Chapter 56
Ziyihou Ziqianmo spoke, his majestic voice also soothed everyone's hearts.

With so many people watching, there must not be a situation where you just randomly find someone to take the place of the dead ghost, and then get involved.

"I didn't expect the presiding officer of this case to be quite fair and strict! Presumably, the mastermind behind the scenes must have bribed those officers and soldiers because they were afraid that I would be acquitted."

Shaoyin saw Zi Yihou's way of adjudicating the case, taking it seriously in front of tens of thousands of people, and openly giving these people the opportunity to refute and prove his innocence, so he couldn't help but admire him a little.In her opinion, this case can be said to be a hot potato, and no officials dare to follow up.

Otherwise, no matter which family is offended, it will not be a pleasant thing.

Secretly, there must be many people who want to use the power and financial resources of the family to dredge the joints and let the opponent's children become the culprits. At that time, the whole family will inevitably be implicated.

Zi Yihou's open trial of the case in this way has put an end to the unjust cases of torture and torture, and has not given opportunities for those who are willing to take advantage of it.

"The autopsy records made by Wu showed that everyone was poisoned in exactly the same way. There was a strange pattern on the palm of the deceased, which looked like a kind of flower. The body was extremely cold, and it looked as if it was frozen."

Shangguan Wei opened his mouth and read the records submitted by Wu Zuo. It was also the first time for her to take over a case where so many people died.

The people who died this time were all women, why the men were not poisoned, this is the key to solving the case.

"Dozens of dead people died of poisoning. However, where did the poison come from, and who did it? This requires further interrogation!"

Hearing the chief interrogator's words, all the suspects who had time to commit the crime were crying and terrified.

Tens of thousands of people are also watching, wondering who is the murderer of this strange case?How did the murderer poison so many people?

Each of them is afraid that if the murderer is not found out in the end, they will become scapegoats.

"When you stupid women are all dead, no one will dare to compete with this lady for King Wu Zun!"

On a tall building, a pair of proud eyes are looking at those helpless and frightened people, enjoying their panic.She didn't believe that anyone could undo the poison, and those who tried to snatch King Wu Zun with her would all die.

"I'm also curious, how did the murderer do it? Could it be that poison also differentiates between men and women?"

Yueshang Yuanqing said to himself curiously, it was the first time he heard such a bizarre case, and he really didn't know what kind of poison the murderer had inflicted.

"What kind of poison do you think it is?"

He turned his head to look at Shaoyin, and asked a casual question.

"If I tell you what kind of poison it is, you can lend me Moyan for a month, how about it?"

Shaoyin replied lightly, her eyes filled with the brilliance of wisdom.

"Haha, okay! If you can solve this mystery, Moyan will lend you a month. But if you can't solve it, then—"

Yueshang Yuanqing smiled, and before he finished speaking, he heard a shocking sentence that almost made him roll off the roof.

"There is no need to interrogate, I know the cause of these people's deaths! They all committed suicide!"

A crisp voice resounded from the roof, resonating loudly, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

Among them were the two chief judges, and Wu Zun Wang Mo Zihuang who was on the specially invited seat.

"How could there be so many fools, all of them committed suicide!"

"This is simply impossible!"

"It's outrageous! Where did the lunatic come from!"



The crowd immediately exploded, and everyone started talking.No one believed Shaoyin's words, they just thought she was just trying to please the public.

There are even many people who think she is a fool!


Ziqianmo stood up, and when she heard what Shaoyin said, she didn't think she was joking, so she waved her hand to silence the audience, and listened to her continue.

"That's right, it's suicide."

Shaoyin looked back calmly, without any intention of dodging.

"Hey, let me lend you the horse, stop talking nonsense."

Hearing her serious words, Yueshang Yuanqing wanted to pull her away directly, lest she talk nonsense and lose her life.

"May I ask if there are such ornaments on the body of the deceased?"

Shaoyin took out a string of lovesickness beans bracelets and lit them up at everyone.

"That's right, there are indeed such bracelets. But what's the problem? Now many people in the capital of God are wearing red acacia bean ornaments!"

Shangguan Wei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, said that she is a woman, so she knows things that these men don't pay attention to.Female officials have the care that male officials do not have, and they have unique advantages of women in handling many cases.

"This kind of acacia beans is different from other beans. This kind of acacia beans are highly poisonous. If you wear acacia bean bracelets for a long time, your whole body will become red, swollen and ulcerated.

Shaoyin said in an orderly manner that she had long heard that acacia beans, a highly toxic seed, had been listed as banned substances by many countries in the world, because only 0 mg of acacia toxin was enough to kill.However, people in this era have never heard of related reports at all, so naturally they don't know about it.

"The poison of the acacia bean, if it meets the pollen poison of the drunken lotus and the effect of alcohol, it will become a deadly poison. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself."

"Come here, fetch these kinds of things and do a drug test on the spot!"

Ziyihou Ziqianmo made a decisive decision, and immediately someone brought the things Shaoyin mentioned, and invited the imperial doctor to test the poison on the spot.

The silver needle, which was originally silver and white, instantly turned black like ink.


The sound of gasping for air spread from one end of the square to the other.

People who wore acacia bean bracelets threw the bracelet aside in horror.They didn't expect such a beautiful thing to be a slow poison, eroding the lives of these beautiful women bit by bit.

"Quickly check whether the deceased and the poisoned woman are all wearing lovesickness bean ornaments?"

Shangguan Wei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, immediately ordered his subordinates to investigate.

Her subordinates were very efficient, and it didn't take long for news to confirm Shaoyin's words.

"Immediately search for the person who sells the acacia bean bracelet!"

Ziyihou Ziqianmo knew the real reason of the case and couldn't help being shocked.This is definitely a murder case that has been planned for a long time. The conspiracy has been going on since the first string of lovesickness bean bracelets flowed into the hands of those ladies from aristocratic families.

(End of this chapter)

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