Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 136 A Heavy Blow 5

Chapter 136 The Heavy Blow Five
Looking at the food on the plate, Bei Jingshan felt a sense of loneliness. She poked the eggs on the plate twice with a fork, and lost any appetite.

Seeing that the lady put down the tableware, the people behind couldn't help but stepped forward and asked with concern: "Miss, don't you like these breakfasts? I'll ask the kitchen to make another one."

"Well, no need, I just don't have an appetite."

"How about I serve a bowl of porridge for Miss?" The woman stood up after wiping the corners of her mouth, and shook her head with a smile: "Lili, I don't want to eat anything now, I'm a little tired and I'm going to sleep for a while. Can someone bother you?"

"Okay, I see, miss." There was indeed a trace of tiredness between the young lady's brows, Xiaoli just thought that the young lady must not have had a good rest last night, and she nodded and replied without saying anything more.

Watching the young lady leave, she still had that indelible smile on her face, thinking that the young lady and the young master should have a good time, and the young lady will be the real hostess of the Nangong family in the future, and the Nangong family will definitely become more and more lively
That day, Bei Jingshan went back to her room and slept until the afternoon before waking up. She checked the time on her phone and it was past five in the afternoon. Brother Nangong should be back soon. She quickly got up to freshen up and went downstairs. Lili, who was busy in the hall, saw the person coming down a few steps up to greet her with a smile, "Miss, you are awake!"

"Well, did Brother Nangong call back?" Listening to the young lady's question, she didn't think too much about answering honestly: "No." As soon as the young lady woke up, she asked the young master if he called back. I missed him very much when I saw him, so I continued jokingly: "But the young master should be home soon."

"Huh? He said it before he left?" Bei Jingshan asked curiously as he walked towards the sofa.

"That's not true, but I have summed it up, as long as there is a young lady at Nangong's house, the young master will return home early or on time, so today...hehe will definitely be no exception!"

Upon receiving her confident expression, Bei Jingshan's gloomy heart immediately opened up a little, "Is that so?" While secretly happy, she still begged with a hint of doubt.

"Well, really." Lili was worried that the lady would not believe it and quickly said as if to assure her.The two of them stood and chatted for a while, and then saw Housekeeper Deng walking over with one person: "Miss, dinner is almost ready, are you eating now?"

"I'll eat together when Brother Nangong comes back!" After finishing the sentence, the woman continued.

"Okay, miss, let's drink a bowl of soup first. This is the chicken soup that the young master specially ordered to cook for you in the morning. It has been boiled for a day. You can try it."

"Okay" took the soup that Uncle Deng personally handed over, picked up the spoon, put it to his mouth, blew it twice, took a small sip, and narrowed his eyes happily: "Well, it's delicious"

"Miss, drink first. I'll call you and the young master after dinner is over."

"Yeah" nodded, and glanced at the old man who was gone, she picked up the spoon again and drank while continuing to chat with Lili.

Seeing that a bowl of soup was already half drunk, she was about to put the bowl on the table in front of her, when a familiar voice who had just left came behind her.

"Miss, the young master called to say that he still has something to deal with, and he will be back very late, so you don't have to wait for him, and have dinner first! Dinner is ready, are you going there now?"

"He's not coming back?" The woman's hand resting on the bowl froze, and the bowl collided with the marble tabletop to make a crisp sound. 】

(End of this chapter)

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