Imperial Doctor Drunk Concubine

Chapter 399 Snow Clan Holy Land

Chapter 399 Snow Clan Holy Land (1)
Qingwan saw that the palms they held were covered with blood, which was shocking, but it also made her feel distressed.

She was shocked to the extreme that a weak woman like Zhan Luochu made such a sacrifice for her lover.

She went out of the house to look for food, and at the same time, she also wanted to look in the ancestral land of the Snow Clan to see if there was any way to break the blood curse.The blood curse cast by Xue Ruyun was handed down by the Xue Clan, maybe the answer can be found here.

The ancestral land of the Snow Clan is located on the ice cliff, surrounded by natural moats, only the Snow Sea Feather Tree is the ladder leading to the Snow Clan.

If you look around, you can see a vast sea of ​​snow, three thousand jade trees with green buds, and the Snow Clan is located on the Lingtian cliff. It is cold all year round and the snow does not melt.

This beautiful and holy land is now as lonely as snow.

This is the source of all tragedies. If there was no catastrophe back then, there would be no endless dark years later.

The master inherited the Falling Moon Soul Flute, also mastered the power to shake the sky, and inherited the Soul Palace of the Underworld.However, the master was defeated in the end, not because of his power, but because of a love character.

She reached out to touch the cold ice cliff, and on the frozen cliff, legends and stories of the Snow Clan were engraved.It records that the owner of the Falling Moon Soul Flute, because he fell in love with a girl from the Snow Clan, is willing to go back to the mountains and forests.Once going crazy, it will turn the world upside down and turn into a demon.

"Huh? It seems that someone is coming this way!"

Her eyesight is excellent, and she can see the scene thousands of miles away, and she can see a cloud of fire from far to near, as fast as lightning.

The alarm bells were ringing in her heart, she didn't know who the person was?

When she saw Mo Zihuang, she made preparations for the battle.For her, Mo Zihuang is a hostile party. If she sees her master, it will definitely be against her master.

It's just that when she saw Shaoyin and Shangguan Nianxi who were beside Mo Zihuang, she was a little unsure of the other party's intentions.Shangguan Nianxi is the master's master, so he should come here this time to save the master, but why did he bring the two of them?

She has seen Mo Zihuang fight against the elders of Shuihai City, and she knows that she is not his opponent. Now that she doesn't know the reason for the opponent's visit, she decides to wait and see.

The speed of the people coming was very fast. Faster than them were two little cute pets running in the snow. They flew from the big tree under the ice cliff to the top.The movements are agile and quick, and they are still walking on the ground in the heavy snow.

"Master! Master! I arrived first!"

Fire Moon Ferret Xiao Mengmeng stood on the top of the tree, shouting crisply, seeing Shaoyin and the others had already come up, it turned into white light and threw itself into her arms, acting coquettishly.

"Mengmeng, you cheated!"

Xiao Yaolong climbed onto Mo Zihuang's shoulder and said unwillingly.

"You were born in the snow, and you are the king of the snow sea. In this place, you obviously have an advantage!"

Xiaolong said with reason and evidence, if it was in other places, it would not be slower than Xiaomengmeng.

"If you lose, you lose. Don't make excuses! Call me boss from now on!"

Xiaomeng stuck out her tongue triumphantly, and said triumphantly.

Xiao Wulong had a bitter face, feeling too aggrieved by the loss.

"Is brother here?"

Shaoyin has long been used to the two of them being noisy, standing on the top of the tree, looking at this magical place built on the ice cliff.Every beautiful igloo is built on a steep cliff, bathed in sunlight, and looks like a heaven in the sky.

"It's here! I've already smelled that person, I'll lead the way!"

Xiao Mengmeng jumped down first and continued to lead the way.

Shaoyin was very interested in the murals along the way, and she kept them in mind along the way, especially the ancient characters hidden in the paintings, which she also carefully read.

Several people followed Xiao Mengmeng, and soon came to an igloo.

Qing Wan turned into a blue bird and stood vigilantly on the window to watch them.


Shangguan Nianxi saw that Shao Le was lying on the bed and did not wake up, so he knew that the curse had happened.She didn't understand why Shao Le was still alive, but when she saw the blood stains on the hand holding him, she understood.


Seeing that Zhan Luochu had fallen into a semi-conscious state, Shaoyin quickly took out the medicine box and bandaged her wound.

On the other side, Shangguan Nianxi took out the Golden Flame Emperor Flower from the Xuanbing Jade Box and placed it on the tip of Shao Le's nose, letting him smell the aura of the Golden Flame Emperor Flower.This flower is not for taking, if you take it, you will never wake up.

"This silly girl always doesn't know how to cherish herself."

Shaoyin helped Zhan Luochu to the side and lay down. Seeing the hideous wound on her palm and the hairpin that fell on the ground, she shook her head helplessly.Use affection to the deepest, love to death.

The wounds on her body and heart were all because of that man.

Seeing that Shao Le might lose his life at any moment, Mo Zihuang felt a dull feeling in his heart.They used to be close friends, but one day, he found out that they were enemies.

However, time cannot erase the once tender memories, that person was his brother.

"The Golden Flame Emperor Flower can protect Le'er's soul, but the Snow Clan blood curse on him cannot be undone by ordinary medicine."

The Golden Flame Emperor Flower in Shangguan Nianxi's hand gradually faded until it disappeared.Shao Le's complexion has returned to normal, but the imprint of the blood curse in his hand still represents death, and it will make a comeback at any time.

"I saw murals on the cliff on the road, which mentioned the curse of the Snow Clan."

Shaoyin thought of the murals she had glimpsed, which told about the past of the Snow Clan.An unknown past event is engraved on it in ancient hieroglyphics.

Back then, the owner of the Falling Moon Soul Flute fell in love with a woman from the Snow Clan and secretly conceived. That woman was a saint of the Snow Clan.

However, he discovered that everything turned out to be just a scam in order to seal him.He died in the hands of his lover, full of resentment and hatred melted into the Moonfall Soul Flute, that silent flute condensed all the power of resentment in the world.

After giving birth to a child, the Snow Clan saint also committed suicide and followed that man.People in the Snow Clan have a demonic nature, if it is not triggered, that demonic nature will quietly sleep deep in the blood.

The power of the Snow Clan's curse comes from that magical force, and only people of that lineage can use the Moonfall Soul Flute.

"Then is there a way to solve it?"

Shangguan Nianxi's eyes lit up and asked hurriedly.

"I just had a quick glance just now, and I didn't see any record of a solution. I just told about the source of the Snow Clan's curse."

Shaoyin shook her head, feeling extremely heavy in her heart.

"Well, even if we know the source, we still can't save Le'er."

Shangguan Nianxi sighed, she saved countless people in her life, but she couldn't save her apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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