Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 152 Jing Jie Was Ravaged 1

Chapter 152 Jing Jie Was Ravaged Part [-]
It turns out that what others said, "Everything will change in a lifetime, only the love of family members will never change, and will always stay behind you, and give you unconditionally when you need it" is true. It takes a lot of hurt to realize this. As for the true meaning of the sentence, she only felt empathy for this one.

After blowing her long hair to [-]% dry, Bei Jingjie saw that she had also finished drinking milk, so he pulled her to the bed and put her down, and said with a smile: "Go to rest early, sleep well today, wake up tomorrow. Nothing happened. I didn't disturb Daddy and Mommy about what happened tonight. Goodnight"

"Good night." Bei Jingshan replied softly, showing him a grateful smile. Originally, she thought that she didn't see Daddy and Mommy when she came back tonight. She thought it was because they went out and haven't come back yet. Everything is well arranged for her, it's nice to have a brother! (This is also my real idea o(∩_∩)o)

A week later, on the balcony of Beijingshan's bedroom in Beijia, Bei's mother knocked on the door and opened the door to come in. When she found the slender figure on the balcony, a distressed feeling flashed in her eyes.

But the corner of his mouth deliberately pulled a happy smile and walked towards her, ignoring the sad voice from the girl's back, and said cheerfully: "Jingshan, what are you doing?"

"Mummy, are you here?" Hearing the voice, Bei Jingshan turned her head to look at the noble woman who was walking slowly and raised a faint smile.

Although she is smiling, mother and daughter are connected. Why can't Mother Bei see the tears behind her daughter's smile? Although she didn't say anything these days when she came back from Nangong's house, except for eating, she hid in the bedroom or It was a person sitting in a daze in the yard, how could she not guess that something must have happened?
And regarding that matter, no matter how powerful the Bei family is, it still can't help her. Love matters have never been forced
"Well, are you uncomfortable? Why are you here alone in a daze?" Zhou Xue came to sit next to her daughter, took her slightly cold little hand and rubbed it seemingly indiscriminately.

"No, I just want to sit alone for a while"

"Okay, don't sit alone anymore, let's go down, your brother will be engaged tomorrow, so you, the only sister, won't help out with many things?" Mother Bei worried that her daughter would think wildly when she was alone, so she raised the question. Such a suggestion is actually just to divert her attention.

Thinking that her brother will be engaged to Sister Bei Xing tomorrow, she should be happy for them, but...she still doesn't know if this future sister-in-law really likes her brother?Even though they are engaged, even a marriage certificate can't bind a person's heart, so what is a formal engagement?

It seems that before I leave, I have to meet this future sister-in-law. Since she was a child, her elder brother spoiled her, and before leaving, she, as a younger sister, has to do something for him.

He raised his eyes and nodded to Mommy beside him: "Okay, let's go down!"

"Let's go." The two of them went out arm in arm and walked downstairs. This day, Bei Jingshan really put her heart into it, and she did many things by herself, such as the arrangement of the engagement scene, the arrangement of various flowers, the lighting, and the small things. She checked the autograph booklet, dishes, and drinks that will be used at the meeting tomorrow. Originally, a professional team would take care of these things, but at the behest of Mother Bei, everyone cooperated with this young lady Go through tomorrow's process one by one.

After eight o'clock in the evening, she and Bei's mother returned to Bei's house by car. As soon as she entered the door, her naughty and handsome prince had been waiting in the lobby for a long time. When he saw her, he jumped up and gave her a big bear hug , and kept saying hypocritically:

"My good sister, you are so kind. You are exhausted today. You haven't eaten dinner yet. Come on. Brother, I will cook a few small dishes for you when you are old and tired. I will give you some later How about a master massage?"]

(End of this chapter)

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