Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 140 The Truth Is So Hurtful

Chapter 140 The Truth Is So Hurtful
The car passed by like the wind, and she remembered that she didn't come to find him for dinner?But judging by his appearance, he should not pick him up for dinner.
'What the hell happened?Why is Brother Nangong so angry? Driven by curiosity, the woman forgot to step on the accelerator and quickly turned the steering wheel to track the car ahead that was about to disappear from sight.

Nangongyi's car galloped skillfully and fast on the road, and several times it was about to collide with the opposite or side cars, and Bei Jingshan, who was following behind, had her heart in her throat in fright until she blinked Seeing the man's car without blinking, until it saved itself from danger time and time again.

The heart fluctuates too much back and forth, and the woman's chest has been in a state of great heaving. Looking at the man driving fiercely, it is impossible to keep up with the man with Bei Jingshan's driving skills. In view of the scenes seen in the distance just now She couldn't help but gritted her teeth and stepped on the accelerator to instantly increase the speed by dozens of miles, and the BMW mini rushed out with a whoosh.

The distance between the cars was still more than 100 meters, and the woman in the seat didn't dare to blink her eyes. One was worried that she would lose track of the car in front of her. If you don't pay attention, you are going to see Hades.

The two cars, one in front and the other in the back, drove towards Nanfeng Mountain. Originally, Bei Jingshan was also wondering where Brother Nangong was going?Why are you in such a hurry?When the two of them drove for more than half an hour and finally got out of the crowded traffic in the urban area and drove on the wide avenue, Bei Jingshan dared to breathe a little. She felt much safer now that there were fewer cars.

Looking up, I saw the tall road sign on the side of the road pointing straight ahead, the destination is 'Nanfeng Mountain? There was a puzzled light in the woman's eyes, she just felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she heard it, she just knew, "Isn't that one of the famous villa districts in the triangle of G City?"Who is Brother Nangong going there to meet?And none of the bodyguards who would normally follow him, this'

She couldn't figure it out and she didn't think about it any more, she just followed the man's car far behind, staring at the taillights of the man's car, a feeling of uneasiness involuntarily surged up in her heart, and she just couldn't get down because her heart was hanging empty.

After another half an hour, two cars, one black and one red, were driving on a beautiful mountain. There was only one road up the mountain. Bei Jingshan slowed down because she was afraid that Brother Nangong would find her following her. Things that came over were moving forward at a tortoise speed.

There is still a short distance to reach the top of the mountain. Looking up and looking far ahead, you can already see the outline of the European-style villa standing on the highest point of the mountain. "Is this the one that Brother Nangong is going to?"But why didn't he remember that Brother Nangong knew anyone who lived here? 'With doubts, the woman abandoned the car and walked slowly up the mountain.

On the other side, Nangong Yi, who had already arrived by car, sat in the car, turned off the lights, took the mobile phone on the side and slid away, watching a WeChat message automatically popped up on the screen, the cute girl's head was shaking from side to side, and the man's eyes Complicated looking at the direction, I remembered the invitation I made to the woman in front of the bedroom door last night, "I guess she must be waiting at home, right?" '

Annoyed, he raised his hand and unbuttoned the shirt, revealing his chest. He deliberately stopped looking at the head portrait. He called up the phone book and found a number and dialed it decisively. "Beep." The phone rang for a while No one answered, but the man didn't seem to be in a hurry, nor did he intend to hang up the phone.

The bell continued to ring, and it was finally connected when it was about to end. Before the person over there could say anything, Nangong Yi said in a cold tone: "I'm outside the door, come out right away, only 5 minutes!" I just bought the power cord today, and I'm trying to get it right. You can refresh it after eleven o'clock.By the way, guess where Young Master Nangong went?It shouldn't be difficult]

(End of this chapter)

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