Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 164 Are You Engaged Because You Like It 3

Chapter 164

After a while, Bei Jingshan finally opened her mouth and said, "Sister Bei Xing, can I ask you a question? I hope you can answer me with your heart."

Hearing the sound, Ji Beixing looked up at her and nodded, motioning for her to continue.Bei Jingshan tightly grasped the corners of her clothes with her hands under the table, clenched her fists and gave herself a sigh of relief before she asked, "I want to know, you got engaged to my brother because you like him." Is it?"

'what?What kind of problem is this? After hearing her question, Ji Beixing couldn't believe what he heard, and was stunned for a while.

After asking, Bei Jingshan was not in a hurry to ask, she looked at her fixedly, waiting for the most authentic answer.

Although she didn't know why she asked this question, at first she thought what she was going to ask. She paused for a moment, looked at the person opposite, and was about to answer when the mobile phone in the handbag beside her suddenly rang. Xing nodded apologetically to the opposite side, took out the phone to see the name displayed on the screen, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, pressed the connect button and put it next to his ear: "Jing Jie, get off work, are you home soon?"

Hearing that it was her brother's call, Bei Jingshan stared at her even more closely, fearing that she would say that she was with her now.I don't know what the person on the other side said, but the woman looked at her thinking about her, probably asking where she was and who she was with!In fact, she guessed about the same, because the man opposite asked: "Have you met Yutong now?"

It turned out that after Bei Jingshan called at noon, Bei Jingjie called to say that we would have dinner together in the afternoon, but she remembered that she agreed to Jingshan's date and in order to keep it secret, she had to lie and said that she had an appointment with Yutong in the afternoon .

When the two best friends met, they talked about some secrets between women, so Bei Jingjie had no choice but to go home after get off work in disappointment. The call at this time was just to care if she met Zhou Yutong safely. I just want to hear her voice, because I can't see her again today.

When Ji Beixing heard the man's question, his eyes flashed and he looked at the person opposite, so he could only pull the corners of his mouth and continue to lie: "Well, I'm in the restaurant with Yutong! Be careful driving, I'll call you when I get home Call." Then the two said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Seeing that she hadn't missed anything, Bei Jingshan nodded with her after she hung up the phone, and felt relieved.Putting down the phone in his hand, Ji Beixing looked seriously at the girl opposite and said firmly: "Jingshan, although I don't know why you suddenly asked this question, I think you must have your own intentions.

Now me and your brother are engaged, no matter what happened before, but from the moment I decided to be engaged to him, when I stood in front of everyone and made a promise to him, I started to try to love him, you My brother is a very good person. He is humorous, careful, and responsible. The most important thing is that I have a good impression of him. I believe that I will fall in love with him in the near future. He will also be my Ji Beixing only husband.I'm not just kidding about this marriage."

"Sister Erbei Xing, I don't mean that. I just." Hearing the woman's sincere confession, Bei Jingshan's doubts that had always existed in her heart were resolved, and she was relieved. It seemed that her flirtatious brother had finally waited The rib belongs to her, but the woman's last words made her uneasy again. She doesn't want to cause her and her brother to have any conflicts because of her behavior today. After all, this is her own behavior. She was mistaken.

Of course Ji Beixing knew what she was going to explain, he took her flustered little hand and said, "I think I've started to like your brother." After speaking, there was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth. 】

(End of this chapter)

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