Chapter 170 Leaving Part Three

The two had been chatting and laughing since the plane took off, and they became more and more familiar with each other. Although their schools in the United States were more than 20 kilometers apart, one of them was a professional car driver who was driving a car. That's not a problem at all.When they got off the plane, the two left each other's contact information, and after making an appointment, they called each other before waving goodbye.

Some people are destined to leave, and some people may not be happy even if they stay
For more than a week, Nangongyi has been really busy. Something happened in the guild, which left him with no time to spare. For several days, he was busy until late, and sometimes he fell asleep in the room of the headquarters. It was finally time to deal with it. After getting everything done with people, he drove home on time this day. The butler waited in the lobby with people as soon as he entered the door. When he came in, he leaned over and greeted him: "Master, you are back!"

"Yeah..." Nangong Yi's eyes fell on the housekeeper in front of him, then he looked up and glanced at the hall, his eyes fell on a little maid inadvertently, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought of something, and asked her coldly: "Recently, miss Didn't come?"

How dare the little maid look directly at the young master. When the young lady was there, sometimes the two of them were arguing and didn't notice the young master came back, so they looked at each other twice, but every time she was frightened by the young master's eyes and trembled. She was laughed at by the young lady several times, so she lowered her head at this moment, of course she didn't know that the young master was asking her something.

Steward Deng raised his head when he heard the young master's question, and was about to answer, but the young master's next sentence made him shut up immediately. "She called you Lili, isn't the lady here recently?"

This is obvious, the young master asked who it was, and Lili, who was named, didn't feel how lucky the young master remembered her name. Instead, she trembled subconsciously when she heard the young master say her name. for a moment.

"Back to Master, miss. I haven't been here recently since I left last time"

"Hmm." After getting the answer, the man raised his feet and walked straight to the upstairs bedroom.

The housekeeper glanced at the man's back and asked for instructions: "Master, are you going to have dinner?"

"Yeah" was another simple word, but the people behind him started to get busy. Ten minutes later, Nangong Yi, who had changed his clothes and walked down, sat down at the long dining table in the restaurant, and returned to the scene of eating alone at the dining table. There was a little girl around a while ago, and he didn't feel deserted. Then I didn't feel anything when I was busy for a few days, but now that I recovered, I felt a little unaccustomed to it.

While thinking about the little girl, he also fixed his eyes on the seat on the right, as long as she was there, it was her exclusive seat, and he was fascinated when he looked at it, but there was a soft look in his eyes. Seeing this, the servants on the side felt cold sweat, but the young master actually looked at the chair and smiled.
Everyone just lowered their heads quickly, no one dared to disturb, only the maid behind the man carefully looked at the direction the young master was looking at, her face changed from suspicion to understanding, "The young master is thinking about the young lady?" she guessed But why didn't the lady come back after that day?

Suddenly Nangongyi put down the knife and fork in his hand, stood up and left the restaurant. Butler Deng hurriedly followed and waved to the people in the restaurant to signal that the food on the table could be removed.

When he came to the living room, Nangong Yi took out his mobile phone and dialed the familiar number while going upstairs. After waiting for a while, a familiar female voice came from inside: "Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off! Sorry"]

(End of this chapter)

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