Chapter 105

She wiped the remaining tears from the corners of her eyes, and her mood gradually calmed down, "Leng Yan, your story is very long and long. From the very beginning, I felt resentment towards you. At the end, the hatred is gone. There is only resentment. What are you resenting for?" ? God tricks people or blames us on each other? I don’t know. I began to realize that fate is really a wonderful thing. It is because of the wedding of you and Jinglan that I, the surrogate, appeared, otherwise we might never We will meet each other, but because of her existence, we finally had to stand back to the original point. This is life, everyone has their own place and do what they should do. The relationship between us is just a story , a drama, the song ends, everyone returns, this is very good!"

She gently pushed the car door, got out of the car, no longer hesitated, no longer looked back.

Leng Yan thought carefully about the meaning of her words, staring at her petite and frail figure in a daze, and even forgot to persuade her to stay...

Walking alone on the neon-flashing street, the desolation in her heart is in stark contrast to the bustling street. Painful, wry smile, she sighs, loving once is enough, at least, his heart belongs to her, just like this Neons only flicker in the dark night, but the brilliance of one night is enough to remember a lifetime...

"The only one—" His helpless voice pierced through the crowd and the night, piercing into her heart like needles.

Like the messy reflections of neon lights all over the floor, her heart broke to the ground.Covering her mouth, the tears flowed more and more violently, but the footsteps of leaving became more determined...

And his gaze followed her until she disappeared into the sea of ​​people, and there was nowhere to look for her. His eyes suddenly felt extremely painful. There are some things that you have to do if you do them...


That night, Wei Wei was extremely exhausted physically and mentally.I started to ask for leave the next day, rested for several days in a row, and slept heavily in the hotel. Even so, I couldn't replenish my physical strength.

Although Yin Ziran didn't understand what happened between him and Leng Yan, but he knew that she got married because of Leng Yan, and he didn't go to the company these days, but kept guarding her in the hotel every day. As a result, the old man of the Yin family came to the door one day .

"Dad, why is it you?" The doorbell rang randomly, and Yin Ziran opened the door, completely unexpected that it would be his father who came to the door.

Mr. Yin snorted, pushed him away, strode into the suite, and stood in the center and reprimanded him, "You two brothers are really promising! One doesn't know what happened to you when you escaped marriage last time, and you moved out after you went home. You go out to live, and you don’t manage the company, but what about you? You don’t go home, you stay in a hotel, and you don’t go home. These days, you left the company just like your brother! I’ve worked hard all my life. Jiangshan, I gave it to you two for nothing, you don’t care about it? Do you want my old man to work hard to support you when he is old? "

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm going back to the company tomorrow due to special circumstances these few days." Yin Ziran said softly, not wanting to wake up the only one who was sleeping.

"Hmph! Go back to the company?" Mr. Yin glared at him, "I came here today to see what kind of tricks you are playing! What made you so obsessed, and even forgot about your father, mother, and ancestral company!"

After Mr. Yin finished speaking, he walked around the suite. Yin Ziran saw him and quickly blocked him, "Dad, what are you doing!? How can I say that I am also an adult, so I should have some private space!"

"Go away!" Mr. Yin raised the crutch in his hand and hit him with it.

The only one was awake, heard the sound, ran out of the room, bumped into Mr. Yin who was about to go in.

When Mr. Yin saw Wei Weideng, he trembled with anger. He swung his cane and beat Yin Ziran violently, cursing, "You bastard! You are useless! Today... If you don't beat me to death today, you are ashamed of Yin Ziran!" Ancestor!"

Seeing this, the only one hurried to persuade, "Uncle, don't hit Ziran! This will break him! Ziran did something wrong and just ask him to correct it!"

Mr. Yin originally only vented his anger on Yin Ziran, but the only one came to persuade him, and he immediately pointed the finger at the only one, "Miss Ran, you are a girl, and the most important thing for a girl is self-love, do you understand? You are worthy of Leng Yan if you are so flirtatious." Is it? According to the old customs, a shameless woman will be immersed in a pig cage!"

The only one whose face turned red and white when he said it, and the name Leng Yan brought back her sadness, is she related to Leng Yan?

Yin Ziran was very angry when he saw that Wei Wei was robbed of his innocence, he pulled her over, hid her behind him, and delivered the goods to Mr. Yin, "Father, did you take the wrong medicine today? Seeing one scolding the other, Wei Wei didn't do anything." You provoke you, why are you scolding her?"

Mr. Yin was even more annoyed, pointing at his nose and yelling, "Promising! Son scolding me, you are really promising! I...I will kill you today!" He grabbed the ashtray on the coffee table and threw it at Yin Ziran's head.

Yin Ziran instinctively tilted his head, and the ashtray just hit Sui Sui, Sui Sui couldn't dodge in time, and blood flowed from his forehead for a moment.

Yin Ziran was terrified, and yelled at Mr. Yin, "You are so crazy!" After the yelling, he immediately picked up the only one and ran outside.

Mr. Yin was also stunned, and followed closely behind.

Outside the surgical emergency room, Yin Ziran was pacing up and down the corridor waiting, and Mr. Yin was also sitting on a stool beside him, constantly wiping his sweat with his sleeve.

Yin Ziran saw that he was also a little nervous, and said to him upsetly, "Are you happy now? Are you happy when something happened? You are so angry at a young age, no wonder my elder brother would rather live in a slum than go home !"

"Stinky boy! Tell me honestly, do you have anything to do with Leng Yan's wife?" Mr. Yin was very concerned about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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