant, then she might as well stay in the heaven of God.

"I see, you guys send the distinguished guests out."

Feng Meixue nodded, and sent the news back to Tianyao Dynasty.

The Leng family was heavily guarded, and Shangguan Nianxi had to be accompanied by the Leng family's descendants if she wanted to leave with the Leng family's treasure, so Mo Zihuang and Shao Yin gave her a ride.

"Who is the pavilion master in a hurry to save?"

Seeing Shangguan Nianxi's hurried expression, Shaoyin inadvertently asked.

"I'm going to save my poor apprentice, I hope there's still time."

Shangguan Nianxi was holding the Xuanbing jade box, his eyes were full of worry.She was afraid that before she could reach Shao Le in time, he would have passed away.

"The pavilion master's apprentice is really lucky to meet a master like you."

Shaoyin said with emotion that many doctors cherish their own brooms and are unwilling to pass on their medical skills to others.Shangguan Nianxi has superb medical skills and dedicated his life's knowledge to save his disciples.

Such a master really values ​​love and righteousness.

"I was very lucky to meet a disciple who could inherit the mantle. It's a pity that his fate was ill-fated, half of his life was miserable, and now his life is dying."

Shangguan Nianxi took a deep look at Shaoyin, if she knew that the person she wanted to save was Shao Le, would she take a look at him?
As a master, she can see clearly, and the person Shao Le cares most about is Shao Yin.

No matter how many times Shaoyin sabotaged his plan, he never tried to kill her and always tolerated her.Even during that battle, because of Shaoyin's words, he ordered the troops to withdraw.

He gave up the chance of revenge for her, and only she can bring him hope and sunshine.

Shangguan Nianxi doesn't know where Shao Le has gone now, she knows that Shao Le has lost the will to survive.Once a person has no hope, all thoughts are lost and there is no joy in life.

"I don't know who the pavilion master's disciple is?"

Mo Zihuang checked the Nongqing Pavilion, the water there is very deep, the apprentice of the Nongqing Pavilion master must also be a famous figure, they may all know each other.

"Everyone calls him Snow."

Shangguan Nianxi pondered for a moment, then spoke slowly.

Hearing that name, Shaoyin's body froze slightly.Shao Le's life is at stake?What happened to him?
"It's him!"

Mo Zihuang thought of that man who was as dangerous as a flower on the other side, who was called the snow doctor in Yunmeng, and he turned out to be the apprentice of the lover of the Pavilion Master.

"What happened to him—what happened to him? Where is he?"

Shaoyin asked worriedly, in her heart, he was still the brother who loved her dearly.Now that something happened to him, she couldn't pretend that she didn't know anything, and she couldn't ignore his life and death.

He is not a stranger, but a brother who has given her warmth!

"He has been cursed, and now the time limit for the curse has come. I don't know where he is, but I can only try to find him."

Seeing Shao Yin's expression, Shangguan Nianxi knew that Shao Le had not paid in vain, at least she still cared about him.

Mo Zihuang frowned slightly, not understanding why Shaoyin cared about Xue's affairs?Do they have any relationship?
He didn't know that Xue was Shao Le, so he felt sour in his heart.

"Let's go find it together."

What Shaoyin blurted out made Mo Zihuang feel even more sour.

"Why are we looking for him? He's just a stranger!"

Mo Zihuang couldn't help but said, his tone was full of jealousy.

"He is not a stranger, he is my brother."

Shaoyin stared at Mo Zihuang, her voice was full of sadness.

Mo Zihuang showed shock, and the mystery in his heart was solved in an instant.

For a while, Mo Zihuang couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. Shao Le was one of his few friends, but now he found that he was not so simple.His heart couldn't help sinking, feeling a little lost.

He always felt that Xue gave him a very familiar feeling, but he still couldn't find a clue. Now he heard Shaoyin's words, and he realized that Xue was Le.

Just why is it snow?How deep is he hiding?For so many years, no one has discovered his flaws!

He knew that Shao Yin must know the inside story, the most important thing now is to find Shao Le, and he will get to the bottom of other things later.

The reincarnation of life is irreversible. Once the soul dies and the body dies, everything is meaningless.

He knew very well that Shao Yin and Shao Le had a deep relationship, so he didn't stop him.He originally thought that he would be furious when he found out Xue's identity, but at this moment he was unexpectedly calm.

He has experienced life and death and understood many things.Anger cannot help him solve the matter, he chooses to find out the answer calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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