Chapter 102

"The operation went on for several hours. Finally, when the doctor came out, the doctor said that Jing Lan's fetus was a bit big when she had a miscarriage. came over, but she lost her right to be a mother forever."

"I was stunned, and suddenly remembered to call Leng Yi, and then sent her to the ward with the nurse. She was still very weak, and she had to talk to me after a little recuperation. She asked me if I knew why She wants to abort her and Leng Yi's child. Actually, I know, but I can only say that I don't know. "

"Then she explained to me that it was because of me, because she loved me, and she really didn't want to marry Leng Yi against her heart. She also said that I was alone now anyway, and she would treat me better than Tingzi Better. Of course I wouldn't agree with her proposal, but she just finished the operation, I didn't want to stimulate her, so I just comforted her and asked her to have a good rest."

"But I didn't know that Leng Yi had already arrived at the hospital at this time, and was standing at the door of the ward, listening to our words without revealing a word. When I saw Jing Lan's terrified eyes, I turned my head, Leng Yi Yi walked towards me angrily, and punched me, saying that I killed his child and wanted me to give it back to him!"

"I want to explain, but I feel that I really have nothing to explain. It is true that Jing Lan lost her child because of me. Seeing that her feelings were discovered by Leng Yi, Jing Lan simply didn't care, and frankly proposed to dissolve the engagement with Leng Yi. Leng Yi Yi can be said to be heartbroken when he heard that, Jing Lan is the girl he has liked for many years, and finally both of them grew up and could get married, but this result happened because of me."

"I was eager to clarify that I had nothing to do with Jing Lan, so I immediately said, I will not marry her, and there is nothing between me and her. As soon as I said this, Jing Lan fainted immediately, Leng Yi was in a mess, and called the doctor At the same time, he was furious at me, saying that I was an irresponsible man! And regardless of 21, he fought with me."

"I didn't want to fight with him. I kept giving in. Finally, the hospital guards pulled us away. I saw Leng Yi here, so I left the hospital. I shouldn't be here. Looking at me, my face is pale. I still can't bear it, I think it must be very painful for a woman if she can't be a mother for the rest of her life, and this is more or less related to me."

"In the end I chose to leave home, wandering around, lingering in every hotel, hoping that my disappearance would make Jinglan forget me, but I was wrong. It was Leng Yi's birthday that day, and he had called Call me home for dinner."

"I think I should go back for his birthday. He drank a lot at night, and I drank with him. Both of them were a little drunk, especially me. I don't even know."

"At the corner of the stairs, Jing Lan suddenly appeared, her face was as white as a piece of paper, her eyes were empty and lifeless, and she said stupidly, 'Leng Yan, I love you.' At that time, I was stunned, and then She rushed over and kissed me all of a sudden, my mind went blank at the time, and I was completely frightened by her, but Leng Yi suddenly appeared and began to scold me loudly. "

"It's hard to hear, the shadows of my childhood reappeared, he said I was a bastard, a bastard born of a slut, robbed her woman, robbed his property, said I am nothing, should not appear in the world at all The Leng family, he ordered me to leave as the master of the Leng family."

"Jing Lan suddenly knelt down to plead for me, begging him to forgive me, forgive her, I was very depressed at that time, in fact, I really have nothing to do with her, why should I ask Leng Yi for forgiveness?"

"But when Leng Yi saw her pleading for me, she became even angrier. He almost yelled at me, asking me to use the old method to settle this matter with him. Our old method is racing cars. Whoever wins decides. I guess he meant to settle the matter with him. The duel is almost the same, whoever wins will be with Jing Lan."

"I was actually a car racing expert when I was in middle school, but every time I let Leng Yi win, I don't know why, maybe it's because I was a low self-esteem person in Leng's family. I am willing to wrong myself, but this time, I don't want to duel with him, because this bet is not what I want, I never thought of wanting his woman."

"Seeing that I refused to get in the car, he even pointed at me and scolded me, saying that I had disgraced the Leng family, that I was not worthy of being a member of the Leng family, and whoever lost would get out of the Leng family, and forced me into the car. Then One step ahead of me, drive away."

"I chased for a while, but later I thought it was really boring, so I changed my way. I thought, since Leng Yi wants me to go, then I'll go. I'm not interested in the wealth and status of Leng's family. , So, I packed my things and went to Japan that night."

"A few days later, I received a call from home saying that Leng Yi died in a car accident and asked me to go home immediately. I regretted it. If I continued to follow that night, maybe Leng Yi would not die. I should have thought of it, Leng Yi drank It’s very dangerous to drink so much and drive over the speed limit.”

"Actually, Leng Yi is a very nice person. Especially when I came back from Japan, he really treated me like a younger brother. I think I indirectly killed him. Actually, I didn't intend to hurt anyone, but, I Always doing things that hurt others, maybe my existence is a kind of harm to others.”

"The fortune teller Zeng Mama hired said that I had killed my wife. Of course I didn't believe it, but my appearance really made everyone unhappy."

"If it weren't for me, my mother might have a better life, and she wouldn't have to compromise my father for me; if it wasn't for me, Leng Yan's mother wouldn't hate me so much that she stumbled when she reprimanded me by the lake Fell into the lake; if it weren't for me, Leng Yi and Jing Lan would be a loving couple; if it wasn't for wanting to give birth to me, Ting Zi wouldn't have died. Since I was a child, I felt that I was a redundant person, and As it turns out, I was indeed..."

(End of this chapter)

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