Chapter 127

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Yi Han looked at the only smile after eating.

The only one dipped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, "It's delicious, it's so delicious! You'll spoil me like this!"

"Then turn bad!" Yi Han laughed loudly, "It is a man's pride to make a woman spoiled, especially a woman like you, Leng Yan is really blessed!"

There was a happy smile on the only face, "It should be said that I am lucky to be pampered by a man like him."

Yi Han's expression was tense, and then he squeezed out a smile, "Only, you look very happy."

"Happiness is unimaginable!" The only eyes were shining, and he nodded affirmatively.

"Is Leng Yan really that good? But I heard that he is cruel, ruthless." Yi Han asked tentatively, while staring at the only expression.

The only one shook his head, "I just want to say that he is the most sympathetic man in my heart. Maybe he has shortcomings, but for me, he is everything to me. The feeling is indescribable. I have no parents, no brothers. Sister, sometimes he is both my parents and my brother, anyway, this kind of feeling is something outsiders can't understand." The only one said with tears in his eyes.

Yi Han couldn't help laughing, "Heh, he's so much older than you, and I can understand that he looks like a father and a brother, but why is he like a mother and a brother?"

The moments of being with Leng Yan flashed before my eyes, spanking her bare feet, getting up early in the morning to dress her, feeding her with milk and feeding her, tidying up her messy things, all these Just like what her mother did to her when she was a child, and occasionally, he would be naughty and naughty, and he was lonely and helpless. At such times, the way he looked at her made her feel very distressed...

Yi Han looked at the only smile with tears in his eyes, and his heart ached for no reason, he coughed lightly, "Okay! Don't be disgusting! I'm about to throw up looking at you! It seems that I really have no chance Already!"

The only one chuckled, "Stop teasing me. A man as good as you is afraid that there will be no women? There are many women who are better than me!"

"Have you ever thought that if one day Leng Yan has nothing, you will still love him like you do now?" Yi Han's eyes are like two deep pools, shining with an unfathomable light.

The only one startled slightly, then smiled, "How could he have nothing? He will never have nothing!"

Yi Han smiled deeply, "He is the richest man now, but his wealth is like floating clouds, maybe one day...Of course I'm just saying if, after all, the world is unpredictable, and people have fortunes and misfortunes."

"I understand what you mean, I still say that, he will never have nothing, because..." The only one blinked, "Even if we go to the end of the world, he will still have me."

Yi Han's dark eyes flashed suddenly, and then the light gradually sank, "I understand, today's interview is over, thank you Mr. Ran for your affectionate confession, that is so touching!"

The only one laughed loudly, "Yi Han, thank you, such a good lunch, by the way, just right, I have a question that I don't understand, please tell me!"

A wry smile appeared on Yi Han's face, he bent down and followed the direction of the only finger, answering the only questions one by one, unknowingly, a noon time slipped by like this...

It wasn't until the working hours in the afternoon that Yi Han was the only one who let Yi Han go. Yi Han's handsome face in the elevator was tense, and he kept asking himself, what should I do?

After Yi Han left, he was the only one who read the book for a while, but his heart couldn't calm down. He remembered the words he blurted out when he was talking with Yi Han at noon. When did this name become closely integrated with her life?

When I think of this name, I can't restrain my yearning for him. He spent the night in the old house last night, and I don't know how it is now.

Smiling, she took out the phone, found the familiar number, and pressed the green button, and a voice that fascinated her soon rang out, "Hey, baby, are you not angry?"

angry?When is she angry?She suddenly remembered what happened last night. Didn't she get into trouble with him because of Yi Han?How did I forget?Still take the initiative to call him?How embarrassing!

She purposely kept her voice cold, "Don't coax me if you know I'm angry, you don't love me anymore!"

Leng Yan smiled softly, "I don't love you, who do you love! Aren't I busy?"

"What are you busy with? Still in the old house? How is Jing Lan?" Wei Wei asked.

"No, I came out this morning. I just finished my work and settled your shareholders who asked to withdraw their shares!" Leng Yan said lightly.

The only one was surprised, "How do you know that the shareholders want to withdraw their shares? Oh, I know, Qin Ran told you!"

"Yes! You silly girl, if Qin Ran didn't tell you, wouldn't you say it too?" Leng Yan's tone was full of petting accusations.

"I just want to prove that I don't rely on your ability to support the company!" The only one was a little unhappy, "How did you deal with it?"

"It's very simple, let them return it, I bought it!" Leng Yan replied with a smile.

"You..." The only one is really angry, "Leng Yan, they just don't have confidence in me, but my order for this batch of dolls is very good, as long as I make achievements, they will have nothing to say! Come on, others will really think that you used money to start a company for me to play! Don't you have no confidence in me?"

"It's really stupid to call you stupid! I have full confidence in my wife! Therefore, I can't wait to buy all their shares. If I have money, of course I will keep it in my own pocket. Don't let the fat go to outsiders!"

The only thing I know is that this is Leng Yan trying to cheer her up. In fact, he is ready to lose money to her, and he is moved and frustrated, "Leng Yan, no matter what, even if it's to cheer you up, I won't Let yourself fail!"

(End of this chapter)

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