Chapter 123 Sudden Anger
'It seems that he and her haven't contacted each other for less than a month, so she can't wait to choose to marry?Hmph. Women are the most unreliable creatures! '

Although there was a look of disdain and a sneer on his face, only he knew the anger in his heart. He really wished he could immediately arrest that careless woman and torture him, but when his eyes fell on her standing beside her, When the face of a man with a happy face was on his face, he couldn't make any movements, after all, her fiancé was
With a 'snap', the man slammed the newspaper in his hand on the dining table, which shocked all the servants in the restaurant to shudder, and they all kept their heads down, not daring to utter a word. child voice.

Xiaoli, who had been smiling all the time behind the man, came back to her senses, felt the cold breath from the young master in front of her, and suddenly felt baffled, what happened?Why did the young master suddenly read the newspaper, his eyes fell on the newspaper on the dining table, his eyes were full of doubts, "What news was reported in the newspaper, why is the young master so angry?" '

Before she could think any more, the man on the chair stood up, overturned the chair under him, and walked straight out of the restaurant.Butler Deng, who just came back, was surprised by the air-conditioning around the young master, but he still bowed down respectfully and said, "Master, the car is ready and we can leave at any time!"

While he was talking, the man didn't pause at all, and walked out from his side without stopping for a moment, and found that something was wrong, the young master seemed to be angry!Thinking of the butler hastily followed the young master's footsteps to the yard of Nangong's house, when he came out, he only had time to see his young master snatching the car keys from the driver, getting in the car, starting the car and driving away .

He suddenly looked anxiously at the bodyguards who were still standing there: "Aren't you following?"

One of them looked at him and replied: "The young master has ordered, no one is allowed to follow!"

"Hey, hey, don't let anything happen!" Hearing the housekeeper's exclamation, although the bodyguards were not sure about paying attention, they quickly took out their mobile phones and called Brother Tian to explain the situation. They really don't understand the reason for their anger.

Butler Deng thought that he was fine in the restaurant before, and it happened only after he left for a while, so something must have happened in the restaurant, so he hurried towards the restaurant with doubts.

While watching the figure of the young master leaving in the dining room, the maid behind her boldly stepped forward to help up the fallen chair, then reached out and took the newspaper that the young master dropped and put it in front of her eyes. The pictures and words on it all appeared in the Right now, but this made her even more confused. She also knew the man in the newspaper, wasn't he the young master's friend and the young lady's brother, Master Jing Jie?

Is Master Jing Jie getting engaged?Isn't this a good thing?Why is the young master angry?Looking at the other party in the newspaper, the woman's smiling face is as bright as a young lady's. Her short hair looks very capable and has a different kind of femininity. She must be the future wife of Master Jing Jie!What a perfect match!that young master
Could it be that she stared at the woman in the newspaper in a daze, and didn't even notice that Butler Deng came to her side.Looking at Lili in a daze, Butler Deng was anxious to know why the young master was angry, so he put on an ugly face: "Xiao Li, what happened in the restaurant just now? Why did the young master leave so angry?"

"Ah..." Hearing the voice beside her, the woman raised her head and handed the newspaper in front of the butler: "I don't know, anyway, the young master suddenly got angry after reading this newspaper!"]

(End of this chapter)

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