Chasing back and running naughty wife

Chapter 180 The handsome guy asking for directions?

Chapter 180 The handsome guy asking for directions?
"Well, hello, what a coincidence that we met here." The man walked up to her and stood there.

"Well, it's a coincidence, but I take this road to school every day. Do you also have afternoon classes?"

"Well, just one class in the afternoon"

"Me too, but we're not in the same department!" Seeing the woman's dazzling smile, her outfit made her look full of vitality, and it made people unable to take their eyes off it!

"Oh, what does it matter if we are no longer in the same department? I wonder if there is any honor to invite Ms. Bei to have dinner together?"

They met for the first time at the banquet that day. He gave her the feeling that he was very similar to her brother Bei Jingjie. Although he looked very similar now, she would not talk to that enemy brother in such a soft and calm tone.

But I still can't bear to refuse him, anyway, I'm fine now, and I'm alone when I go back to the apartment, so it's better to eat out with my friends before going back, lest it's not good to eat alone.

So he smiled and joked at the man: "Okay, but I want to eat a big meal~~~"

"Okay" As long as she agrees, she will bring any meal for her, not to mention the beauty smiles like this, so there is nothing he can't agree to.

"Then wait at the school gate after school."

"Good" men obey her words very gentlemanly.Then the two walked side by side towards the school, talking and laughing.After entering the school, because the departments of the two are different, the teaching buildings are naturally not in the same direction, so they waved their hands and walked back to each other.

The afternoon passed quickly with something to look forward to. It didn’t take long before the bell rang for the end of get out of class. After the professor left, Bei Jingshan began to pack her things. When she was about to leave with her backpack, the three beauties came Standing in front of her: "Hi, Jingshan"

"Hey, what's the matter with you three?" Looking at the unusually bright smiling faces of the three of them, Bei Jingshan only felt apprehensive.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you about someone." The woman in the middle spoke first to explain her purpose.

But Bei Jingshan didn't know what they were talking about at all. They were all authentic American citizens. Did anyone want to ask her, a foreigner, to know?

"Eh? Ask me, okay, then tell me who it is, I'll see if I know you!"

"Hehe. You must know each other," the other two said with a smile.

Then the three women put their heads together and approached her, watching her blink and blink with ambiguous eyes. Although she knows that the United States is very open, she is very conservative! ! !
"Then let's hear it"

"Who is that handsome Chinese guy who left with you in front of the building yesterday? Is it the little boyfriend you made when you returned to China last time? Come on, tell us about it"

'yesterday? Bei Jingshan suddenly understood the reason why these people were so ambiguous, she blinked her eyes and said stupidly: "Yesterday, that handsome guy in front of the building is." Walked out in between, turned around and blinked mischievously at them, shook his fingers and said:

"It's... a person asking for directions! Hehe... I still have an appointment to go one step ahead, bye, okay?" After speaking, he blew a kiss to the three of them.

'Ask for directions? The three of them looked at each other, of course they didn't believe her words, but when they came to their senses, there was no such beautiful woman from Peking University.

"Hey" several people sighed in unison, and walked out of the classroom in frustration. 】

(End of this chapter)

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