Chapter 115

This dinner can be said to be the most special one I have ever seen. The two CEOs personally cook and take turns to play. She and Rong Silan took Duo'er to play with balloons in the yard.

"The only one, is this your boyfriend? Or your husband? You moved out after you had a fight, right?" Rong Silan asked.

The only one whose heart was full of worries, didn't know what to say, "Silan, let me ask you a question. If you love someone very much, would you mind other people's eyes?"

"Of course not! Falling in love is a matter between two people, what does it have to do with others?" Rong Silan helped Duo'er pick up the balloon on the ground.

"But... what if he can't marry you?" The only one raised his cheeks in confusion.

"Why can't you marry? Have a wife? The only one, could it be that he...?" Rong Silan exclaimed.

"Hush—" Wei Wei motioned her to lighten, "No! I just want to know, do two people care about each other's heart or form when they love each other?"

Rong Silan looked at her in bewilderment, "I don't even know what you are talking about, but I think heart and form are both important! If you are in love, you must stay together, otherwise, what will prove his heart?"

The only feeling became depressed, and with a "bang", the balloon exploded...

In a blink of an eye, Leng Yan and Yin Xiaozhuo had already served the food, and greeted them three women, big and small, "It's time to serve!"

The only one who didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, cheered up and sat at the table.

Yin Xiaozhuo took out two wine glasses and handed one to Leng Yan, "We haven't had a drink for a long time, right? Let's get drunk today!"

Leng Yan returned the cup and said with a smile, "I've quit drinking!"

Yin Xiaozhuo looked at the only one slyly, "Oh, understand? Sister-in-law is very disciplined!"

"I don't care about him! Whether he likes to drink or not has nothing to do with me!" Wei Wei glared at Leng Yan.

Leng Yan put his hands on her waist without hesitation, "In response to my wife's plan, in order to have a high-quality baby, quit smoking, drinking, and all bad habits!"

"When did I say I would have a baby with you?" Wei Wei had the shadow of the conversation with Rong Silan just now in her heart, her tone of voice was a bit impatient, and she regretted it as soon as she said it, fearing that Leng Yan would feel uncomfortable, she quickly changed her words and whispered Complain, "So many people, and minors, talking nonsense!"

Leng Yan was stunned by her words at first, but now when he heard it, he understood it as shyness, smiled and didn't mind anymore.

Rong Silan guessed a bit, and hurriedly smoothed things over, "There are so many delicious foods, it would be a waste not to eat them on the table! One and only, let's taste the craftsmanship of two big men!"

"Mum, I like Daddy's chicken legs the most!" Duo'er yelled, pointing at the chicken legs in the big bowl.

Daddy's chicken legs?Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became lively again.

After dinner, Leng Yan and Yin Xiaozhuo muttered something in the room. When they came out, the only one had already showered and was about to go to the top floor to sleep.

Seeing Leng Yan coming out, she wiped her wet hair and said, "The talk is over? I'll take you out, go back early, it's not safe to drive too late! Wait for me, I'll go up and dry my hair."

"Okay!" Leng Yan looked at her and smiled, and followed her up to the top floor.

"I'll be fine in a while!" Wei Wei turned to Leng Yan while blowing her hair with a blow dryer.

Leng Yan remained silent, stepped forward to take the hair dryer in her hand, and helped her dry her hair.

On an autumn night, there is a little bit of coolness, and the warm wind pours into the neck, which is very warm and comfortable.Leng Yan's fingers shuttled through her hair, this feeling made her intoxicated, this should be a feeling of happiness, in the old days, only for the woman he loved, he would help her to comb her hair and make up her hair.

Once a person feels warm, he gets tired easily. She closed her eyes and was so intoxicated that she wanted to fall asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the hot wind stopped, and she was hugged by a pair of arms.Opening her eyes in panic, Leng Yan has already hugged her to the bed.

"Did your hair dry? Then let's go!" She sat up in a panic, but was immediately pulled back by Leng Yan and pressed down by him.

"I'm not leaving!" He looked over her into her eyes.

The only one avoiding his gaze, "No..."

"Don't say no!" She was robbed by him before she finished speaking, "Only, do you know that you are cruel? Every time you come back to me, give me hope, give me dreams, and then, Every time I run away from me again, let me adapt to the life without you, I can't stand the ups and downs! This week, I tried my best to do what you said, but without you, I still I don’t feel used to it, I always feel that something is missing, and I feel very cold when I sleep at night!”

"But I..."

"I know I can't give you anything at the moment, maybe I'm too selfish, but I just want you by my side, I want to live a happy life with you, the happiness I want is very simple, when it's cold, someone covers the quilt ,This is enough……"

I just want someone to cover the quilt when it's cold...

The only one slowly comprehended this sentence, and gradually burst into tears. In a person's life, how many cold and rainy nights, how many people can be with him until the end?Find someone to cover the quilt, embrace each other for the rest of your life, simple and straightforward words, but it is the true meaning of being together forever...

No one should be alone, should they?

He wiped away her tears with his warm fingers, "Only, I know what you want, I said that I will not let you be as nameless as mom for the rest of your life, I will do it, believe me!"

"Yan..." The only face pressed against his chest, tears soaked his clothes.

Leng Yan hugged her tightly contentedly, "Huh? I'm so sleepy, you're used to it, I want to sleep at this time, I just want to hug you to sleep, it's very warm, okay?"

After a while, even breathing came from the side, only looked down, Leng Yan really fell asleep.She fell asleep peacefully like a child, she couldn't help but be full of love, she hugged his waist, nestled in his arms, absorbed his body temperature, it felt like someone was warming the quilt, it was really good

(End of this chapter)

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