Chapter 118

It seems that Jinglan really likes purple.

Today, she is still wearing a long purple dress, her maroon curly hair is tied up casually, and the fluffy curls hanging from her temples make her snow-white skin moist and smooth. Full of femininity.

The only combination of several fragments in my mind is the purple-clothed woman in the photo in Leng Yan's bookcase, who affectionately calls him Yan, the woman who wants him to love her forever, and the weird-looking woman in the picture of Leng Yi's funeral.

When she walked in, a burst of Guerlain's breath rushed over her face, so the only extra deduction was that Leng Yan's shopping in Qiushi was also for this woman!no doubt!All female clients are lies!However, there is no need to worry about these now!

She likes purple, so Leng's swimming pool is purple, so who turned the swimming pool purple for her?Leng Yi or Leng Yan?

The only one is still in doubt, Jing Lan has already stretched out her hand, "Hello, the only one!"

A very gentle smile, a beautiful woman, the only one who couldn't connect her with a lunatic, quickly reached out and shook her hand, "Hello!"

Jing Lan smiled slightly, "I didn't see clearly when we met last time, but this time I realized that the only girl is indeed very beautiful, young and beautiful, so enviable."

"No! Jing Lan is the only one who is beautiful. Compared with you, I am nothing compared to you!" The only one hurriedly replied, for some reason, she always felt as if she was being led by the nose by Jing Lan.

Jing Lan just smiled, and turned to Leng Yan, "Yan!" Just after she called out, she realized something immediately, and showed a sorry expression to Wei Wei, "I'm sorry, I'm used to it, I'll change it slowly in the future!" Lostness overflowed in her eyes Come.

"It's okay! It's just a title! You can call it whatever you want!" The only one quickly comforted her.

"That's right!" Leng Yan came out to smooth things over, "Go in and sit down, aren't you tired standing at the door?"

Jing Lan came over to sign the only hand, Wei Wei was startled and almost flinched, Leng Yan also came over to grab the only hand.

Jing Lan's face darkened slightly, "What? Can't I hold the only one? Are you afraid that I will scare her? The only one is not this kind of person, is it? The only one?"

"Of course...Of course..." Only one can only let her go, for fear that she will get sick if she gets agitated.

Jing Lan smiled and walked into the restaurant holding her only hand, pointing to the dishes on the table and said, "My mother heard that you are coming, and she has prepared a large table of dishes waiting for you, all of which you and Yan like to eat!"

Zeng Ma stood by the dining table, smiling all over her face, "Master, Ma'am, it's good to see you all back!"

Leng Yan and Wei Wei sat in the previous seats, Zeng Ma and Jing Lan stood beside them.

"Sit down together, too!" The only one greeted them both.

Jing Lan shook her head, "We are servants, so we can't go to the dinner table."

"There are so many rules, let's eat together!" Leng Yan said at this time.

Jing Lan and Zeng Ma looked at each other, and sat down cautiously.She looked at Leng Yan and Wei Wei's expressions, stood up, and picked up the bowl in front of Leng Yan, "Yan, this is your favorite soup. I made it for my mother. I don't know if I will give it to you in the future." boil."

Leng Yan frowned slightly, and did not speak, only looking at Jing Lan's expression, he felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't say why.

Jing Lan got up again to get a bottle of red, poured a glass in front of everyone, she raised the glass and said, "Yan, Wei Wei, bless you all."

The only thing I have is an unspeakable feeling. If it were her and asked her to bless her husband and another woman, she would never be able to do it anyway. I don't know Jinglan... Could it be that she is mentally abnormal again?She looked at Leng Yan worriedly.

Leng Yan snatched the cup from Jing Lan's hand, "You can't drink it, don't drink it!"

Jing Lan smiled wryly, "Do you still care about me?"

Leng Yan was blocked by her words, thought for a while and said, "Jing Lan, I didn't make it clear to you yesterday, I will be responsible for your future life to the end, I will take care of the housekeeper Zeng Ma, and I will leave the house of the Leng family to you , If you have any other requests, I will agree."

"But, this is a responsibility to you, not a concern, is it?" Jing Lan snorted a laugh from her nose, and then shed tears, "However, I am very satisfied. I called you all here today, just to be with you Good together, easy to break up, Yan, I'm sorry for dragging you down."

Leng Yan was slightly moved, "Don't say that, seeing you recover is the happiest thing for me!"

Jing Lan nodded with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, I'm already healed, this time it's really healed, I don't want this house, you and the only one can live alone!"

Leng Yan said in an unquestionable tone, "I have already decided, don't delay any longer, the transfer will be transferred to you soon, what more do you want?"

"Soon?" Jing Lan's face showed a blank look, "Are you so eager to sign with me?"

Leng Yan was stunned, "Jing Lan, that's not what I meant."

"I know!" Jing Lan smiled, "Since it's left to me, can I make a request?"

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will try my best!" Leng Yan promised sincerely.

"You don't want to leave today, stay overnight? I want to talk to the only one." Jing Lan set her eyes on the only one.

talk to her?The only thing that makes me feel horrible when I think about it is that I am her rival in love, and she is still a lunatic, talking to her?No matter how you look at it, it’s not normal!

"There's no need to stay, we have to go!" Leng Yan flatly refused.

Jing Lan's eyes were red, "Yan, I just... I'm not used to being alone. Although you didn't go home before, you were still my husband in name. As long as I have this title, I don't feel lonely, but now you Once I leave, I will never come back again, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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