Chapter 130 Argument II

Pushing open the door effortlessly, there was a strong smell of alcohol immediately, and then the glass shards all over the floor made her frown deeply, seeing the man standing beside the bed still pouring water with his head up. As she drank the wine, a look of distress flashed in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Seeing his already shaky figure, she hurried into the room, avoiding the glass all over the floor, went to penetrate and pressed a button, and soon there were several footsteps on the stairs.

Butler Deng quickly came to the young master's room with two male servants and one female servant. He only glanced at the situation in the room, then lowered his head and said to the two people in the room: "Young master, young lady"

"Uncle Deng, ask someone to clean up the room so that the young master won't be hurt."

"Yes, Miss" turned around and waved at the people behind him. Immediately, someone brought cleaning tools. Within 10 minutes, all the glass in the house was cleaned, and even the young master's unfinished wine was signaled by Bei Jingshan. Also took it away.

The man who had been drinking didn't pay attention to other people's movement, until he finished drinking a bottle of foreign wine in his hand, he threw the bottle out again with a 'snap', and the glass splashed all over again, he lowered his head and didn't touch the rest of the wine. The man looked at the few people not far away with bright eyes: "Go to those bottles of wine again"

Several people turned their gazes to the other person beside the bed, but didn't move immediately. Immediately, the man shot more fiercely and coldly, and his voice was like the ice of ten thousand years: "Didn't you hear what I said? don't hurry."

This roar, even if you didn't hear it clearly just now, the whole Nangong family might have heard it. Several people, including Butler Deng, trembled, but he recovered quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to his serious and calm demeanor.

Looking at such a man who is so violent, Bei Jingshan nodded to them to indicate that they can go out. At this time, the maid also cleaned up the last debris, and the four of them pushed out of the room one after another.

Only then did Bei Jingshan slowly walk to the man's side, and she couldn't help but blame her: "Have you lost your health after drinking so much?"

The man's eyes only stayed on her for a short time, and then he was about to pass her, but Bei Jingshan didn't let him leave, grabbed his arm, and stopped him in front of him, not letting him go. The reason for leaving is to continue to get the wine, and the second is that he is avoiding his own problems. She must ask clearly today.

"Why do you drink so much? Didn't you drink enough last night?"

'last night?No wonder. It turned out that the quilt on her body was covered by her. Thinking about it, Nangong Yi softened his face, "Go to rest early, I'm fine."

As she spoke, she wanted to break away from her hand, but Bei Jingshan held her with both hands. For the first time, she looked at him with a serious expression, and asked persistently, "Why do you drink so much? Is it because of her?"

'she? Nangong Yi didn't know if she was referring to the person he thought of. He wasn't sure, so he didn't speak until the woman's next words rang in his ears: "Is it because she's right? Because she's getting engaged! "The last sentence is not a question but an affirmation.

The eyes of the two faced each other, both of them had the same deep, dark and shiny eyes, and gradually Nangong Yi exuded a wave of anger, although it was very faint, but it was enough for Bei Jing who had been sticking to him since he was a child Shan noticed.

But the man still tried his best to stay rational, but his voice lost its previous gentleness, and he said coldly: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will take care of it!"]

(End of this chapter)

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