Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 166 Who Deceived Who 2

Chapter 166 Who Deceived Who Part [-]
"Well, Jingshan will go to a foreign school tomorrow, so today I want to stay at home and accompany her."

After hearing his words, the person on the opposite side always felt that there was something wrong, but the man's reason gave him no reason to think about it any further. After a few seconds of silence, he replied lightly: "Oh, that's it, then you Go back early and say goodbye to Xiao Nizi for me." The tone was casual and there were only a few words, but anyone with a discerning eye could hear the concern in it.

Bei Jingjie on the other end just responded secretly: "Well, okay, I'll tell her, then you guys have a good time today." The moment Bei Jingjie hung up the phone, he felt panicked, The anger and helplessness of being cheated, what he couldn't let go of the most was who did she go to see today?

Why did she lie to him and say that she met Zhou Yutong, and gradually a strong voice shouted in her heart, is this the first time she lied?He couldn't help but feel deeply suspicious. With this kind of tangled and tingling heart, Bei Jingjie drove back to Bei's house. When he entered the door, he saw his parents sitting not far away. He just politely greeted the two of them: "Daddy, Mommy, I'm back."

"Well, Jing Jie, you're back. The butler is ready to serve dinner. You can go up and change your clothes before you come down." Bei's mother said to her son with a smile.

After listening to Mummy's words, he nodded to her, and Bei Jingjie walked upstairs to the bedroom, during which time he didn't notice that Bei Jingshan was not there.From going upstairs, entering the house to finally changing into home clothes, all he could think about was that one thing, her deception.
In the restaurant downstairs, only the three of them were sitting at the dining table. Bei Jingjie didn't care, but he didn't intend to move his chopsticks. Bei's mother noticed her son's strangeness, and looked at him and asked, "Jing Jie, can you eat?" Ah, what are you standing there for?"

"Huh? Didn't Jingshan come down yet?" Bei Jingjie raised his head and looked at the mummy sitting opposite him. From the moment he sat down, he thought that Jingshan was in his room and hadn't come down yet, so he just kept going. She didn't raise her chopsticks while waiting.

"What are you thinking, kid? Didn't I tell you when you came home that your sister went out and didn't come back until after dinner?" Bei's mother did say this, but it was on Bei Jingjie Lou Shi said it to his back, and he replied 'um' after she finished speaking, she thought he had heard it, but now who knows what the child's "um" meant at that time?
"Oh, let's eat, Daddy and Mommy." He picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. Although he seemed to be eating seriously, Bei's mother, who had been paying attention to her son whose memory was not concentrated, was sure after a while It is true that my son is a little abnormal today, because the dish he has been picking up with his chopsticks is only the plate not far from him, and he has not touched other dishes from the beginning to the end.

Bei's mother picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork for her husband, and made a look at him in the direction of her son. Bei Mu understood, as if she raised her hand to pick up vegetables for her wife and did not look in the direction of her son, chatting and asked: "Is your work going well today?"

Hearing Daddy's question, Bei Jingjie twitched his lips and pretended to answer nonchalantly: "Well, it went well."

"Well, that's good. If you don't understand anything, you have to ask more. Young people can learn something by not being ashamed to ask."]

(End of this chapter)

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