Chapter 190 Which of you?
"That, that?" The woman's head was confused and she only heard the second half of the sentence, and she didn't understand, so she repeated it.

"Yes, yes, Jingshan, did you give yourself to His Royal Highness James as a birthday present yesterday?"

"Zhan, Mu, Si, Highness, Your Majesty" Bei Jingshan slowly played these words in her head, and then the rest of the sleepy bugs completely slipped away, and she opened her eyes and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with Ricky? Didn't you say The TV thing? What about Ricky again?"

At this point, the people on the opposite side looked at each other, only to realize that the person on the other side didn't understand a single word they said. It was quite a failure.
Just when the few people were about to lose their temper, Na Ren held the phone close to her mouth and said through gritted teeth, "Bei, Jing, Shan, you, the picture of you dancing with His Royal Highness James at the birthday party yesterday It has been dialed dozens of times for free on TV, this is the headline of all TV stations today!!!”

"What?" Bei Jingshan asked out loud in disbelief. Originally, it wasn't a big deal for her to attend this banquet, but now she was photographed and played repeatedly on TV and the Internet. What does this mean? Where did this trouble come from?

At this time, if her surprise had already reached level five according to the typhoon of level twelve, the last words of the next three women gloating at other people's misfortunes sent her directly to the center of the storm.

"Oh, by the way, and the front pages of major newspapers and magazines today are all about the two of you. I didn't expect you to do so many things in private!!!"

"Did so many things? We have nothing to do. He and I are just friends, pure friends!"

Bei Jingshan almost yelled the last two sentences, but there was still a hint of annoyance in that voice, and they were published on the front pages of newspapers and magazines?God, what the hell is going on?
After thinking about it, let's get out of bed and find out the truth of the matter before we talk about it. While getting out of bed, I said to the people on the phone, "Contact again, hang up, bye"

There was only a beeping busy tone on the phone, and the few people didn't care, and then started pointing at the screen playing on the huge TV in the dormitory, admiring it tirelessly while discussing.

Bei Jingshan came to the living room outside the bedroom, took the remote control and turned on the TV, and saw that the familiar scene from last night was playing on the screen, the screen and the angle were as if there were a pair of cameras beside her It was like taking pictures of them specially, 'But she obviously didn't see a reporter at the scene last night?What's more, it was the reporter with the camera. '

"By the way, there are newspapers, newspapers." I ran to the door and picked up the newspaper lying quietly on the ground outside the door. The front page that took up more than half of the page was the first page where she and Ricky met each other from the party. Going to a restaurant for dinner, on the way to school together,

At the banquet last night, he personally picked her up and got off the car, entered the banquet, danced, and sent her home several times in the evening. The photos were clearly shrunk down and put on the newspaper, and they were taken along the whole process of acquaintance. sequence,
The last one at the end is the photo of the two of them dancing 'looking affectionately' at the birthday party yesterday. She had to admit that the person who took the photo was really good. Thinking of those words, people who don't know will really think that the two of them are lovers in love!

But the fact is not like this, now she can't care about these photos and TV, the matter has been such an uproar in the United States, so Daddy, Mommy and the others...]

(End of this chapter)

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