Chapter 113

"You really don't live here? Good friends can't live together? Didn't you and Yin Ziran live together?" Leng Yan looked at the only one who put the big bags into the refrigerator.

"What's the matter? I'm an innocent boy! He's not like you!" Wei Wei put a piece of paper on the refrigerator, "I wrote down what I would eat for three meals a day, and the daily work and rest time. You must do as I write."

"I won't do it if you're not here!" Leng Yan said lazily lying on the sofa.

The only one glanced at him and shouted, "Sister Fang, Sister Fang!"

"Ma'am!" Sister Fang came out of the kitchen.

"I will leave the young master to you to watch. If the young master is obedient, I will pay you twice the salary. Otherwise, you call and tell me that I originally planned to have dinner with the young master once a week. If he is not obedient, once a week The meeting will be cancelled." The only one looked at Leng Yan provocatively.

Leng Yan thought she would say, if he is disobedient, call her and she will come to clean him up, then he must choose to be disobedient...

Who would have thought that this girl treated him like a prisoner, and even met him once a week...

The only one put an electronic scale on the ground, and said to Leng Yan, "You are ten pounds lighter than before. When you regain the ten pounds, I will accompany you to eat twice a week, but remember to run every morning. You actually have fat on your belly! Even if it’s only a little bit, you must nip it in the bud, otherwise, the meal agreement will be cancelled!”

"Are you threatening me? No!" Leng Yan protested loudly.

The only one ignored his protest at all, "Just let me find out that you are ruining yourself a little bit, Leng Yan, I am not threatening you, I will disappear from your life immediately, and you will never find me again! , I bought a puppy called ONLY, it can accompany you for morning jogs, and when you are bored, let it accompany you to watch TV, and you are not allowed to lock yourself in the dark. Only? only?" she barked With two sounds, a snow-white puppy rushed in and circled around her feet.

"Then can I call you?" Leng Yan is not interested in dogs, but he has never realized that the only time when he was so strong was that he was sure of his momentum, and he, the dignified president, even had to ask for instructions when he made a phone call. , even begging.

The only thing that suddenly remembered that when she and Leng Yan were together for the first time, she couldn't see Leng Yan's appearance, but only got to know him through the phone, understood him, and her initial heartbeat was also because of the voice on the phone that made her peaceful and warm Bar……

It's just that, in just a few months, too many things happened between them, she would rather not know anything now, not knowing about Leng Yan's past, not knowing about Jing Lan's existence, and just concentrate on being his surrogate wife, Happy to enjoy his pampering...

"Yes! Call me to report the day's situation before going to bed every day!" Wei Wei smiled back, but a touch of sadness slipped through her heart, although she said that she would wait for him to deal with Jing Lan's matter, but how long will it take?Will it be indefinite?

She sighed secretly in her heart, but she couldn't show this worry in front of Leng Yan, she didn't want to force him, and she didn't want him to be burdened.

After everything was sorted out, Wei Wei picked up her bag and walked over to Leng Yan, showing a big smile on her face, pinching Leng Yan's cheeks, "Don't cry, I like uncle who loves to smile!"

Leng Yan grabbed her hand, "Promise me two things, or you won't be allowed to leave! First, don't date other men, and second, stay away from that Yi Han."

The only one wondered secretly, "Why are you all prejudiced against Yi Han? I think he's pretty good!"

"Us? Who else?" Leng Yan asked.

"Zi Ran! He also said that Yi Han is not good, but I think he is gentle and considerate, and he is more suitable to be a husband than any of you!" The only one pouted.

"Ran Weiwei! Are you talking about other men in front of me?" Leng Yan's eyes gradually flashed with a dangerous light.

The only thing I know is that the former Leng Yan is back!He couldn't help but secretly happy, "Yeah! He's already very good!"

Leng Yan's face became serious, "Only, listen, since Yin Ziran and I both said that, we must have our reasons. Believe us, he is not a simple person. I'm afraid he has another purpose for approaching you, so be careful! "

"Watch out for what?" The only one didn't care, "What does he want from me? Money? He's richer than me, sex? He's much prettier than me!"

These words really reminded Leng Yan that there are only two purposes for men to approach women, one is money and the other is sex, so what is Yi Han's purpose?Maybe he should start investigating from this aspect.

He looked at the only one, "Don't underestimate yourself, although you are not very beautiful, but you are still cute, otherwise I would be fascinated by you!"

The only one stuck out his tongue, "You are the only one who treats me like a treasure! I'm leaving, you have to be good! Only, bye! Take good care of uncle!"

She patted Leng Yan's head, then only's head...

Walking out of the warmth of spring, the only smile on her face gradually froze. What she showed to Leng Yan now was her carefree, her cheerfulness, but when she turned around, only she could understand her worries. , what kind of love path will it be?She really doesn't know...

Leng Yan, will you disappoint her?

And Leng Yan looked at her back, a little lonely, a little lonely, his heart suddenly ached, when will he be able to walk with her under the sun in a fair and honest manner?

Guilt breeds in his heart, this woman who made his heart ache, this woman who sacrificed for him and endured for him, he must give her happiness, so he must cheer up and not give up!

"ONLY! Go, run!" He yelled, and a ball of snow-white balls jumped around his feet!

(End of this chapter)

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